Friday, September 29, 2023

AEW Rampage 9/29/2023

AEW Rampage 9/29/2023

Last week's show is here:

AEW Trios Title - The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn (c) vs The Hardy Boyz and Isaiah Kassidy

Bowens and Kassidy go at it. Kassidy flips out of a submission then is shouldered over. They armdrag each other. Bowens blocks an armdrag then Kassidy armdrags him out of the wheelbarrow position. Kassidy hurricanrana's him and starts humping the mat.

Kassidy is flipped and kicked in the body. Bowens jumps over his back and legdrops the back of his neck. Bowens is thrown out. Matt gets in and Max takes a Kassidy neckbreaker. Jeff 2nd rope splashes Max for 2. Jeff neckbreakers Max then Jeff spin kicks Max.

Billy and Matt get in. They do "suck it" and "delete" taunts. Billy shoulders him over and has his head banged off the buckles. Jeff jumps off of Matt's back for a splash on Billy then Kassidy does it as well. Kassidy is slammed and tqakes a 2nd rope legdrop to the nuts.

We go to PiP break and return. Max dropkicks Kassidy. Billy stomps on Kassidy and then decks Matt on the apron. Billy misses a corner splash then does a Flair flop. Billy and Kassidy are both down. Jeff gets in and cleans house. Jeff lariats billy over the top then russian legsweeps Bowens. Jeff legdrops Bowens into a pin attempt for 2.

Jeff hits whisper in the wind on Max and Bowens. Billy takes a twist of fate. Jeff hits a top rope swanton on Billy for 2.  Matt takes running corner shots then Max powerslams Matt. Bowens spinning forearms Jeff. Kassidy 2nd rope twisting flatliners Bowens. Kassidy asai moonsaults Billy outside. Kassidy takes shots from The Acclaimed then takes a double team high michinoku driver. The Acclaimed and Billy win.

It wasn't a bad opener at all. It went a little longer than it needed to but there was nothing wrong with this. They also hid Jeff's weaknesses well here.

Eddie Kngston does a promo. he is fighting Rocky Romero tonight. He says he has nothing but respect for him tonight. Sonjay Dutt and friends then come in. Lethal says Eddie has 2 titles and that's worth respecting. Jay said he can't get over him Eddie is ROH champ. He said he put his life into that and said he made sure everyone who challenged for it was a pure athlete, but Eddie is not. Jay says Eddie is unfit to be the ROH champ. Eddie says he has to go beat up Rocky and leaves.

Andrade El Idolo is interviewed. He is asked about Juice Robinson interfering in his match with Jay. Andrade said he had that ivctory and asks if Juice has a problem with him. He says he will see Juice on Saturday in Seattle on Collision.

NJPW Strong Openweight Title - Eddie Kingston (c) vs Rocky Romero

Eddie grabs a waistlock after the lock up. Rocky wristlocks him then hits a nice dropkick. Rocky dances then shoulders him. Rocky piefaces him then hurricanrana's him. Eddie rolls out and Rocky topes him. Rocky topes him again and is caught and suplexed on the 3rd tope try.

We go to PiP break and then full break. Rocky hits a knee to the head and a jumping knee. Rocky slaps Eddie while he's stuck between the ropes. Eddie slaps him back then Rocky 2nd rope dropkicks him for 2. Eddie corner lariats Rocky then hits machine gun chops.

Rocky hits a top rope shiranui for 2. Rocky corner clotheslines him then takes two urakens. Eddie puts him in the stretch plum and wins via tap out.

They matched up better than I expected and it was watchable. I didn't love the finish and I don't think anyone expected Rocky to win here.

Katsuyori Shibata comes out after and shakes Eddie's hand.

Aussie Open does a promo. Mark says he's tired of hearing FTR lie about being best in the world. Kyle says everything they have done in the last year is to get back to FTR. He said he wants to make them feel his pain of being a failure. He says they will take the tag titles and burn down the legacy of FTR. Kyle says they will prove that they are the best tag team in the world.

The Righteous (Vincent and Dutch) vs Caleb Crush and Gunner


Dutch does a stiff running lariat on both to start. Vincent hits punches on Crush then Dutch hits a black hole slam. Vincent hits another black hole slam, this time on Gunner. Dutch helps Vincent with a spinning cutter and Vincent grabs the win.

This was just a quick squash.

We get clips of Mike Santana and Ortiz's history. 

We get a Christian Cage video with some clips of his sit-down talk with Darby and JR. 

Nick Wayne talks. He says Darby's actions will speak louder than his words at WrestleDream. Nick says he doesn't want to be at ringside for that much, but says him and Lucha need to finish their business. Nick says he doesn't get why Christian thinks he can be a father figure. Nick says he has a debt on Lucha for chokeslamming him on a skateboard at Wembley. He says he will pay back the debt on WrestleDream Zero Hour and hand him his receipt.

Zack Sabre Jr. is interviewed. He says he just got off a flight from Tokyo. He said a strong gust of wind will knock Bryan Danielson over. Zack says Bryan doesn't have a year retirement tour, he has a weekend one. He says Bryan retired once in Seattle and he will retire him the 2nd time in Seattle.

#1 Contenders Match - Ruby Soho vs Hikaru Shida

Ruby pushes her and side headlocks her. Shida shoulders her over. Ruby slips out of corner punches and stalls outside. Ruby grabs Shida by the hair and then hits corner spears. Shida forearms her in the corner then hits Ruby slips out of corner punches again. Shida hits terrible corner punches then 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her. Shida does more corner punches then 2nd rope dropkicks her.

We go to PiP break and return. They trade forearms and Ruby hits a forearm flurry. Shida flying knees her then suplexes her or 2. Ruby goes out and Shida dropkicks her off the steps. Shida racks her on the floor and walks up the ramp with her. They fight on the ramp and Ruby headbutts her.

They both run back to the ring. Ruby hits a headbutt then knees and backdrops her. Ruby grabs Shida's stick. Ruby then tries to spray her in the eyes with spray paint. The ref gets knocked over. Ruby headbutts her then hits a blade runner but the ref is down and out of the ring. Ruby grabs the stick again. Shida blocks the shot, hits her with it then does a spinning knee. The ref is still out but Aubrey comes down.

Shida misses a top rope meteora. Ruby sto's her and tries for a top rope senton but Shida gets her knees up. Shida hits a falcon arrow for 2. Shida hits a spinning knee and wins it.

This was not good. Shida's corner punches were so bad. We also had the usual weapons shenanigans here and a ref bump as well.

Saraya walks down the ramp after and they argue with each other from afar.

Overall thoughts: Eddie/Rocky and the trios matches were okay but the main stunk. I wouldn't recommend it, but it could have been worse.

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