Friday, August 4, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 8/4/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 8/4/2023

Last week's show is here:

Edris Enofe and Malik Blade vs Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont

This is the debut match of Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont. They wear timberland boots and some kind of tiger designs on black pants.

Blade sunset flips Dupont and they say he's a world class shotputer. Blade kicks him in the back of the leg and Dupon takes a double back elbow and a double elbow drop. Igwe gets in (and is also a shot putter) and takes a big dropkick from Enofe. Enofe hits armdrags Igwe and Igwe hits snake eyes on him. Dupont splashes Enofe in the corner.

Dupont shortarm shoulderblocks Enofe then hits downward elbows on him. Dupont takes shots to the gut and throws Enofe off of his tag attempt. Enofe takes a lariat to the back of the head and an Igwe superkick.

Blade gets the hot tag in and hits forearms. Blade dropkicks both opponents and splashes Igwe. Igwe is slammed and Enofe hits a very high Edris elbow drop from the top rope to win it.

Igwe and Dupont didn't get to do a ton here. They didn't blow anything. Other than that, they just did some real basic stuff and I can't say they really impressed, though I blame the booking on that.

Trey Bearhill debuts tonight and is interviewed. He said he is from the Muscogee Creek Beaver clan. He says stories are passed down in his clan word by word. He said he writes his story tonight on the first page of the first book. He says his story begins tonight. He is working a Native American gimmick here with some facepaint and indian gear.

Myles Borne vs Trey Bearhill

This is the debut match of Trey Bearhill. Trey dances on his way into the ring and in the ring. He has paint on his arms and has a tanktop and pants on. Borne side headlocks him then puts it on again after slipping out of it. Borne backslides him then pulls him over the top. Trey bumps to the outside then Borne dropkicks him inside. Borne offers a handshake and is pushed. 

Trey hiptosses him for 2 then bearhugs him. Trey forearms him in the back and bearhugs him again. Trey rakes his back and Borne punches him. Borne does a nice takedown then Trey kicks him in the body. Borne rolls him up for 2 then Trey running lariats him for 2. Borne hits a nice dropkick and wins it.

It wasn't that good. Trey didn't really show much here and he was limited to very basic stuff.

Gigi Dolin vs Tatum Paxley

Quetzalcoatl/Gigi Driver

They said Tatum is "maniacal" and Byron says she is "cray-cray". Gigi side headlocks her and is rolled up. Gigi sweeps her then shoulders her over. Tatum does a nice leapfrog and takes a hurricanrana. Gigi dropkicks her against the bottom rope for 2. Tatum pulls her neck down over the top rope then lariats and stomps her. Tatum jumping splashes her for 2. Gigi rolls her up for 2 and they botch a sunset flip. Tatum stands on Gigi's hair then hits a nice dropkick. Tatum facelocks her and is snapmared. They each hit shots to the gut and Gigi rolls her up off the suplex attempt. Gigi hits kicks and a knee then lariats her. Gigi then pump kicks her and high kicks her. Gigi then hits an STO for 2. Gigi hits Kawada kicks, Nagisa Nozaki's pendulum kick to the back of the head and a bad Saki Akai quetzalcoatl which she calls the Gigi driver to win it.

This really wasn't that good. Gigi's not good and Tatum always seems to have a botch somewhere when they give her a shot like this.

Overall thoughts: It was notable for having 3 debuts but none of the debuts were that impressive and the main was disappointing.

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