Tuesday, November 21, 2023

All Japan Pro Wrestling 11/19/2023 Real World Tag League 2023 Day 3

All Japan Pro Wrestling 11/19/2023 Real World Tag League 2023 Day 3

Junior Battle Of Glory 2023 Match - Rising HAYATO vs. Ryo Inoue

They trade basic holds and escape wristlocks with kip-ups. Rising shoulders him over then Ryo hits a nice dropkick. Ryo is pulled over the top rope and Rising teases diving on him but doesn't.

Rising shotgun dropkicks him in the corner then hits hard chops. Rising headscissors him and tries pins for 2 counts. Ryo knees him in the gut then hits hard chest kicks in the corner. Rising then hits hard chops in the corner. Ryo running euros him and PK's him for 2. Ryo then underhook suplexes him for 2.

Rising crucifixes him for 2 then superkicks him. Rising hits an asai moonsault for 2. Rising springboards into a Ryo knee then Rising cradle tombstones Ryo for 2. Rising misses an asai moonsault then Ryo brazilian kicks him. Ryo spin kicks him in the chest while he's kneeling for 2 then does a neat cut-throat leg clutch suplex with a bridge to win it.

Rising was on here and seemed pretty motivated. They matched up decently and it was an acceptable opener.

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Hideki Okatani & Yukio Sakaguchi vs. Ren Ayabe & Shuji Ishikawa

I'm curious as to what this ends up looking like. Okatani and Ren lock up and break. They try again and Ren side headlocks him. Okatani is shouldered down then Yukio kicks Ren as he runs the ropes. Ren is 2v1'd on the ropes then Shuji is knocked off the apron. Okatani throws Ren out then Yukio kicks Shuji outside. Okatani is thrown into the rails.

Ren and Shuji take turns slamming Okatani. Okatani is selling his back and trying forearms, but is knocked over with just one. Shuji forearm flurries him in the corner for 2. Ren forearms Okatani then hits a nice facekick for 2. Ren lifts Okatani in the air on a full nelson and Okatani ropebreaks at 5 minutes.

Okatani dropkicks Ren in the knee. Yukio hits a high chest kick on Ren and they trade forearms. Ren hits a nice facekick then Yukio hits stiff chest kicks. Ren forearms him and hits a nice facekick. Yukio nearly back body drops Ren over the top and pumping knees him as he lays on the top rope. Yukio then sleeper holds him.

Yukio misses a pumping knee then takes a facekick. Shuji corner lariats Yukio then 2nd rope double stomps him for 2. They trade forearms  then Shuji takes a running forearm + running kick for 2. Okatani running back elbows Shuji then bulldogs him using the buckles.

Shuji suplexes Okatani into the ring then Yukio hits a nasty pump kick on Ren. Shuji sliding lariats Okatani. Okatani takes a corner lariat and facekick as we hit 10 minutes. Shuji fire thunder drivers Okatani for 2. Shuji knees Okatani in the face then runs into Yukio's flying kick. Okatani sliding lariats Shuji for 2. Okatani crucifixes Shuji and Yukio pump kicks Shuji to send him backwards. Okatani picks up the win!

Big upset here. Didn't see that one coming. It was an interesting match. Yukio was treated as an equal with the two big guys and Okatani wasn't. It kind of made for an interesting dynamic. We had some great strikes here and this unusual matchup ended up being a fun match.

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Voodoo Murders (Jun Saito & Rei Saito) vs. BULK Orchestra (Galeno Del Mal & Hayato Tamura)

They fight before the bell and then all of them go out of the ring. Tamura is sent into the rails then Jun whips him with his coat. Jun tries to run the ropes but is hit by Galeno then Jun is lariated multiple times on the ropes. Galeno and Tamura splash Jun then Galeno stands on Jun with Tamura on his back.

Tamura hits a nice shot to the gun, is hit by Rei on the outside then knocked over by Jun. Rei stands on Tamura's gut then Jun joins him. Tamura takes a double shoulder then Rei misses a splash on him. Galeno and Rei trade shots and Galeno hits a stiff shotgun dropkick. Galeno flying clotheslines Rei.

Tamura and Jun lariat bttle. Tamura punches him then lariats him in the back. Jun headbutts Tamura then Tamura criss-cross lariats him. They trade forearms. Jun hits a big chop, takes a headbutt then spears Tamura. Galeno hits forearms on Rei then Rei hits a big suplex.

Rei goes up top and Tamura superplexes him. Galeno then hits a big top rope splash on Rei. Jun laraits Tamura then Tamura suplexes him. Galeno headbutts Rei then takes a big crossbody. Rei botches the finish as he tries to piledrive Doc but falls over sideways during it. Rei then gets the win.

It's a shame the finish was botched as this was the match you would want between these four. Lots of big strikes here and heavyweight wrestling. Galeno didn't get a ton in and Rei really struggled moving him around. It did somewhat put over how big Galeno is though, but did hurt Rei some.

Junior Battle Of Glory 2023 Match - Dan Tamura vs. Atsuki Aoyagi


AA = Atsuki Aoyagi

Dan running lariats AA to start then AA avoids his powerbomb by rolling out. Dan double axe handles AA's back then Dan is sent into each side of the rails. AA crabs Dan then Dan ropebreaks. Dan slams AA and falls down after.

Dan running shoulders AA in the corner then AA jumps off the 2nd rope and armdrags him. AA then dropkicks him out. AA 2nd rope connector moonsaults him outside then does 2 fisherman suplexes inside. Dan then brainbusters him on the 3rd one at 5 minutes.

They trade forearms and AA superkicks him. AA corkscrew kicks him for 2. AA lifts him like fisherman's suplex but drops him forward. AA then top rope moonsaults him for 2. AA and Dan fight up top then Dan 2nd rope superplexes him. AA rolls him up for 2 and superkicks him. AA handsprings and is caught with a lariat for 2. Dan powerbombs him for the win.

It wasn't bad. They matched up alright and Dan sold a lot here for Atsuki. Dan's powerbomb that he won with was stiff and I liked the lariat counter to the handspring.

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Hideki Suzuki & Suwama vs. Cyrus & Ryan Davidson

The foreigners attack Suwama and Suzuki to start. Ryan chops and clubs Suzuki outside and Cyrus whips Suwama into the rails. Ryan foot chokes Suzuki and Suzuki stalls outside. Ryan and Suzuki do some nice amateur wrestling then Ryan hammerlocks him. Ryan does a neat kimura variation and goes for the armbar. Suzuki guillotines him and Ryan forces the ropebreak.

Suzuki refuses to tag Suwama but eventually gives in. Suwama and Cyrus shoulder battle then Cyrus shoulders him over. Suwama hits a forearm flurry on Cyrus and Cyrus slaps himself to show it doesn't hurt. Cyrus lariats Suwama then misses a senton.

Suwama forearms him then argues about a tag with Suzuki. Suzuki headbutts and punch combos Cyrus in the gut. Suzuki boots him in the corner then headscissors him over the top rope. Suzuki does a bad chinlock on Cyrus and does an octopus stretch on him. Cyrus flips him over then flying single leg dropkicks him.

Ryan corner lariats Suzuki then suplexes him. Suzuki and Ryan trade forearms then Ryan atomic drops and kneelifts him. Ryan hits a slam then does a nice fist drop. Cyrus misses a 2nd rope headbutt then hits a hart attack with Ryan on Suzuki.

Suwama fights off a 1v2 then hits a nice lariat on Cyrus. Suzuki dropkicks Ryan then Suwama accidentally dropkicks Suzuki. Cyrus lariats Suwama then vader bombs Suzuki to win it.

It was a decent match. They continued to push the issues between Suzuki and Suwama. Ryan had some spirit to him here and Cyrus was moving around better than he had in the past. We didn't get to see much of Suwama here.

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Kento Miyahara & Yuma Aoyagi vs. Ryuki Honda & Yuma Anzai


We get dueling chants for Kento and Anzai which confuse Kento. Anzai and Kento lock up then Anzai forearms him against the ropes. Kento facekicks him, side headlock takeovers him and they end up doing a stand off. Aoyagi and Honda go at it. Honda wristlocks him then they shoulder battle. Aoyagi facekicks Honda when he charges him then is shouldered over the 2nd time.

Anzai is thrown into the rails outside and facekicked. Anzai forearms Kento outside then forearms him off the rails. Aoyagi is sent into the post then Honda chokes him over the middle rope with his knee. Honda counts with the ref then the ref pushes him over. Aoyagi is sent into the rails and the ref starts pushing Honda around outside and telling him to stop.

Anzai back elbows Aoyagi then crabs him. Honda then headlocks Aoyagi when he's in the hold and Honda does the ref's count when the ref tries to break it up. Anzai and Aoyagi trade forearms. Anzai is tripped into the middle rope and is knee'd by Kento. Kento then ddt's him on the stage and poses. Kento headbutts Anzai then facekicks him on the rails.

Kento facekicks Honda inside the ring then back elbows Anzai for 2. Kento then takes Honda out and headbutts him. Honda and Anzai are put on top of each other on the ropes together then Kento and Honda choke them with their knees together then mock the refs count.

Aoyagi slams Anzai for 2. Aoyagi euros Anzai then Kento facekicks Anzai. Kento pumping knees Anzai in the corner. The two Yuma's trade euros then Aoyagi piledrivers him for 2. Anzai belly to belly suplexes him then Honda spinebusters him. Honda camel clutches Aoyagi.

Aoyagi flying forearms Honda then Kento facekicks Honda. Kento dropkicks him in the knee and the side of the head. Kento northern lights suplexes Honda for 2. Honda spears Kento.

Anzai gets in and corner forearms Kento. Anzai belly to belly suplexes Kento for 2 then dropkicks him. Anzai hits a butterfly suplex for 2. Kento pump kicks Anzai then Aoyagi dropkicks Anzai. Aoyagi twisting crossbodies Anzai off the 2nd rope then top rope crossbodies him for 2.

Kento pump kicks Anzai in the corner then ends up pump kicking Aoyagi on accident. Anzai forearms Aoyagi then belly to belly suplexes him for 2. Kento headbutts Honda outside then Aoyagi uranage's Anzai.

Aoyagi goes up top then Anzai superplexes him. Honda suplexes Kento. Everyone is down. Aoyagi and Anzai trade forearms then Aoyagi release germans him. Anzai takes a pump kick + superkick combo. Aoyagi fisherman suplexes Anzai for 2.

Honda lariats Aoyagi then Aoyagi takes a jumping knee + lariat combo. Anzai release dragon suplexes Aoyagi. Kento flying knees Honda then Honda lariats him. Anzai germans his own partner Honda who is trying to german Aoyagi then Anzai flying knees Aoyagi for 2. Anzai germans Aoyagi and the time expires. We have a draw.

The goofed around a little too much early and lost valuable time for the finishing stretch at the end. You could just tell it was going to a draw after a while with how it was paced and how they lacked desire to really end it. It ended up being okay, but I thought it really needed some nearfalls.

Overall thoughts: The main was okay but long at 30 minutes. Everything I saw was at least watchable and it was a good night of action.

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