Wednesday, October 11, 2023

AEW Dynamite 10/10/2023 Title Tuesday

AEW Dynamite 10/10/2023 Title Tuesday

Last week's show is here: 

Christian says this is the biggest Dynamite ever. He's in the control room. He said Bryan Danielson and Swerve will fight in a match where the winner fights him on Collision. He talks about both men and says Luchasaurus will end the run of Adam Copeland before it even gets started. He said he may have to walk out in front of the audience and tell them about the words he had for Adam last week. He then says he was able to make the first 30 minutes of this commercial free as the face of WBD/Discovery.

#1 Contender to the TNT Title - Bryan Danielson vs Swerve Strickland 


They knucklelock and Bryan rolls backwards through it. Bryan monkey flips him and Swerve holds on, then they stare down. They slap each other and Swerve trips him. They trade pin attempts. Bryan facekicks him on the apron and they trade chops there. Bryan is sideslammed on the apron. Swerve comes off the 2nd rope and euros him in the back of the neck. Swerve powerslams and suplexes him. Swerve backbreakers him then Bryan gets his knees up on Swerve's 450 splash. Bryan flying knees him off the apron then top rope dropkicks him. Bryan hits kicks to the body and buzzsaw kicks him for 2.

Bryan flips over him out of the corner then Swerve kicks him in the gut. Swerve goes to dive but Bryan moves, so he  flips off the apron. He then catches Bryan's tope with a forearm. Swerve double stomps him as he hangs off the top rope. Bryan avoids a double stomp from the top then single leg crabs him. Bryan top rope backdrops him. Bryan hits reverse curb stomps then puts him in the Lebell lock.

Bryan flying kicks him in the corner then goes down, selling his ribs. Swerve flying kicks him in the side of the head then top rope double stomps him for 2. Swerve hits a bizarre powerbomb off the ropes then Prince Nana gets on the apron. Swerve grabs Nana's crown. Adam Page comes down and takes it. Bryan rolls him up for 2 and busaiku knees him for the win.

I don't really get the logic of having Swerve lose after beating Page. I kind of figured it was his big coronation. I felt like Bryan could have lost, but if neither result is good, you just don't have anyone lose. The match was longer and slower. Not great but it was fine.

Samoa Joe does a pre-taped video. He said he begins his road to championship gold on Collision. He says he takes what he wants from anyone he wants to then says he begins his ascension towards greatness.

Chris Jericho vs Powerhouse Hobbs


Hobbs just has underwear style tights on now. Hobbs pounds on Jericho and takes a corner boot. Hobbs spinebusters him for 2. Hobbs hits mounted punches and spinebusters him again. Hobbs hits another spinebuster. Hobbs tells him to beg and headbutts him. Hobbs hits another spinebuster then another. Jericho hits some shoulders and Hobbs misses a corner splash. Jericho codebreakers him then Hobbs hits another spinebuster.

Jericho clips Hobbs then crabs him. Hobbs powerslams him and hits mounted punches. Hobbs hits another powerslam then pins him by kneeling on his face.

This didn't work. It was long and slow. Hobbs' offense didn't look that painful and this was just not built up to that well. If they had done promos for a few weeks before this, I think it would have worked better and if Hobbs had been with Don longer, it would also have worked better. But this was just started last week. Jericho also has to be careful about taking too many losses because I do feel he's kind of stale.

Hobbs hits another powerslam after.

We go to The Kingdom, Roderick Strong and Adam Cole. Cole says he's been there for a week and asks Strong what he needs to do. Strong says he needs him to cut grass. Strong tells him he missed a spot. Cole says he needs to go home when he's done. Strong says he has something in the house for him when Cole says his clothes are messy. Strong gives him a "Neck Strong" t-shirt. Taven his the giraffe and Cole asks what's up with it. Taven says it's name is "Rick" and is Strong's get well soon present when he was in the hospital. Taven said giraffes have the strongest neck and are the perfect symbol. Cole said there's no cell service at Strong's house and there's no TV, so he can't watch Dynamite. Cole says he needs to go get surgery. Strong then says he needs one more thing.

AEW International Title - Rey Fenix (c) vs Orange Cassidy

They trade forearms to start then Rey hits lariats. Rey rolls him and tries to deadlift german him but his back gives out. Rey runs the top rope to kick him but just gets his hand. OC dropkicks him in the back and he goes out of the ring. Rey is thrown into the rails and goes over them.

Rey baseball slides him then is swept onto the apron. OC 2nd rope diving ddt's him then hits a tornado ddt. Rey goes to roll into a cutter but he holds his back then OC beachbreakers him for 2. OC hits an orange punch and wins it.

It was short for these two and didn't really pick up until near the end. I don't know if I'm surprised at OC winning it. Rey was not planned to be champ and they probably figured they would just go back to OC. I'm not a fan of it as it means we see more OC.

Toni Storm is interviewed by RJ City. She says there's not enough cinema and has created her own film. She then says it's a silent film. We then go to PiP break as it starts which is stupid.  We never came back to this after break.

Wardlow vs Matt Sydal

Wardlow runs at him and hits corner spears to start. Wardlow hits 4 powerbombs and the ref stops it. Wardlow then jumps over the rail and leaves through the audience.

Renee talks to Chris Jericho while he is being ice'd up. Daniel Garcia checks up on him. Matt Menard asks what he's doing. Garcia says he's just being a human and Menard says he's had enough and they are better than this. Renee says she will keep us updated on medical updates with Jericho.

Jay White vs Adam Page


The Bullet Club came out on mini-tricycles and with Cardblade.

Jay goes out to stall early. Page is wearing brown and black. Page slaps him, Jay gets off the apron then Page plancha's him. We go to PiP break and return. Jay snapmares him then does a dragon screw. He then does Tanahashi's air guitar pose. Page hits chops. Jay jumps up and is caught with a death valley driver.

Page fallaway slams him then running ssp's him for 2. Page misses a plancha outside then pop-up powerbombs him on the apron. Page sitout powerbombs him then Jay underhook suplexes him into the buckles. Jay kneebreakers him on the apron.

We go to PiP break and return. Page top rope moonsault bodyslams him then pulls  down his knee over his shoulder. Jay uranage's him for 2. Page drops him with two spinning forearms. Jay dragon screws him over the 2nd rope. Jay has his head banged off the top rope and goes down to the floor. Page top rope moonsaults him outside. Jay counters a buckshot lariat then germans him.

Jay cobra clutch suplexes him then Page lariats him. Page hits deadeye and Bullet Club try to get involved. Prince Nana comes down and tries to hit Page with the crown. Jay then rolls up Page and grabs the tights. Jay wins it.

It was longer and slower. It was mostly just about bigger spots with not much in between. The dirty finish didn't help out things.  

MJF comes out after. He said Jay got the match he wanted and tells jay to give him back his title. Jay says nobody wants to hear from MJF. Jay calls the Triple B the "Bang Bang Belt". Jay says no and blames the crowd for him saying no. MJF says Jay is the guy who doesn't care about anyone else and will do what he has to in order to get what he wants. He says Jay is using his friends to get where he wants to be. MJF said he only cares about Adam Cole and the title.

MJF says having the title makes you the best wrestler in the world. He says Jay will hold the title belt someday, but that day is not today. He tells Jay to give him back what he has not yet earned. Jay says MJF can come down and take the title if he can't wait. Juice gets on the mic. He said he heard there's a battle royale for a shot at MJF's Dynamite Diamond Ring. He says he will win the battle royale and take his ring. He then says he will give him a roll of quarters that has MJF's name on it. He says he breaks people's jaws with it and will put it in his head. MJF flips out and the segment ends soon after.

I hated this. MJF looked bad basically begging Jay to stop playing keep-away with his title and refusing to do anything about it.

We then go to PiP break again and they show more of the Toni Storm there. 

AEW Women's Title - Saraya (c) vs Hikaru Shida

Saraya pushes her then takes a forearm flurry. Saraya hits corner punches then Shida hits a forearm flurry in the corner. Shida hits an enzugiri then they each hit mounted forearm flurries. Shida running knees her as she hangs off the apron then someone comes up to her from behind. IT turns out to be Ruby Sogo. Shida sprays her in the face with the spray paint then Toni Storm comes out and hits Ruby with a shoe. Toni chases her into the stands and we go to PiP break.

We return and Shida hits forearms. Shida hits a jumping knee. then hits mounted corner punches. Shida 2nd rope dropkicks her for 2. Shida is pulled off the 2nd rope onto the apron. Shida germans her on the apron then hits a meteora off the apron for 2. Shida comes off the top and is superkicked then Saraya hits the nightcap for 2.

Saraya spray paints Shida in the face and hits a nightcap...for another 2. Shida falcon arrows her for 2 then reverses a pin and wins it.

They did too much here and as usual, Saraya didn't hit a lot of stuff clean. We also had the usual nonsense with Ruby Soho and Toni Storm. 

Don Callis and Konosuke Takeshit are interviewed. He said he wanted to talk for 10 minutes but was told there was no time. So he said he has a back-up plan and shows a drawing of KEnny getting stabbed with a screwdriver. He then holds up various signs Sammy Guevara style.

Renee tries to interview MJF. He doesn't want to be interviewed. He said he just wants to talk to his boy. He calls Adam Cole and Cole says Strong needs his help. MJF said he needs Cole's help and the call disconnects. The Acclaimed and Billy go up to him. Max Caster offers to team up with MJF vs The Bullet Club. MJF walks off. Billy is mad that Max offered their services and then asks why he is so interested in in MJF. Max says MJF has been his friend for 10 years and needs his help. He thinks he is just playing hard to get.

This had the usual issues with people referencing things never seen on camera. Max's delivery was very odd here.

Christian comes out with Luchasaurus. He tells Kansas City to keep the noise down.  He said he found it interesting when Adam said Nick Wayne and Lucha would turn on him. Christian said he didn't dress up some group and convince them they are tough guys. Christian said he doesn't try to be their leader, he is their father. Christian mocked his idea of them teaming up and having one last run together. He said Adam didn't have the same mindset years ago when Adam was getting "pushed to the moon". Christian said Adam's career is on a downward slope while his is reaching new heights. Christian said Adam needs him, but he (Christian) doesn't need him. Christian said he has fans around the world and knows his wife is a big fan. He said Adam's kids will be well taken care of then tells Adam's wife to put some new sheets on the bed as the kids' new father is coming home.

Adam Copeland vs Luchasaurus

This is Adam Copeland's first AEW match.

Adam runs down after Christian. Nick Wayne grabs Adam's boot and Lucha lariats Adam from behind. Lucha hits shots in the corner when the bell finally rings. Lucha then piledrivers him. Lucha chokes him and whips him hard into the buckles. Lucha slams him then Adam hits some froearms.

Lucha suplexes Adam then bangs his head off the mat. Adam hits forearms then takes a kick to the face. We go to PiP break and return. Nick pushes Adam into the post. Adam comes off the apron and tornado ddt's him on the floor. Adam top rope crossbodies him in the back.

Lucha headbutts him in the body then Adam reverses a chokeslam into a ddt for 2. Adam goes up top and is booted onto the apron. Adam superplexes him off the top. Christian comes down the ring and Nick puts a chair in the corner. Lucha leapfrogs over a spear and Adam spears the chair. Lucha chokeslams him for 2.

They facekick each other at the same time. Adam hits a reverse ddt on the apron. Adam runs the apron, jumps off the stairs and spears him on the floor. Nick distracts the ref, Christian gets on the apron and Adam takes the title off of Christian. Christian argues with the ref and Lucha thinks Christian hit him with the title. Adam then spears Lucha and wins it.

I thought it was a pretty good match. Adam got beat up for most of this and then made his comeback. He foiled the heels and picked up the win. They didn't do too much and it was one of the smarter matches AEW has had in a while.

Nick clips Adam's after. Bryan Danielson comes out to help Edge from being beaten up. Christian stomps Bryan and then the BCC comes down. The Mogul Embassy then come down. Adam Page then comes down to fight Swerve. Adam spears Nick while Bryan puts Christian in the Lebell lock.

This was a good ending.

Overall thoughts: It was a long and slower show with a lot of wrestling. The main was good and it was the highlight of the show. I didn't like White/Page, Shida/Saraya had the usual shenanigans and Swerve/Bryan was okay. I hated the MJF segment with The Bullet Club and Jericho/Hobbs didn't work. I'd rate this one in the middle with some things I liked but some things I didn't like.

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