Tuesday, October 3, 2023

WWE NXT No Mercy 2023 9/30/2023

WWE NXT No Mercy 2023 9/30/2023

Bron Breakker vs Baron Corbin

Cobin comes out with a motorcycle and Bron comes out with a dog or wolf's head. Bron tope con hilos him to start then starts fighting him in the crowd. Corbin is thrown over the rails and Bron beats up security. Bron is then lariated over the rails. Corbin pounds on him on the announcer's table. Corbin then misses a senton him there. The match then finally starts.

Bron overhead suplexes Corbin and hits corner spears on him. Corbin lariats him off the 2nd rope then suplexes him. Corbin pounds on him then Bron fireman's carry gutbusters him. Bron pounds on his neck then running knees him in the corner. Bron hits a top rope hurricanrana then gorilla press slams him. Corbin then death valley drivers him for 2.

Bron stomps on Corbin then Corbin hits a great deep six for 2. Bron hits a nice jumping knee then lariats him. Bron lariats him over the top. Corbin then uranage's Bron through the announcer's table. Bron powers right up then spears him on the floor. Mr. Stone shockingly comes off the top to crossbody Bron. Bron throws him over th etop onto security then Corbin hits end of days to win.

This was a good, hard-hitting match. The two beat the crap out of each other and it was action packed from start to finish with big power moves. I don't think these two could have done this much better than they did. Mr. Stone coming out was a little random but Bron and Von have been feuding, so it's not entirely too far out there.

We see Tiffany and Becky arrive.

Trick and Melo are interviewed. Trick promises to put on a show and says Melo will put out the fire breathing dragon. Melo says he's ready for the big match. Melo said it's not about him, it's about "us". Melo says they will both walk out with titles on their shoulders.

NXT North American Title - Special Ref: Dragon Lee - Dominik Mysterio (c) vs Trick Williams

Dom dropkicks him at the bell. Dom argues with Lee and Trick rolls him up. Trick hits a nice dropkick and Dom goes outside to leave. Trick lariats him over then slams him. Trick lariats him again then has the middle rope kicked into his crotch. Dom then dropkicks him off the apron.

Trick's head is banged off the apron. Dom flying knees him then slingshot sentons him for 2. Dom hits mounted punches. Trick hits various punches then side kicks him. Trick then misses a dropkick but it is sold anyway. Dom and Trick lariat each other at the same time and both go down. Dom 619's him then superkicks Lee on accident. Trick jumping neckbreakers him and another ref comes down to count.

Trick flatliners Dom then corkscrew kicks him. They bang heads then Dom knocks the other ref over. Dom crossbodies him over the ropes and they both go to the floor then Dom throws him into the post. Trick goes for the pin but both refs are down. Trick yells at Lee and then pumping knees the North American title into Dom's face. He totally misses but the pin is counted anyway.

I'm a big Trick apologist, but if we are being honest, this wasn't good. Half of Trick's offense missed and this was virtually all shenanigans with various refs. If you want to see where Dom's real skill level is right now, watch this one. It's not that high. It's nice to see Trick win though.

Joey Gacy says Schism is dead and all hope is gone. Ava tries to talk him out of it but Joe says to go. He says he has to find his purpose.

NXT Tag Titles - Tony D'Angelo and Stacks (c) vs The Creed Brothers vs Humberto Carrillo and Angel Garza vs Out The Mud

Tony D and Stacks had various family members with them for their entrance then Out The Mud had bikes for theirs. Garza and Julius start us off. The two then grab their partners, push each other and we get a 8-man brawl. Julius walks up the buckles and flip dives outside. Brutus takes like a double curb stomp then Price side kicks Brutus. Nima curb stomps Brutus. Stacks armdrags Carrillo then takes his twisting crossbody. Stacks atomic drops Carillo and stomps on him.

Carrillow takes two shots to the gut then Tony and Stacks hit gut punches to Garza and Carrillo. Stacks is hiptossed into his opponents in the corners. Tony picks up Garza and Carrillo then his knee gives out. The ref calls for medical. Stacks euros Carrillow then is tripped into a knee. Stacks takes a high/low for 2. Stacks is put in the gori special position then takes a slingshot cutter plus a dropkick to the face.

Nima rides Stacks on the middle rope the Price hits a big corner lariat on Stacks. Scrypts goes up the steps and Ivy Nile dropkicks him off. Brutus hits a top rope double hammerfist on Nima and Price then pounces Carrillo and Garza. Julius hits belly to belly suplexes on everyone while Brutus has the ankle lock on Garza. Julius then does a double northern lights suplex. Stacks is held for a Carrillo superkick then Tony D comes back to the ring. Tony lariats Carrillo then beats up Nima and Price.

Carrillo does a twisting springboard crossbody and Tony catches him with a spinebuster. We get 4 stereo superplexes. Tony and Stacks stare down with The Creeds then they fight. The other teams then take double team shots. Tony is popped up into a powerslam. Nima is on Julius's shoulders and Carrillo top rope dropkicks him. Garza and Carrillow are double lariated by Brutus over the top then Brutus does a springboard brutus ball to the outside. Price takes a double backdrop into a double reverse flapjack. Tony picks up the win over Price.

It was a good match though mostly a spotfest. I don't think they got the absolute best of everyone here but we got some nice moves and the action was fast paced.

 We get another video of someone watching wrestling and flipping through the channels. Then we see a reflection in the TV and it looks like Brian Pillman Jr.

Trick goes up to Melo in the back and Melo celebrates his title win with him. Melo says they are at the mountain top and everyone else is beneath them. Trick says they've got one more win to go and then they tear the city up.

Becky Lynch is in the back filling up a cart with weapons.

NXT Heritage Cup - Noam Dar (c) vs Butch

Round 1 - They lock up. Dar takes him down and Butch grabs the arm. Dar shoulders him then hits some kicks. Butch hits a nice lariat on Dar and starts twisting the fingers. Butch stomps the arm. The time runs out and Dar euros Butch with a cheap shot after the bell rings.

Round 2 - Dar overhead northern lights suplexes Butch for 2. Dar hits some downward elbows then Butch brings his arm down over the shoulder. Butch running forearms him and hits enzugiri's in the corner. Butch knee drops his arm then shining wizards him. Butch then does Sheamus' clubs to the chest. Lash gets in the ring to stop this then Oro kicks Butch while the ref isn't looking. Dar hits a running step up enzugiri and wins the first fall.

Round 3 - Butch pumping knees Dar. Dar knees him then both collide in mid-air. Butch 2nd rope moonsaults Dar outside. Meta-Four go up to Butch outside and argue with Bate. Dar rolls up Butch for 2. Butch superkicks him then is kicked off a 2nd rope moonsault attempt. Butch hits a bitter end. Butch gets the pin and we are tied at one fall a piece.

Round 4 - Butch hits mounted forearms then armbars him. Dar goes for a triangle then Butch hits an x-plex for 2. Butch is on the 2nd rope and is kicked in the leg then Dar fisherman suplexes him for 2. Dar comes off the buckles and Butch triangles him. Dar holds on and is saved by the bell. Dar is out and Lash drags him to the corner.

Round 5 - Dar is out of it and they trade strikes. Butch hits chops and clubs on the ropes. Dar hits knees to the face then does a stiff spinning back elbow. Dar goes up top and Butch enzugiri's him. Butch 2nd rope single underhook suplexes him for 2. They fight on the apron. Dar high kicks him and brainbusters him on the apron. Dar flips him off then Butch stomps his fingers.

Round 6 - They trade forearms and Butch hits a bunch of punches that clearly miss. Dar spinning back elbows him and takes a rebound german. Butch buzzsaw kicks him then Oro kicks Butch from the apron. Dar hits a shining wizard kick for 2. Bate jumps off the steps and knocks over Oro outside. Butch punches Dar and hits Bate's tiger driver. Butch splits Dar's fingers and hits a bitter end for 2. Butch armbars Dar then Gallus come out and beat up Bate.

Butch plancha's Gallus outside then Joe Coffey spinning lariats Butch while Lash and Jakara distract the ref. Dar then grabs the pin.

It wasn't that great. The interference from various people didn't help and the match was just not a classic. They also didn't really explain why Gallus would want to get involved here. 

NXT Title - Carmelo Hayes (c) vs Ilja Dragunov

Drag = Ilj Dragunov

Melo puts various jerseys up on the tron and says a line or two with each other. Drag running facekicks him to start and hits strikes in the corner. Drag facekicks him off the apron then Melo spears him and pounds on him. Melo hits some shots then Drag tiger feints into a spinning lariat. Drag sentons him then hits machine gun chops. Drag kicks him in the back of the head.

Melo hits chops and forearms then takes a backhand. Drago chops the back of his neck then hits machine gun chops. Melo hits corner chops then slaps him and both go down. Drag hits osme kicks while lying on the back. Drag euros him and takesa kick and forearms. Drag bends down for an enzugiri then Melo jumping enzugiri's him. Melo springboards into a bulldog on him.

Drag germans him then Melo hits a la mistica drop on him for 2. Melo grabs his arm and stomp flurries him. Drag catches a kick and hits knees to the stomach. Drag running knees him then throws him on a powerbomb. Drag tries to go coast to coast, Melo goes for a codebreaker and Drag blocks it. Drag then death valley drivers him in the corner. Drag then does a coast to coast dropkick for 2.

Drag deadlift 2nd rope superplexes him then Melo codebreakers him. Drag then pounds him into the mat with a forearm. Drag then does it again off the 2nd rope for 2. Melo superkicks Drag for 2. They fight on the apron and trade forearms. Melo cutters him off the apron to the floor. Melo comes off the buckles and Drag lariats him. Drag then comes off the top and pounds him in with a forearm to win it.

I think they tried for something great here but they didn't hit the mark. It started off slow and just never had that big moment to really put this over the top. They hit each other hard and it was fine but it just needed something more.

NXT Women's Title - Extreme Rules - Becky Lynch (c) vs Tiffany Stratton

Tiff runs at her and takes kendo stick shots. Becky hits her with a trash can lid and a chair. Becky then puts a helmet on her head and hits her with it. Tiff takes more kendo stick shots and they fight in the stands. Tiff pulls her arm between the rails then Becky hits her with a chain from some planted fan. Tiff is busted open and has her head banged off the rail.

They go back to ringside and Becky is hit with a stick as she comes off the rails. Becky is sent into the steps and Tiff rams the steps into her. Becky is suplexed on the floor. Tiff M. Bison stomps her. Tiff grabs a tool box and hits her with it. Tiff hits her with a giant wrench to the gut then uses a crowbar on her. Becky ducks a shot with a hammer and Tiff does too. Tiff side slams her.

Tiff chairs her. Becky 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her. Tiff rolls through, is pushed into a chair then Becky exploders her. Becky top rope dropkicks her then rams a shopping card hard into her. Tiff is put into the cart and Becky rams it into the steps.

Becky pours out a bag of barbie dolls then Becky reverse ddt's her on them. Becky throws them at her and Tiff shields herself with a trash can lid. Tiff hits her with the lid. Tiff has the can on her head and Becky 2nd rope legdrops her as she hangs over the ropes. Tiff spinebusters her on the trash can.

Tiff fills the ring with chairs then Becky hiptosses her onto them. Becky armbars her then is deadlift powerbombed on the steps. Becky tries to save herself though so it wasn't real clean. Tiff takes an exploder into the rails then sends Becky into the rails.

Becky goes missing under the ring and sprays Tiff with a fire enxtinguisher. Becky gets a barbed wire bat and hits her in the leg with it. Tiff hits a finlay roll on the outside and hurricanrana's her there. Tiff spinning lariats her then does a cartwheel backflip elbow into the paper weak barricade, which knocks it over.

Tiff flips off the table onto Becky on a chair, which goes into the barricade. Tiff then top rope swantons her through a table. Tiff hits another top ropw swanton for 2. Tiff misses a top rope moonsault to the floor in a dangerous spot then Becky uranages her on the floor.

Becky goes for an armbar and is rolled up. Tiff finlay rolls her on chairs then does a prettiest moonsault ever but Becky moves. Becky uranges her on chairs and wins it.

I didn't like Tiff losing here. Becky didn't need to win and a win over Becky would have helped put over Tiff. The first half of this relied a lot on mostly weak weapons shots and the 2nd half got better once Tiff could do some of her flippy offense. It was a good main, but the wrong person won. 

Overall thoughts: It was a good but not a great show. I did like all of the matches but Corbin/Bron was the only match that really got to the next level. Ilja/Melo was good but could have been better and the main was also good but could have been better.

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