Saturday, September 2, 2023

AEW All In 8/27/2023

AEW All In 8/27/2023

ROH Tag Titles - Aussie Open (c) vs MJF and Adam Cole

Cole and MJF are jumped as they enter then thrown out. Their backs are rammed into each other outside. Mark slaps a chinlock on. Mark sentons MJF then MJF teases a kangaroo kick. Mark is tripped into Kyle's crotch then MJF tags out. Cole hits a pump kick on Mark then lariats Kyle. Cole backcrackers Kyle then hits a big superkick.

Cole and MJF call for the double clothesline. Cole is double superkicked outside then MJF is thrown into a kick. MJF is held up for a 2nd rope cutter from Kyle. MJF does a kangaroo kick then Cole and MJF hit the double clothesline and win the match.

This was really short and there wasn't a lot to it. MJF and Cole was as expected here.

FTW Title - Jack Perry (c) vs Hook

Jack is thrown over the car and thrown into the door of it along with having his head banged off of it. Jack brainbusters Hook on the car then does a rolling thunder on the car. Hook the suplexes him on the windshield for 2. Hook is pushed into the post back first then takes a bridging ddt from the rails.

Jack germans Hook three times then superkicks him. Hook germans him for 2. Hook exploders him into the buckles then Jack tiger drivers him. Jack misses a top rope moonsault and is flipped with a lariat. Hook hits him with a trash can and taps him out with a red rum.

I'm not a fan of a match with moves starting out on a car. You know, if you get suplexed on a car, you should probably be done, but then they just kept going. This was also short.

Real World's Championship - CM Punk (c) vs Samoa Joe

Punk hits chops early and evades Joe's chops. Joe backdrops him out of the side headlock then Joe chops him as he hangs off the apron. Joe chops him more outside then chops him inside as Punk sits on the middle rope. Punk 2nd rope hurricanrana's him then Joe moves on his plancha attempt. Joe then facewash kicks him outside against the rails.

Joe oges into the post outside and catches Punk's hurricanrana off the apron. Joe then swings him into the front of the commentators desk, and he breaks through it. Punk is bleeding and Joe punches the cut.

Joe hits more punches and chops inside then Joe back elbows him. Punk hits forearms then takes an enzugiri in the corner.  Joe atomic drops him then facekicks and sentons him. Punk drops him with a high kick then hits shoulders. Punk blue thunders him and does Cena and Hogan taunts before legdropping him. Joe then does Hogan's finger point and powerslams him for 2.

Punk goes for a step up knee and is powerbombed. Joe STF's him and Punk drops him with a high kick. Punk puts Joe in a spinning toe hold then Joe cradles him. Joe corner uranages him then Punk bites him up top. Punk hits a top rope pepsi plunge and wins it.

I always thought the Punk/Joe matches were overhyped and more notable for how long they went than what they did. It was an okay match, but I would not call it a class or memorable. It didn't go very long and they spent a decent amount of time screwing around.

Jay White, Juice Robinson and Konosuke Takeshita vs Kenny Omega, Adam Page and Kota Ibushi

KT = Konosuke Takeshita

Page shoulders over Juice then running facekicks him. Kenny double axe handles Juice's arm off the 2nd rope. Juice takes chops from Kenny and Page. Jay and Ibushi go at it. Jay shoulders over Ibushi and Ibushi kips up. They trade forearms and Jay is dropped with one. Jay takes a kick to the chest then an over the back leapfrog bulldog by Kenny.

KT pulls Ibushi over the top. Kenny hurricanrana's KT out and tope con hilos KT and Jay. Kenny misses a top rope crossbody and is stomped by his opponents. Kota and KT trade forearms then KT flying clotheslines Kenny. Juice suplexes Kenny then sentons him. Kenny suplexes him and flips over him in the corner. Kenny goes for the tag but The Gunn's pull Kenny's partners away.

Page springboard lariats Juice on the apron then does a fallaway slam to Jay. Page plancha's Juice and lariats Jay over the top. Page then topes Juice and Jay then top rope lariats Jay. Jay is popped up into slaps and a kick from Ibushi. Ibushi then hits a standing moonsault for 2. Kenny and Ibushi try to do stereo asai moonsaults outside but Ibushi slips during it. Jay is 3v1'd and popped up into german. Ibushi then half-nelson suplexes him.

Ibushi pumping knees Jay then takes a uranage. KT and Kenny trade forearms then Kenny pumping knees him. Kenny snap dragon's Juice and Jay. KT hits a blue thunder on him for 2. Kenny poisonrana's him. The Elite hit a sequence with Kenny hitting a moonsault on Jay and Page hitting a top rope flipping slam on KT. Page beats The Gunns off the apron then top rope moonsaults them. Jay cobra clutch suplexes Page then everyone starts hitting a move.

Kota goes for a kamigoye and KT jumping knees him. Page buckshot lariats KT in the back of the head then Kenny pumping knees Jay and Juice. Kenny pumping knees Jay against the ropes then KT rolls up Kenny to win.

It was fast paced and people constantly came in and out here. If you were looking for Kenny to be mad at Bullet Club and Takeshita for attacking him, he wrestled this like any other match. There were lots of flips and indy moves here.

AEW Tag Titles - FTR (c) vs The Young Bucks

One of the Bucks uses a rope to flip out of a wristlock. Dax then headlock takeovers him. Cash shoulders over Nick then is hiptossed and slammed by him. Nick jumps over and gets powerslammed then Cash is dropped into a legdrop on Nick. Cash and Nick hit hurricanrana's, pound on their opponent then double hockey fights break out. FTR hit lariats and all 4 go down. The Bucks kip up and they hockey fight again.

FTR takes dropkicks then are stereo lariated over the top. Cash takes a spear on the floor then Nick corkscrew dives over the top on FTR. Cash takes a double superkick then is bridge over the 2nd rope and top ropw swanton'd. Cash takes a russian legsweep then a 2nd rope elbow drop from Matt.

Cash fights out of the corner. He sends Nick outside then backdrops Matt. Cash tries to tag out and Matt superkicks Dax off the apron. Matt then ddt's Cash for 2. Nick springboards and takes a Cash euro off of it. Dax gets in and hits punhes then suplexes one Buck on the other. Dax hits a lariat then triple germans. Matt northern lights suplexes him and keeps flipping to do more. Dax and Matt trade germans for northern lights suplexes and Dax cradles Matt. Dax 2nd rope twisting crossbodies Matt then Dax is northern lights suplexed for 2.

Nick enzugiri's Dax on the apron and springboards into a slingshot powerbomb. Dax sharpshooters Matt then Cash sharpshooters Nick on the apron. Nick does his slingshot facebuster then moonsaults onto Cash off the apron.

Dax tapes a top rope superplex then a Buck and Cash try to do top rope splashes but their opponents get their knees up. Nick high kicks Dax then a Buck takes a spike piledriver. Cash is knocked off the apron and then Dax takes superkicks from both. Dax takes a double superkick then a spike piledriver for 2. Nick topes out on Cash. The Bucks go for a BTE trigger but nail each other then Cash spears a Buck through the ropes to the floor. FTR hit a BTE trigger and of course double kiss Matt, then hit a shatter machine for 2.

Dax hits a superkick on a Buck then is body hurricanrana'd by Dax. Cash tries a rare springboard 450 but the Buck moves. Cash takes a BTE trigger for 2. The Bucks hit a shatter machine on Dax then BTE trigger Cash for 2. A Buck springboards into a shatter machine and is pinned by Cash.

It was a long match with a lot of complicated spots and them trying to have a 5 star match. It was your usual Bucks, maybe even less so with them not hitting some of the spots you would expect. I would shockingly maybe even say it was toned down from what they do on a usual episode of Dynamite. I neither loved it nor completely hated it. The crowd was not that into this, but it may have just been the issues of sound trying to travel through the stadium.

Stadium Stampede

S&O - Santana and Ortiz

There's too many people to list, so I'm not going to bother. Mox and the BCC came out in glasses and black suits. Mox had a duffle bag. They called Santana "Mike Santana". Best Friends wore denim vests. Everyone fought in the entrance aisle and brawled from the start. Chuck took a chair to the head and CC and Eddie paired off on the stage. Santana and Ortiz pair off in the ring and trade punches. Chuck hits Santana with a trash can then Eddie and CC hit punches. Chuck tope con hilos Ortiz and Santana. Trent 2nd rope moonsaults onto opponents who blocked it with trash cans.

Santana and Ortiz take chairs from Penta and Eddie/CC brawl to the back. Penta hits slingblades on S&0 as people fight in the back rooms. Penta does a chair backcracker on Santana then Mox cutters Penta. Mox double underhook ddt's Penta and grabs skewers. Penta puts the long skewers in Mox's head then Penta hits a made in Japan on him. Penta superkicks Mox. Eddie throws CC off some steps in the stands then Penta is powerbombed onto a chair. Penta then takes a piledriver on a chair.

OC does his pockets routine with Mix and is stabbed in the head with a fork. Mox bites OC then brainbusters him on a chair. Mox uses a barbed wire stick on trent and Chuck is suplexed on a rail in the parking lot. Ortiz hits Trent with a kendo stick, as does Mox. Yuta and CC beat up Eddie in the stands then Chuck uses an umbrella on them. Eddie pus the umbrella in Yuta's mouth.

Chuck hits CC with an umbrella again and OC is stabbed with the barbed wire stick. Yuta is backdropped on the bar then Eddie beats up a random security guy. Trent goes up top and is pulled down on a ladder that's bridged on the 2nd rope. Trent is powerbombed onto a ladder. Mox flips Trent onto a barbed wire board then Ortiz top rope splashes Trent for 2.

OC is sent into the rails then Mox piledrivers Trent on the steps. Ortiz stabs OC with a fork. Trent's mom arrives in a mercedes benz van. Momo kisses Trent's mom and Trent nails him. People have their heads banged off the van then CC is hit with a cookie tray with Trent's mom's cookies on it. Music hits and Penta comes back out with a chair. Penta and Santana get on a ladder in front of tables. The ladder collpases but Penta sunset bombs him off of it through tables.

Yuta is hugged by Best Friends then is beaten by all 3. Chuck hits a soul foot on Yuta then hits an awful waffle. Mox topes Chuck then CC giant swings OC. Chuck is suplexed on legos outside and Ortiz slips off the top on a top rope superplex. Ortiz is then superplexed through tables outside. OC hits an orange punch on CC for 2. OC duct tapes his hand and puts it in broken glass. Mox nails him before he can hit anyone though.

OC hits a ddt on Mox on broken glass then CC pop-up euros OC. Eddie Kingston comes out and chairs people with a barbred wire chair. Claudio gets it several times. Eddie spears Mox through a barbed wire table and OC orange punches CC with the glass dipped hand to win.

It was hardcore match. We didn't see half the people in this match at times due to them fighting elsewhere. There were lots of big spots as expected and everyone bled. OC of course had to get the pockets routine in here and we had to have comedy with Trent's mom. 

AEW Women's Title - Hikaru Shida (C) vs Saraya vs Toni Storm vs Britt Baker


The girls pair off and fight. Shida is double powerbombed then Britt hits forearms on both. Toni is put into Saray's armpit then Britt neckbreakers Saraya, forcing a ddt. Saraya knees Britt in the corner. Toni and Saraya try to pin Britt at the same time and argue over it. Shida then grabs them and bangs their heads together.

Shida jumping knees them in the corner then suplexes Saraya into Toni. Shida pounds on TOni in the corner then is brought down from the 2nd rope onto the apron. Toni hip attacks Shida off the apron then Britt slingblades Toni. Saraya superkicks Britt. Saraya's mom holds Britt for a shot then Toni accidentally nails her. Saraya gets mad at Toni and Saraya's mom tries to jump the rail at her. Britt is thrown into the rail and Shida is thrown into the steps.

Saraya and Toni trade chops then Toni hits mounted punches. Ruby Soho runs down to stop Toni from hurting Saraya. Toni nails Ruby and Ruby runs out. Shida top rope dropkicks Saraya then Britt fisherman's neckbreakers Shida. Britt superkicks Toni for 2. Saraya boots Toni then puts her in the queen angelito stretch. Britt curbstomps Toni while she is in the hold.

Shida pounds on Britt then forearms Saraya. Britt is then falcon arrow'd onto Toni. Shida top rope meteoras Saraya for 2. Shida hits a spinning knee to Page for 2. Britt puts lockjaws Shida then Saraya spray paints toni in the face. Saraya hits a nightcap on Toni and wins it.

Saraya winning was out of nowhere, just as Shida winning the title was. There was nothing to really build up to it and it was clear that it was just done to give her a big moment. The match wasn't that great with people coming in and out. It's just too hard to make these types of matches great. There were no big botches though.

Saraya celebrates with her family after.

Coffin Tag Team Match - Christian Cage & Swerve Strickland (w/Prince Nana) vs. Darby Allin & Sting

Swerve had rappers for his entrance and they were terrible. Sting and Darby did a video on the UK streets for their entrance.

All four men brawl inside to start. Swerve and Darby are thrown out then CC and Sting stare down. Sting lariats Swerve and puts Swerve into the rails. Sting has a cricket bat and hits Swerve and Nana with it. Darby has a jacket with thumbtacks on it and gives Sting one. They then hit splashes on Nana and Swerve in the corner. Darby has his neck pulled back hard over the top rope. Swerve and CC then hit spears.

CC duct tapes Darby's hands together. Darby does a no hands asai moonsault on CC then no hands tope con hilos Swerve. Sting then unties him. Sting spinebusters Swerve on the casket then Sting is thrown into the steps. CC stomps Darby then Darby shotgun dropkicks CC. Sting comes off the apron and splashes Swerve onto a table that doesn't break. Sting then legdrops him through it off the apron.

CC is seated in a chair outside and Darby top rope dropkicks him out of it. CC is put in a coffin as it's leaned on the apron but they can't close it. Luchasaurus then helps out and sends Sting into the rail. Lucha lawn darts Darby into the casket top. Nick Wayne hits Lucha with a skateboard then takes a headbutt. Lucha chokeslams Nick on the skateboard. Sting bangs Christian's head off the casket. Darby tries to top rope coffin drop Swerve on the outside but Swerve moves and he lands on it.

Sting splashes CC and Swerve at the same time in the corner then scorpion deathlocks CC. Swerve chairs Sting in the back and Sting just stairs at him. CC hits Sting in the crotch with the bat then Swerve top rope double stomps Sting. Swerve puts Sting in the casket then throws the bat in. Sting stops the casket from being closed with the bat. Swerve misses a 450 on Sting on the casket and lands on it. Darby hits CC with the TNT Title.

Sting scorpion deathdrops Swerve on the casket. Sting slams the casket on Swerve's arm then Darby top rope coffin drops the coffin on Swerve's back. Swerve is then put in the casket, despite his hair sticking out of it, and they give Sting and Darby the win.

Darby took a lot of nasty bumps here on the casket. It was pretty much all hardcore wrestling. It went longer than it needed to and was very spot heavy.

Chris Jericho vs Will Osperay

Sammy Guevara comes out with Jericho. Jericho sings his Judas song during his entrance. Jericho shoulders over will and he kips up. They slap each other and Will shotgun dropkicks him. Will hits a skytwister press off the top to the floor. Will then springboard forearms him. They trade chops and facekicks. They then facekick each other at the same time.

They trade forearms and Will chops him. Jericho springboard dropkicks him then does a stiff baseball slide to the back of Will's head while he's outside. Jericho release german suplexes Will on the apron. Jericho takes control for a bit then Will handspring back corkscrew kicks him. Will then does a standing ssp for 2.

Jericho hits a top rope hurricanrana. Jericho is hung over the top rope and Will ssp's him off the top. Will goes for an os cutter and Jericho hits a back cracker off of it. Jericho then codebreakers him. Will hook kicks him then does an os cutter for 2. Will goes for stormbreaker and Jericho turns it into a hurricanrana. Jericho boston crabs him then Will hits a standing spanish fly. Jericho either goes for an os cutter or a bad lionsault and just kind of does a springboard back bump.

Jericho and Will trade forearms. Jericho low blows Will form behind then hits a judas effect for 2. Will rolls up Jericho then powerbombs him for 2. Will hits a stormbreaker for 2. Will hits a hidden blade then a stormbreaker for the win.

It was long though they matched up a lot better than I expected. I expected a bad match but Jericho was pretty mobile here. It was odd as Will was going to be the face here but was the heel of the feud, and that messed things up.

Sammy tries to console Jericho after but Jericho walks away from him.

AEW World Trios Titles - No Holds Barred Match - The House Of Black  (c) vs. Billy Gunn & The Acclaimed

The HoB wore white and gold. Everyone brawls in and out of the ring to start. Black does a 2nd rope moonsault to the floor. Bowens brings Buddy's neck down over the top rope then Buddy does a big tope con hilo on The Acclaimed. Billy Gunn then teases diving but is blocked. Brody gets behind Billy then Brody topes everyone outside. BIlly teases a tope again and Julia Hart gets in the ring. She slaps Billy. Billy and Max open her legs and Bowens hits the 2nd rope crotch legdrop.

Bowens is popped up into a double knee then sent into Brody's forearm. They cut to Mercedes Mone watching the show. Brody tries to crossbody Billy against the rails but Billy moves. Billy puts a chair into Brody's head. Billy is pounded on 2v1 then hits a double clothesline. Billy hits corner splashes then throws out Buddy. Billy hits a cobra clutch slam then Bowens hits the arrival on Black.

Bowens is brought out over the top and everyone gets a move in. Bowens spinning forearms Buddy and is legswept int othe buckles. Bowens takes a triple team in the corner. Brody accidentally nails Buddy with a punch with a chain. Max lariata Brody over the top then Buddy takes two fameassers. Julia Hat pulls the ref out and Black spinning high kicks Billy for 2. Bowens hits the arrival on Brody then Max hits a mic drop for 2. Bowens superkicks Brody then Billy hits a fameasser on him. Bowens hits another arrival on him and Max top rope elbow drops Brody for the win.

It was okay but it did drag a little and wasn't super special.  Billy looked like he blew up a little here and it felt like they were running out of ideas towards the end. I'm not sure where the House of Black go from here.

The HoB's give The Acclaimed and Billy the tag titles after. Bowens said they promised the world's biggest scissor party and then scissored.

AEW Title - MJF vs Adam Cole

They both go out and put on shirts for their tag team. They trade headlock takeovers and headscissors. Cole drops down and MJF does a struat and gyration. MJF gets a "sportsmanship" chant going then eye pokes him on the handshake. Cole pump kicks MJF then hits an enzugiri and neckbreaker over the knee. MJF runs at Cole in the corner and Cole puts the ref in the way. Cole then pulls MJF into the middle rope. Cole pulls him down by the hair, MJF kips up then pulls him down by the hair.

Cole goes for the superkick and MJF gets some offense in. MJF bites him then rolls him into the buckles. MJF topes Cole then double stomps his arm off the buckles. They try pins on each other. Cole goes for a hurricanrana and is powerbombed down. MJF comes off the 2nd rope and gets superkicked. Cole hits a heatseeker piledriver over the 2nd rope on MJF. MJF is thrown into the steps then Cole brainbusters him on the steps. Cole tombstones MJF on the table and it doesn't break.

They trade forearms on their knees. Cole hits a pump kick and a canadian destroyer then MJF does a stupid sell where he mule kicks him before falling over. They call for the double clothesline for some reason then double clothesline each other. They then do a double pin and it is declared a draw.

Cole gets on the mic after and asks for 5 more minutes. MJF uses the f-word and says they are going for more than 5 minutes - until they have a winner.

Cole eye pokes him then knocks the ref over. MJF grabs a chair. They throw it to each other many times. Cole rpetends to be hit with it and lays down then MJF lays down with the chair around his head. Cole is shocked then MJF rolls him up. MJF hits the heatseeker piledriver then Cole straightjacket germans MJF on the apron. Cole hits a panama sunrise by jumping off the apron and hitting it on the floor. Of course that's only worth a 2 count. Cole then hits a panama sunrise on the ref.

Roderick Strong comes out and low blows MJF. Cole asks Strong what he's doing then Cole hits a panama sunrise. Cole hit a boom knee. Strong gives Cole the belt to hit MJF with. Cole teases hitting him with it then tells Strong to leave. MJF then rolls up Cole and wins it.

They did way too much here, but they did a good job with the storytelling and bringing up various parts of their story together.

MJF tells Cole that it could have gone either way and the people still love him. MJF hands Cole the tag title belts they won earlier and Cole throws them. MJF calls him a fake and said he was never his friend. He then throws the belt at Cole and turns around, telling him to hit him with it and get it over with. Roderick Strong comes down to get Cole to do it but Cole refuses. They then hug it out as the confetti sprays and as The Kingdom holds back Roderick Strong.

Overall thoughts: The card was a little better in reality than it looked on paper but still wasn't great. They told a good story in the main but did too much. FTR/Bucks was a lot more tame than expected. Stadium Stampede was your basic hardcore match and the Page/Kenny/Ibushi vs Bullet Club match didn't impress. Jericho/Will was better than expected and the tag title match was short and not memorable. I also didn't think that Punk/Joe was that good.

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