Friday, September 15, 2023

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 9/14/2023 Episode #29

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 9/14/2023 Episode #29

Last week's show is here:

Ring of Honor Title - Claudio Castagnoli vs Rocky Romero

Rocky earned this shot by losing his last 3 ROH matches. Rocky goes for the takedown and is blocked. CC puts a hammerlock on him then Rocky headscissors him. Rocky topes him outside. Rocky topes him again then is hit with a euro on his 3rd attempt. CC hits a gorilla press snake eyes and running facekicks him. CC sits on his back and pulls his chin then CC giant swings him. Rocky hurricanrana's him then topes him over the commentator's table. Rocky double stomps him off the buckles as he hangs over the 2nd rope. Rocky 2nd rope twisting tornado ddt's him.

Rocky rewind kicks him, 619's him and shiranui's him for 2. Rocky goes up top and takes a euro. They trade shots up there. Rocky comes off the top and is caught with a backbreaker. CC hits a euro uppercut flurry in the corner then he short arm lariats him. CC pops him up and Rocky hurricanrana's him for 2. Rocky jumping knees him then step up enzugiri's him. CC has him on his shoulder and pushes him up into a euro then hits another euro to win it.

It wasn't bad at all. Rocky had no chance but they really put over that he might be able to win it and it worked.

The Outrunners (Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd) & Kevin Ku vs. The Infantry (Carlie Bravo & Shawn Dean) & Willie Mack

This is Ku's debut here. Ku and Mack start us off. Mack takes him down and spins into an amrdrag. Mack flying hurricanrana's him then running shining wizards him. Mack and Dean mess up a flapjack combo then Floyd gets in with Dean. The Infantry have Truth back body drop his own partner then do a double hiptoss on Truth. The Infantry then do the Outrunners pose.

One of the Outrunners knocks the other off the apron then Dean tope con hilos all 3 opponents. An Outrunner begs off then the other one trips up Dean. Dean's neck is then pulled over the top rope. Dean is picked on in the corner then is tripped into a double axe handle. Dean is thrown out with authority. Dean is put over the 2nd rope and Ku kneedrops him off the htop. The heels turn around and pose then Bravo starts posing with them not realizing it.

Bravo hits punches with a dance move before it then does his crossover punch. Bravo hits a nice blade runner into a ddt. Dean hits a nice corner clothesline where he jumps over the top rope. Bravo hits a scissor kick then Dean does a 180 splash off the top. The Outrunners get their heads banged together and Bravo planchas outside.

Mack and Ku punch each other. Ku hook kicks him then is popped up into a forearm. Ku takes a stunner then a russian legsweep + pump kick combo and is pinned.

This was a short but decent match with both teams having some highlights. The Outrunners were very good here and The Infantry continue to look good each time out. 

Ethan Page is interviewed. He said it's been many years and says ROH is the perfect place for him now. He says he let his ego take his career over and he lost his competitive edge. He said he was only signing up for big matches and was chasing the money. He says he doesn't know who he is anymore but knows what he is capable of. He says he's here to prove it to the people and to himself.

Mercedes Martinez vs. Zoey Lynn

MM = Mercedes Martinez

Zoey has gray hair for some reason and looks about 30 years older than she is. MM step up knees her early then stomps her in the corner. MM hits triple suplexes with the third one being delayed. Zoey rolls her up out of the corner then MM lariats her. Zoey tries to go up and over in the corner but is caught. Zoey trips her and low dropkicks her.

Zoey step up enzugiri's her then MM spinebusters her for 2. MM forearms her in the back of the head then does a surfboard with a dragon sleeper to win it.

It was your usual MM squash that wasn't that interesting.

The Gates of Agony vs Matt Brannigan and Cole Radrick

Kaun running knees Matt then overhead suplexes him. Kaun then stalks Cole and Cole backs off outside away from him. Toa then pounces Cole from the side. Matt hits punches on Kaun then Matt takes a backcracker into a samoan drop. Matt takes a sandwich lariat. Cole tries a double headlock then is dropped body first onto Matt. Toa then sits on them and gets the pin.

This was just a short squash.

Lexi interviews Billie Starkz and gives her a "minion to-do list" from Athena. The list has her do stuff like punching trees, making someone cry and drawing googles on her face. Billie says she can't do this and Lexi says if she doesn't, things won't be great. Lexi then hands her a t-shirt made by Athena to put on.

Christopher Daniels vs Darius Martin


DM = Darius Martin

DM kips up out of a wristlock. Daniels shoulders him over then DM armdrags him. Daniels puts him in a headscissors then DM dropkicks him. Daniels russian legsweeps DM and rolls him around with a body scissors. Daniels backdrops him then picks him up for a neckbreaker but kind of slices him down. DM hangs over the top rope and Daniels legdrops him as he hangs.  Daniels hits a neckbreaker for 2.

Daniels flips him with a lariat then DM hits shots. DM sliding bulldogs him over the 2nd rope then DM top rope crossbodies him for 2. Daniels flatliners him into a koji clutch then is back body dropped. DM rolls him up, Daniels reverses it then DM reverses him to get the win.

It was short and there wasn't a lot to it before the finish. Just a rather average match.

Daniels says people like Darius are ROH now and maybe he's just the past.

Shane Taylor vs Lee Johnson

Lee hits some punches and tries to sunset flip him but Shane stops it. Shane then drops him with a punch. Shane hits more punches then Shane throws him and splashes him. Shane throws Lee out then legdrops him on the apron. Lee ducks his first lariat attempt then gets one with the other arm.

shane slaps him and Lee slaps him from his knees. Shane headbutts him in the chest then yanks him up for a uranage. Shane then splashes him for 2. Shane blocks a sunset flip then misses a butt drop. Lee hits clotheslines but can't get him down then is popped up and dropkicks Shane off of it. Lee pendulum ddt's him for 2. Lee goes up to and Lee Moriarty comes down. Lee Johnson is distracted then Shane hits a package piledriver to win it.

It wasn't bad at all with Lee putting up a fight before being beaten.

Lee Morarity smiles at and claps for Shane after and they shake hands. 

Willow Nightingale vs Lady Frost

Frost is going to lose this, but she is better in Willow in every way. Willow shoulders her over then hits a kick to the chest. Willow slams her then sentons her for 2. Willow backsplashes her then Frost cartwheels over her back and hits a basement dropkick.

Frost teases chopping her then just piefaces her. Frost hits corner spears then back kicks her. Frost hits forearms then Willow pounces her. Willow hip attacks her in the corner and short arm lariats her. Frost spinning kicks her and Willow does a silly fall over it. Frost hits a nice top rope moonsault for 2.

Frost headbutts her in the back then takes a spinebuster. Willow doctor bombs her and wins it.

It was short and it was fine. Frost lost but she's better than that, and looked better than Willow did here. 

Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty are interviewed. Lexi asks what's going on with these two. Shane said Lee watched him take his place in the front of the line and said he has been carrying ROH for 3 years. He said Lee Moriarty is the newest member of Shane Taylor Promotions.

Josh Woods vs Dominic Garrini

Woods takes him down and they each go for armbars. Dom and Josh fight over a gutwrench. Josh hits a nice overhead suplex then germans him. Josh hits his twisting suplex into the buckles and wins it.

This was short and Woods and Dom made the most of their short technical wrestling session here. 

Griff Garrison vs Ethan Page

They lock up and trade wristlocks. Griff shoulders him over then hits a big splash. Cole Karter and Maria gets on the ramp to watch then Page back elbows Griff. Page hits a delayed suplex on Griff then Griff boots him in the face. Griff knee drops him the Page flying clotheslines him. Page running powerslams Griff for 2.

Griff spinning forearms him for 2 then Page cutters him off the bottom rope to win it.

It was another short match that was a waste of both guys. It doesn't look good to have Griff and Cole be scouted and lose matches. I'm not sure what the idea is with that. 

The Workhorsemen vs The Boys

JD is back to wearing bottoms with no singlet. The Boys take chops at the same time then do a double leapfrog. Brandon cutters Anthony Henry. Henry goes out and pulls Brent off the apron. Brandon is then thrown into the ropes and lariated by JD. JD vader bombs Brandon for 2.

Henry puts Brandon in the abdominal stretch and JD helps pull. The ref kicks the hand away and Henry is hiptossed. Henry twists his opponent's neck with his feet and JD does a slingshot senton.

Brandon escapes JD's suplex and Henry stomps his hand when he tries to make a tag. Brent is tagged in. Brent pushes the heels into each other and hits lariats on Henry. The Boys grab Henry's arms and straightjacket him over. JD alley oops a Boy into a kick then JD hits a shnining wizard. JD spinebusters Brent then catapults him into a superkick. Brent is on JD's knees then Henry top rope double stomps Brent to win it.

It was another shorter match and it was mostly a one-sided squash.

Griff Garrison is interviewed. He said it was fun being out there and heel feels like he lost a step being out there for so long. Maria and Cole come in. Maria says "I told you so". Maria says maybe some friends might help her out and says it's better to be surrounded by friends. Maria and Cole make jokes about a pearl necklace and tell Cole to look it up. Lexi tells Griff not to look it up.

Tony Nese vs AR Fox 

Nese says Cleveland is so disgusting and out of shape that Lebron had to leave twice. Nese says he can be the premier athlete that the city can stand behind. Nese says we will do group training and has the crowd stretch and squat. AR then comes out.

Nese legsweeps him and AR bridges out of a pin attempt. Nese rolls him up then does jumping jacks. AR hits an enzugiri then neckbreakers him. Nese is tripped into the 2nd rope and Mark Sterling grabs AR's boot. AR kips down out of a lariat then gets back up and enzugiri's him. AR slides out, skins the cat in and dropkicks Nese.

Nese brings AR's neck down over the top then clotheslines him. Sterling stomps on AR outside. AR's back is sent into the apron. They fight up top and Nese rolls into an uppercut on him. Nese goes for a hurricanrana but AR holds onto the ropes. Nese spin kicks him in the head for 2.

Nese is sent out then AR ddt's him as he hangs over the middle rope. They trade shots and Nese forearms him. AR hits a twister brainbuster then stunners him. AR then grabs his arms and rolls him into a cutter. AR rolls Nese but is german suplexed. Nese back elbows him then Nese jumps to the top rope then does a seated spanish fly to win it.

Nese cheated some here and AR did his usual flying offense. It was okay for ROH standards but not great or anything.

Overall thoughts: It was the usual ROH/AEW Dark show. They had too many matches and not enough time, so half the show was short, squash style matches. To their credit, they are still pushing ahead with the Billie/Athena/Lexi storyline and the Cole/Maria storyline, but that's about as much as you can say. The show was random, it wasn't that interesting, a lot of it didn't build towards anything and like usual, most of the ROH champs were nowhere to be seen. This is a really hard show to get excited about and I'm really not even sure why I watch it at this point.

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