Tuesday, September 26, 2023

AEW Collision 9/23/2023

AEW Collision 9/23/2023

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/09/aew-collision-9162023.html 

Darby says he knows it will be a handicap match, but he will walk out as the new face of TNT. Christian says he doesn't like Darby's chances and said he and Lucha will remain the faces of TNT. Starks says Danielson never tapped him out. He said he will put him 6 feet under. Bryan says people have been trying to keep him down his entire career and haven't been able to, and says Starks won't be able to tonight either.

TNT Title - Luchasaurus (c) vs Christian Cage vs Darby Allin

Darby throws powder at Lucha to start right in front of the ref then ropes Christian outside. Christian is thrown into the steps then Darby hits a code red on him for 2. Darby topes Lucha into the rails then has his neck snapped back on the top rope and he rolls off the apron. Darby goes into the rails then Christian stands on his neck over the 2nd rope. Christian chokes Darby over the top edge of the chair and Lucha does a nice release german on Darby.

Darby is thrown out again and goes into the rails. We go to PiP break and return. Lucha spears the post, Christian spears the buckle and Darby rolls him up for 2. Darby reverse ddt's Christian and top rope coffin drops both guys. Darby is caught off a springboard then does an over the back cutter from the 2nd rope. Darby shotgun dropkicks Christian into the buckles and Lucha chokeslams Darby.

Lucha grabs the titles and looks at it. Christian goes to grab it and Lucha moves it away from him. Christian tells him to give him the belt and Lucha does. Darby pushes Christian into Lucha then hits Lucha with the belt for 2. Darby top rope coffin drops Lucha and is thrown out. Christian then pins Lucha and wins it.

The ending was odd and unexpected. I think it would have been better if it had been built up to instead of just happening. The same thing could be said about Lucha wanting to hold his title. Darby losing fairly clean was kind of lame as well.

Christian hugs Lucha after.

Takeshita, Don Callis and Sammy are interviewed. Don says it makes him sick to think of Kenny and Jericho teaming together. Don says Kenny loves Kota Ibushi and said that kind of care makes Kenny weak. Don says he's not worried about Kenny/Ibushi/Jericho and says Will Osperay will be the third for Sammy and Takeshita. Don says his family has never been stronger and says he will see them in Seattle.

Christian and Lucha are interviewed. Christian said he dedicates the victory to Nick Wayne's mom and dad. Christian said he is finished with Darby once and for all. Tony Schiavone says he is not as he is facing Darby in a 2/3 Falls  match at Wrestledream. They said this is because they wanted a classic wrestling match and because Darby has beaten him twice. 

Hook and Rob Van Dam vs 2.0 (Matt Menard and Angelo Parker)

Matt armdrags Hook then Hook facelocks him. Hook back elbows PArker, AnnaJay trips Hook outside then Parker stomps on him.  RVD gets in and armdrags Matt. RVD flips over Matt's back then rolls him up with the legs. RVD springboard back kicks Parker.

We go to break and return. Parker blocks Hook's tag then Hook exploders Parker. RVD gets the hot tag in and beats up on his opponents. RVD his rolling thunder on Parker then spinning heel kicks Menard. Hager takes a van daminator then Hook puts a redrum on Parker. RVD does a 5 star frogsplash to Matt and wins it.

It was a little messy with all the shenanigans from the ex-JAS but it was okay. The faces won the crowd was happy. It could have went a little longer.

We get a video on Eddie winning the ROH Title. He says Wrestledream is about respecting Antonio Inoki and he wants to defend both of his titles against Katsuyori Shibata.

The Dark Order do a video. They said the world has gotten out of control, too much too fast and it needs to stop. Uno asks who will you turn to when it's all done. They say you need structure and order - The Dark Order. The say they are here for you.

The Kingdom do a promo. They said the Best Friends didn't help Trent when he hurt his neck and didn't keep him neck strong. Taven said they will show them what people who don't honor neck health awareness month deserve. Bennett said Chuck has felt the power of the weiner punch and the piledriver and said he will dish out piledrivers in support of neck health. He said they will show they are not stronger than The Kingdom and are not neck strong.

Juila Hart vs Keira Hogan

Willow is injured and can't wrestle. Hogan hip attacks Hart against the ropes then Hart bangs her head off the mat. Hart stands on her hair and pulls. Hart suplexes her then hits mounted punches. Hogan high kicks her then Hart sto's her. Hart then hits a standing moonsault. Hogan hits a running shotgun dropkick in the corner then is pulled into the 2nd buckle.

Hart bangs her head off the mat then running back elbows her. Hart sliding lariats her in the back of the head then wins it with a grounded cobra twist.

It was a short one and there wasn't much to say about it.

Hart puts a submission on her again after then Skye Blue comes out. Hart mists Skye then Brody King gets on the mic. King says this violence will not end until they get to the last boss - Kris Statlander. Brody tells Kris to put the title on the line at Wresteldream. Hart says the house always wins.

The Righteous are outside and are teleporting around. They talk and said they will expose MJF and Cole. Stu was not here for this.

Jay White vs Andrade El Idolo

Andrade side headlocks Jay then Jay headlock takeovers him. They go outside and Andrade chops him. Andrade top rope crossbodies him on the inside. Andrade hits two of the three amigos suplexes then springboard dropkicks Jay as he sits on top. Jay rolls down to the floor.

Back in and Jay hits a ddt. Jay drops Andrade over the top rope then knocks him off the apron onto the floor. We go to PiP break and return with Jay having a side headlock on Andrade. Jay and Andrade lariat each other at the same time. Andrade hits chops and dragon screw leg whips Jay.

Andrade flying forearms him. Andrade springboard moonsaults the whole Bullet Club outside. Andrade then does a top rope moonsault into another moonsault inside onto Jay. Andrade facekicks Jay then Jay backdrops him over the top to the floor. Jay uranages Andrade for 2. Jay hits chops then Andrade spinning back elbows him for 2.

Andrade meteoras him in the corner then does a double underhook ddt. Andrade figure fours Jay. The ref is distracted then Juice hits Andrade with a clipboard. Jay then hits a blade runner on Andrade and wins it.

I wasn't a big fan of this. It went on too long, it was slow and the whole finishing sequence wasn't good with the interference and the random figure four.

Ortiz said Santana used him then walked away like he has for the last 14 years at Wembley. He said Mike Santana has a lot to say and said he ran from his problems like he always does. He says he won't be able to run much longer.

Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty do a promo. Shane says him and Keith Lee have a long history, getting together in ROH and beating people up. He said he got to be an ROH legend while Keith went to work for the other billionaire. He said he will put him in the ground if it means taking care of his family. He said before he takes everything he has, he will step up in the ring with the best technical wrestler in the world, Lee Moriarty.

AEW Tag Titles- FTR (c) vs The Workhorsemen

Aussie Open are in tuxedos doing commentary. Cash and Henry go at it. Henry takes him down and dropkicks him. JD and Dax trade chops. JD slams and headbutts Dax, then slingshot sentons him. Dax brianbusters Henry then JD lariats Cash on the ropes. JD shining wizards Dax then corner cannonballs him.

Henry top rope double stomps Dax and tope con hilos Cash. JD top rope moonsaults Dax. Cash drives Henry into the apron on the outside. JD comes off the 2nd rope, is avoided then Dax sharpshooters him to win.

They barely got any time here and this wasn't a fraction of what it could have been. It was rushed and was basically the usual AEW reverse squash with the losers getting all the offense in. 

Aussie Open get in the ring after. Mark Davis says they will be in the fight for their life and Kyle says they are the best team in the world today. Kyle says they haven't lived up to the hype yet, but that is why they are facing them in this match. He said they need to prove the are everything they say they are. Dax gets on his knees and says he wants the biggest, baddest team in the world. Dax says don't show up if the yaren't bringing that team.

Lexi interviews "CJ" who is for the former Lana and hasn't been named yet. She says Miro has lost his way and is preoccupied with temptations. Miro walks in and says she is his temptation. She tells him to go take his path and she will take her path. She said if there is any love in his heart for her, don't touch her future clients or people she will manage. This was a weird segment.

Texas Death Match - Bryan Danielson vs Ricky Starks

Starks running spears him to start then hits mounted punches.  Starks hits corner shots then mounted punches. Bryan topes him outside then crotches him on the rail. Bryan then knocks him over it into the stands. Bryan hits Starks with a beer and puts a trash can on his head. They fight up the steps.

Bryan hits kicks to his chest. They go back to ringside and Bryan is thrown over the rail. Starks springboard dives on Bryan in the front row. We go to break and return. Starks bangs Bryan's head off the commentator's table and Bryan is bleeding. Starks hits Bryan with a microphone then chairs his knee against the post.

Starks goes up top and is hit with a chair. Bryan spider suplexes Starks then top rope dropkicks him. Bryan hits chest kicks then Starks throws a chair at Bryan's head. Starks rides Bryan like a horse as we go to PiP break.

We return and Stakrs hits Bryan with a chain. Bryan high kicks him and they trade chops. Bryan hits leg kicks then takes a slap combo. Starks hits a spear then sits on his back and chokes him with a chain. Starks goes for another spear but Bryan goes for the lebell lock. Starks grabs a chain and Bryan grabs it, then chokes him with it.

The ref starts to count and Starks recovers. Bryan hits mounted forearms then flying knees a chair into his face. Bryan hits reverse curbstomps on a chair on Starks. Bryan running knees him with a chain on his knee and Starks can't answer the 10 count. Bryan wins.

I didn't think this was as good as the strap match. As usual, this wasn't a real texas death match but basically a last man standing match. Texas death matches require you to pin your opponents then they have to answer the 10 count. This just went straight to the 10 count. I think this being on TV hurt some of it and them just doing a similar match also hurt it. It felt like this was missing something and I think Starks already losing to Bryan hurt this too.

Overall thoughts: On paper, it seems like it was better than it was. It was an okay show overall but the big matches didn't hit like they should have. I was disappointed FTR vs The Workhorsemen was a squash instead of a regular match.

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