Sunday, September 10, 2023

AEW Collision 9/9/2023

AEW Collision 9/9/2023

Last week's show is here:

Samoa Joe says if you are hunting the devil, you gotta pick a fight with the demon. He says he's coming for Penta. Penta says he will win the tournament and become champ. Roderick Strong says he will break Darby's back. Darby says his back is destroyed and he's never 100%. Darby said he will leave his body on the line.

AEW International Title - Jon Moxley vs Action Andretti

Mox does an inset promo. He says when the BCC say any time and place, they mean it. Mox said Andretti has won matches and he knows he can win the big one. He wishes him luck.

AA new music that doesn't really fit him.  Mox hammerlocks him then chops him in the corner. AA hits some chops then takes a facekick. AA handsprings into Mox, knocking him off the apron, then he topes him. AA chops him outside then Mox hits headbutts outside. They trade forearms inside and AA headscissors him. AA then hits a dropkick and a bottom rope springboard tornillo.

AA arabian moonsaults him outside. Mox goes into the steps and we go to break. We return and AA lariats him over the top. AA goes to dive but Mox moves then Mox topes him. Mox bites him then AA springboards and is caught with a cutter. AA handsprings into a sleeper. AA pump kicks him then dropkicks him. AA sliding lariats him then hits a falcon arrow for 2.

AA catches himself on a 2nd rope release german then back enzugiri's him. AA shotgun dropkicks him in the corner then Mox shotgun dropkicks him in the corner. AA double jump tornillos him off the top  then does reverse curb stomps. Mox then flips him into a choke and wins it.

It was okay but the finish wasn't that great here. 

Roderick Strong is with The Kingdom and talks about his friendship with Adam Cole. He says Cole was there for him and said they were not just friends, but brothers. He says it tears him apart to see him talk about MJF like this. He said he's not the one who changed, Cole has. He said Cole let him down time and time again. He said he will win the Grand Slam Tournament and become champ. He said he won't be happy though because he just wants his friend back.

TBS Title - Open Challenge - Kris Statlander (c) vs Robyn Renegade

Kris does an inset promo and says she will defend her title anywhere, anytime against anyone. She said that's what it means to be a fighting champion. Kris takes her down and fireman's carry takeovers her. Kris shoulders her over then dropkicks her.

Robyn misses an enzugiri then is german suplexed. Kris is tripped by Charlette Renegade outside and takes a pump kick. Robyn hits a short snapmare driver for 2 then Charlette pulls on Kris' neck. Kris running lariats her and spinning kicks her. Kris running knees her then hits a blue thunder for 2. Robyn rolls up Kris off a distraction from Charlette then does a weird drop for 2.

Robyn misses a pump kick then is dropped down face first from the electric chair position. Kris then back rolls her and wins it.

It was a short, mostly one sided match. There wasn't anything special about it.

Charlette jumps Kris after then Kris is held for kicks. Jade Cargill then returns and comes down the ramp. Jade pump kicks Charlette then chokeslams Robyn. Jade then hits a jade end on Kris and holds the TBS title. Mark Sterling follows her and talks some trash.

Renee interviews Saraya and Ruby Soho. Ruby said she didn't forget that her friend cost her the TBS Title. Saraya says Toni is nuts and says she heard she was putting mayonnaise on her face. Saraya says she is sick of Lexi Nair and Renee is prettier. She says she will walk in and out as champ at Grand Slam.

Tony Schiavone interviews Eddie Kingston and Claudio Castagnoli. CC says he doesn't remember what happened with him and Eddie. Eddie said CC left the independents without "doing business" with him. CC says the right choice isn't always the easy choice. Eddie challenges him at Grand Slam for the ROH Title and says he will put the NJPW Strong Openweight Title up too. CC says he will only do this if he gives him a handshake and gives him respect. CC said he will lose the title to a better man and that isn't him and will never be him. I would love to know what "doing business" means here, because it sure sounds like they are talking about CC not putting him over and that should be something that is never talked about here. Eddie also didn't know the actual name of his title, though to be fair, it is a long name.

Juice Robinson and The Gunn Club vs Dios Del Inframundo, Gravity and Aerostar

This was supposed to be an 8-man tag Metalik and Jay White. Dios is the former Drago. Austin bangs Grav's head off the mat then Colten splashes Dios. Colten hits a nice lariat on him then Juice hits punches. Andrade is shown watching in the back. Dios superkicks him then Aero gets in. Juice takes kicks from Grav and Aero.

Colten lariats Aero and Grav from behind and Juice pounds on Grav. We go to break and return. Grav stunners Juice then Aero top rope dropkicks Juice. Aero dropkicks Juice then rolls into a cutter on Austin. Austin does a hiptoss into a twisting neckbreaker on Dios then uranages Aero. Grav takes a 310 to Yuma then Juice leg lariats Dios. Juice then facelock drivers Dios and wins it.

It was pretty much a short squash here with the lucha guys getting little in before being beaten.

The former Lana does a promo on Miro. She said he lost himself when he lost the TNT championship. She says he's stubborn as she was trying to help him become champ and surprise him at the PPV. She says he has forsaken his wife. She says if he has to go down this path, she has to go down her path. She said she was once the coldest manager in wrestling and she wants to do it again. This didn't work and was missing a lot of explanation. We still don't even know what to call her.

The Dark Order do an infomercial. They said your support means something to them and asks people to be good like them. They say they are waiting for them.

The Acclaimed do a promo. They say they are on the start of their world tour and said New York is their next stop. They said they are bringing the biggest scissor party to a city near you and said they are going to take over the wrestling world.

Alex and Fenix do an inset promo. Fenix says he is looking for revenge on Mox for Penta getting taken out.

Rey Fenix vs Angelico

Ange = Angelico

Fenix spin kicks him then hits a nice dropkick. Fenix topes him. Serp gets in the way then Fenix springboard kicks Ange from the apron. Ange grabs his arms then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. Ange ties both of Fenix's arms up and pulls his head. Fenix springboard armdrags him into a double stomp then top rope frogsplashes him for 2.

Fenix superkicks him. Ange back rolls him into a pin attempt for 2. Ange hits a punch then takes a superkick. Fenix walks the top rope and kicks Serp then rolls into a cutter on Ange for 2. Fenix fire thunder drivers him and wins it.

This went longer than it needed to with Ange kicking out of a few extra things that he shouldn't have.

FTR are interviewed by Tony backstage. Cash talks about the teams they have beaten and asks who is the next team to step up. Dax says they feel like they need be in the main tonight and says they need more ocntenders. He proposes the FTR World Tag Team Challenge and invites any young team to come in and prove their worth.

Grand Slam Tournament Semifinal - Roderick Strong vs Darby Allin



We see Darby skateboarding in the back. Luchasaurus grabs him and sends him into the garage door. Lucha racks him and Christian asks if Darby is in this tournament because he knows he can't win the TNT title. Christian says Darby will never be a champ period as long as he is in AEW then Lucha throws him head first into the door. The refs go to check on Darby. Darby limps to the ring and Nick Wayne tries to pump him up.

Strong backbreakers Darby. Darby slap combos Strong and rolls him up. Darby pulls him down over the top and topes him outside. We go to PiP break and return. Darby lariats Strong outside and hits forearms. Strong runs his back into the post  then throws him into the rails back first. Strong stomps on him then chokes him over the 2nd rope. Darby crucifixes him for 2 then hits a code red. Strong ties up his legs and pulls on his neck then Darby ropebreaks.

They go up top and Strong uranage's him on the top buckle. Darby bounces down to the floor. We go to another PiP break and return. Darby flips over him from the back and cutters him then Darby hits a top rope coffin drop to Strong outside.  The Kingdom go to take a cheapshot then AR Fox comes out to help Nick stop them. Strong hits a nice flying kick to the face then Darby reverse ddt's him.  Taven gets on the apron and Ar tries to moonsault off him using the post but nails Nick instead.

Darby top rope coffin drops Strong and Strong gets his knees up. Strong then does a suplex into a backbreaker and wins it.

They did a little too much here but I liked how they tied in AR Fox and Nick Wayne's issues and the two matched up well.

Nick Wayne yells at AR Fox after.

Powerhouse Hobbs does a video promo. He said he took Miro to the limit. He says he prays to no man but looks to his Book of Hobbs for guidance. He said his book is unwritten and everyone will fall to The Book of Hobbs.

Keith Lee is interviewed. We are told his plan on Collision is to do things Solo. He said people are avoiding him here and says he is the collision and tells the other wrestlers to run.

The Righteous do a promo. They say they have the power in thier hands to hurt bu said most people are afraid to use it. Vincent says everything they are new and everything they do is brand new. Vincent says if you want to do something about it then go for it or get off their road.

Tony Schiavone interviews Bryan Danielson. He asks what is next for him. Bryan says he told his daughter when she turned 7, he would start finishing up his career. He says she is 6 right now and says time is running out. He says he will not go gently though and says he will kick everyone's head in. He says if this is his last and final year, it will be the most epic year of his career. He says he is calling his shot and said he wants to fight Zack Sabre Jr. at WrestleDream on 10/1.

Ricky Starks then comes out with Big Bill. He says he has gotten everyone's attention and put them on notice on Sunday. He said he established himself as the man and said he will do things Bryan couldn't do during his entire career. He said he has graduated from being hungry to being greedy. He says he will take and take because it is what he does.

Bryan says he wished Ricky would be more patient because he isn't done yet. Bryan said he saw what he did on Sunday and he approves. He says if you want to be with us, you gotta bleed with us. Big Bill then nails Bryan and pounds on him. Starks pulls him off then pounds on him. Mox comes in and jumps on Big Bill's back. Bill facekicks Mox then pounds on him. Starks chokes Bryan with a shirt and Bryan goes out. Stakrs and Bill then leave.

Big Bill is interviewed by Tony Schiavne in the back. We are told Big Bill is facing Mox for the International Title on Dynamite. Bill mocks him and says he just beat his @ss. He says he will do it again in his hometown and because the International champ. The Lucha Bros then come up to him. Alex says Rey Fenix is next line and has a score to settle with Mox. Bill says he should worry about Penta as Penta is about to get handled by Samoa Joe.

Grand Slam Tournament Semifinal - Samoa Joe vs Penta El Zero Miedo

They lock up and Joe pushes him off. They shove each other. Penta piefaces him and takes a headbutt to the chest. Penta superkicks him then is shouldered over hard. Joe hits punches in the corner then Penta dropkicks him out. Penta sling blades him on the floor and they trade chops outside. Joe throws him into the rails and the post. Joe eye pokes him then is sent into the rail.

Penta pulls a table out. We go to break and return. Joe hits forearms then takes enzugiri's in the corner. Joe running back elbows him and cranks his neck. Joe kind of hits snake eyes on him in the corner then stretches both his arms back. We see The Kingdom and Roderick Strong watching in the back.

Penta eventually gets out of the hold and Joe elbow drops him. Joe running back elbows him and enzuigiri's him in the corner. Penta top rope crossbodies him then goes up and over for a backcracker. Joe hits a powerslam for 2 then Penta running superkicks him while he's seated in the corner. Penta hits kicks and takes an atomic drop into a facekick. Joe then sentons him for 2.

Joe ends up outside and Penta tope con hilos him. Penta goes for another tope con hilo but Joe moves and Penta goes through the table outside. Penta goes for a made in Japan but Joe grounded chokes him and wins it.

It was longer and slower than it should have been. Joe didn't really get to throws him around enough and Penta's comeback offense was just not exciting.

Overall thoughts:
The opener was okay. We had three random matches, a decent Darby/Strong match and a weak main event. I've been saying that this show is starting to look more and more like Rampage and other AEW shows instead of being its own thing and that was on full display here. It's going to be a long fall and winter for AEW with college football and other sports starting soon and I think we're going to be seeing more of these weaker shows.

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