Tuesday, September 26, 2023

WWE Monday Night Raw 9/25/2023

WWE Monday Night Raw 9/25/2023

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/09/wwe-monday-night-raw-9182023.html

Cody Rhodes came out to talk. He said he has been interrupted 2 weeks in a row so he will cut to the chase and talk about Jey Uso. He said because Jey is here, someone has to be traded to Smackdown. He said he was also expected to let Jey sink here by the locker room, but that's not him. He saidhe wasn't going to let Jey get beat up by Judgment Day. He talks about Judgment Day and they come out.

Priest said they gave Jey the chance to have a real family last week and Cody had to get involved. Priest says everything is always about Cody. Priest talks in spanish to Dom and Dom is booed heavily. Cody says Dom has a real family and they can't stand him. Cody asks what happens when Rhea comes back and says they are empty handed. Dom says to keep Rhea's name out of his mouth. The Day take off their belts and start to head into the ring. Jey Uso then shows up next to him but Judgment Day still head in. Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens then come in and Judgment Day back off. JD McDonagh then comes out with 2 chairs. The fight starts without Priest, who stays behind. Priest then gets stuck 4v1. He is group beaten and takes a superkick and a chair shot.

Otis vs Bronson Reed

They shoulder battle then lariat each other at the same time. They then run at each other and both go down. Otis lariats him outside then runs int othe post. Reed lariats him then samoan drops him. They crossbody each other at the same time and Otis back elbows him. Otis spinning lariats him then does an olympic slam.

Otis corner splashes him then does the caterpillar. Otis misses a vader bomb then takes a senton. Reed top rope splashes him and wins it.

It was done really well. The announcing was good. It was short but they gave you enough to be happy and they sold everything well even though it was fairly simple offense. This was a super fun match and so different than anything else we normally see. 

Becky Lynch talks to Teagan Nox in the back. She said she had Nox in her mind when she made the open challenge last week. Nox said Natty jumped in front and she got the shot. Becky said you can't be like that. She said she has a big match at No Mercy and wants her next after she wins.

Adam Pearce is talking on the phone about the SD trade. Teagan Nox goes up to Adam and asks if she can have the winner of the Lynch match at No Mercy. Natalya walks in and asks Nox to ask her for a rematch against Becky. Nox said she lost last week and should step aside. Natty said someone has been whispering in her ear and a trick of a champion is to distract her challengers. They argue and Adam said they should go to the ring tonight and find out who earns a title shot.

Tomasso Ciampa vs Ludwig Kaiser

In an inset, we saw Kaiser, Gunther and Ciampa talk. Kaiser said if he wants to fight Gunther, he should fight him tonight. Imperium then discuss it.

Kaiser side headlocks him and takes a Thesz press with punches. Ciampa snapmares him and hits boots. Kaiser slaps him as he sits on top and Ciampa goes down to the apron. Ciampa is then pushed off the apron into the steps. We go to break and return. Ciampa is hanging from the ropes and is dropkicked. Kaiser is flipped over the top rope t othe floor.

Kaiser is lariated on the apron then Ciampa lariats him over the top. Gunther is seen watching this as Kaiser has his head banged off the announcer's table. Kaiser is then thrown over the steps. Ciampa ddt's Kaiser and they trade shots. Ciampa reverse ddt's him then nails Vinci as he hangs over the ropes.

Kaiser pushes Vinci out of the ring then Ciampa jumping knees Kaiser to win it.

The ending was weird with Kaiser kicking his own partner, but they made it seem like Vinci is the weak link, so it wasn't shocking. The match wasn't bad and Ciampa tried hard as a face. 

Ciampa tells Gunther in the camera that he wants him and wants everything he has. He then tells him to sign the contract.

We get a video package on Dragon Lee and then we see him warming up in the back.

Natalya vs Teagan Nox


Becky Lynch is on commentary. Natty side headlock takeovers Nox twice. Nox wristlocks her and Natty rolls and headflips out. Nox takes her down and hits mounted shots then she euros her. Nox kicks her then sit out gordbusters her. Nox corner sentons her for 2. Natty sitout powerbombs her then Nox hits a shining wizard and wins it.

This was super short and they did what they could with it. Becky holds up the title after.

JD and Judgment Day are in the back. Priest throws a chair, tells JD to shut up and says he's not in the Judgment Day. He said he took a beating because of him and tells him to get out.

Seth Rollins comes out to talk. He tells the crowd to sign his song if they are sick and tired of Nakamura ducking him. Seth says we are getting an answer on whether he wants a title shot or else he is pulling the opportunity. He said there are tons of people in the locker room who want the shot.

Nakamura appears on the tron. He said Seth has so many demands and it's no wonder Seth's body fails him. He says he wants to be the final straw that breaks his back but he has patience. He said Seth has no patience. He said he wants a match so brutal that he will never walk again. He said he accepts the challenge for a last man standing match at Fastlane. Seth takes off his sunglasses. Seth says his back isn't a weakness but a strength. He says his family will only be ashamed of him if he doesn't think he will give it everything he got. Seth said his 100% effort makes him world champ. Seth said only one person will walk out and it's him. I thought Seth's 2nd part of his speech here went on a little long.

Ricochet is interviewed and is on crutches. He says he doesn't know what to say and said he will return. He says he has unfinished business with Shinsuke Nakamura.

NXT North American Title - Dominik Mysterio (c) vs Dragon Lee

Dom hits punches on Lee then Lee shoulders him over. Lee flying headscissors him then tope con hilos him. Dom slides under him and does a half crab. Dom ddt's Lee on the apron and we go to break. We return and Dom is in control. Lee gets his knees up on Dom's frogsplash. Lee kind of backdrops him up into a superkick then does a slingshot swinging kick to him. Lee dropkicks him against the bottom buckle for 2.

Lee germans Dom then is superkicked. Lee pumping knees him then Dom michinoku drivers him for 2. Lee avoids a 619 then pumping knees him for 2. Lee jumps over the top rope and hurricanrana's Dom off the apron. Lee sitout powerbombs Dom for 2. Lee top rope double stomps Dom as he hangs from the top rope. Lee is backdropped near the ropes and ends up crotching himself on the ropes.

Dom top rope frogsplashes Lee and wins it.

What we saw of this was spotty and didn't have a lot of selling. Dom did good against Lee here and did not look out of place. It was definitely one of Dom's better matches.

Nia Jax is walking around back.

Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens are interviewed. Owens said all Jey did last week was prove he wasn't with Judgment Day last week. He said all he cares about is getting his hands on Judgment Day. Sami said this has nothing to do with Jey, Cody or Judgment Day. He says this has to do with two guys working their way up together and not anyone else. He said they want to take back what is theirs. Owens says he's sick of talking and let's punch someone in their face.

Nia Jax is interviewed. Cole asks why she is targeting everyone. She says she's the baddest human in WWE. She said she squashed Rhea Ripley, Shayna Bazler, Zoey, Raquel, Chelsea and Piper. She said she will squash anyone who is put in the ring with her, because she is Nia Jax, the baddest human in WWE. Zoey Stark's music hits and she comes out.

Zoey said she got her, but she did it when her back was turned. She then dares her to do something right now. Nia pushes her. Zoey dives at her and goes down. They then brawl as the refs try to break it up. We go to break and they start a match.

Zoey Stark vs Nia Jax


Zoey gets on Nia's back and is thrown off. Zoey dropkicks her and is swatted down on a springboard. Nia elbow drops her then throws her across the ring. Nia splashes her then puts her knee on her over the bottom rope. Nia corner spears the post as Zoey moves then Zoey hits various kicks. Zoey enzugiri's her from the apron then springboard dropkicks her.

Zoey tries to lift her but Nia falls on her. Nia legdrops her over the bottom rope then banzai drops her for the win.

It made sense and I think they got what they could out of the short bit of time they had here. I didn't have any issues with this.

Byron asks why Jey didn't join Judgement Day. Jey said he isn't joining any group and said Cody took a chance on him, and he won't do that to him. He said JD aren't his type of people. He said him and Kevin Owens have beef but says Sami is still his dog. He said if Judgment Day try anything on Sami, he will keep his eyes out for them.

Finn and Dom talk in the back. Finn says they still have a lot of work to do tonight and Finn tells him to put some ice on his head.

Miz TV with Drew McIntyre

Miz tells Drew to take out all of his frustration on Kofi tonight. Miz says he is on his side and said he would have also thrown Jey Uso to the wolves. Drew says he is nothing like Miz. Miz says he thinks Drew doesn't trust Jey Uso. Drew says karma is a b*tch, when they talk about Judgment Day beating up Jey. Miz says Drew is the Batman of WWE and says Cody is the Superman.

Miz asks Drew how it feels to be upstaged by Cody last week then Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods come out. Kofi said they didn't know Drew was coldblooded like that and is not a coward like they showed them last week. Miz tries to interrupt and Drew tells him to shut up. Drew said Cody was the only guy who came out last week and New Day didn't. Drew said what he's seeing tonight are the actions of a hyprocrite. Kofi says Drew should have helped Jey. Drew asks if they remember all the beatdowns from Bloodline. Kofi says he remembers and Jey is trying to make it right. Miz interrupts again and is told to shut up.

Drew says New Day haven't stepped up to Jey one time yet. Kofi says they look up to Drew to do what is right. Miz holds up his hand to talk and is told to shut up. The crowd chants, "Shut up, Miz". Miz yells at the fans and Drew headbutts him. Drew tells Kofi to get in the ring so he can find out what hard times is all about. Kofi and Drew stare down and we go to break.

We go to Alpha Academy. Chad tells Otis he has nothing to be ashamed of. Chad said they had a good match and they will study the tape and see what went wrong. Ludwig Kaiser walks in. He said Imperium holds themselves to a higher standard while Alpha Academy celebrates losses. Chad tells Kaiser to shoosh and says he lost. Chad says he assumes he is going back to Gunther to get brow beat. Chad says to tell Gunther he is going to suplex his way into a title match and tells him to run along.

Drew McIntyre vs Kofi Kingston

Kofi hits chest slaps in the corners then Drew double chops him. Kofi is whipped into the ropes and 2nd rope dropkicks him. Kofi gets his crossbody caught in the corner then Drew suplexes him off of it. Kofi dropkicks Drew over the top rope then top rope crossbodies Drew outside. Kofi poses on Woods' shoulders.

Kofi double axe handles Drew off the apron then frogsplash crossbodies Drew off the top. We go to break and return. Kofi comes off the buckles on Drew and is suplexed. Drew hits a nice overhead belly to belly then neckbreakers him. Kofi famasser's Drew for 2 then does a boom double legdrop. Kofi takes a future shock ddt for 2. Drew is thrown over the top and Kofi topes him.

Drew forearms Kofi then does a reverse alabama slam on the apron. Drew misses a claymore kick then takes Kofi's SOS for 2. Drew headbutts Kofi. Ivar and Valhallah come down and beat up Xavier Woods. Ivar spinning high kicks him then crossbodies him against the rail. Drew then claymore kicks Kofi and wins it.

I liked this one. The two matched up well. The reverse alabama slam on the apron was nasty and neither guy took it easy here. The right person also won. 

Ivar beats up Kofi after and Drew walks off. The announcers expect Drew to help him but I don't know why. Ivar top rope moonsaults Kofi.

Gunther yells at Vinci in the back and Kaiser interrupts. Gunther says it's ridiculuous that Kaiser didn't get the job done. Kaiser blames Vinci and Gunther says Vinci is Kaiser's responsibility from now on. Gunther says if Kaiser messes up or if Vinci messes up, Gunther and Kaiser have an issue. Gunther says he will take care of his responsibility of being the longest reigning IC champ of all time by himself. This was a total burial of Vinci.

Ivar and Valhallah are interviewed and asked why they beat up Kofi. Ivar says New Day took Erik out of the fight and Val says it's an eye for an eye.

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship - Judgment Day (Finn Balor and Damien Priest) vs Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn


They all hockey fight to start. Sami armdrags Finn and Finn rolls out. We go to break and return. Sami 2nd rope elbows Priest then running shoulders Finn. Owens sentons Finn. Priest misses a high kick and straddles the top rope. Owens then high kicks him down.

Finn stomps Owens then Priest chokes Owens with his leg over the 2nd rope. Owens ddt's Priest. Sami lariats Priest then hits corner punches. Sami is popped up and dropkicks Priest. Finn is thrown over the top then Priest is lariated over the top.

Sami tope con hilos the heels and we go to break. We return. Sami walks up the buckles and tornado ddt's Priest. Owens stomps on Finn then runs around the ring and shoulders both opponents. Owens cannonballs Priest off the apron then cannonballs Finn in the corner.

Owens backdrops Priest on the table then top rope frogsplashes Finn. Owens 2nd rope green bay plunge's him then Finn gets his knees up on Owens' top rope swanton. Finn shotgun dropkicks him then hits a top rope double stomp for 2.

Finn pounds on Owens. Sami exploders Priest into the buckles. Sami hits a blue thunder bomb on Priest for 2. Priest hits a lifting flatliner on Sami for 2. Dom gets on the apron then Jey Uso comes down and hits him. JD McDonaugh then beats up Jey. Cody Rhodes then comes out and topes JD over the announcer's table. OWens stunners Finn then Priest throws Owens out. Sami helluva kicks Priest then JD hits Sami with the title belt. Priest then pins Sami to win it.

There was a ton of shenanigans here but it was a fast paced and fun match. They went all out for this. It was total chaos by the end but the crowd loved it.

Cody and Jey run back out after and another big brawl erupts.

Overall thoughts: We had a couple of good matches here with Otis/Reed being a rare fat guy vs fat guy match that was done well. The main was chaotic and fun and Drew and Kofi also put on a good one. This was a good show overall. I really do recommend going out of your way to see Otis vs Bronson Reed. It was just something you never usually see in WWE.

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