Saturday, August 26, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 8/25/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 8/25/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Hank Walker and Tank Ledger vs Tyriek Igwe and Tyson DuPont

Hank side headlocks Igwe and shoulders him over. They blow a spot and Igwe is taken down. Hank hits corner spears then Hank and Tank hit a double elbow in the corner. Hank slams Igwe and Tank slingshot splashes him for 2. Tank takes forearms in the back by both opponents.

Dupont takes a double gut punch, double shoulder and double headbutt drop. Hank is thrown into the buckles chest first then Igwe back body drops him. Igwe hits mounted forearms on Hank then Dupont is whipped into a corner splash on Hank for 2.

Dupont knocks Tank off the apron then hits shots on Hank while Hank is kneeling. Hank hits a lariat out of the corner on Dupont. Tank hits punches on both opponents then crossbodies both at the same time. Tnak throws Dupont out then does a nice cuty special/fallaway slam variant. Tank splashes Igwe in the corner then Igwe takes a shot to the back + a powerslam. Hank picks up the win.

It was okay. Not great or anything but it was an acceptable short match. I don't really get Hank and Tank's finisher.

Kiyah Saint is interviewed. She says it's time to get a taste of what she is capable of and say she is educated and calculated. She says she will outsmart her opponent tonight and says she overacheives anything and everything she puts her mind to. She says this is just the beginning and says welcome to the Saintuary. Kiyah's good on the mic and very comfortable. This was a good first promo.

Kiyah Saint vs Kiana James

Kiyah wears a pink body suit with a giant circle in the chest and sternum. She has pink leg sleeves on too. She's a registered nurse and a track and field athlete.

Kiana snapmares her then Saint kips up. They trade side headlocks. Saint ducks a lariat and headlock takeovers her. Saint goes up and over in the corner then dropkicks her. Saint has her face somewhat dropped over the top buckle then James stomps her on the ropes.

Saint has her head banged off the buckle then Kj does too. Saint rolls her up and lariats her. James drops a knee on her back then chinlocks her. Saint back slides her then hits jumping shoulders. Saint pumping knees her then does a triple jump into a knee. Saint fisherman suplexes her then jumping single knee drops her for 2. KJ hits her 401k swinging flatliner then hits a dealbreaker single knee codebreaker to win it.

Saint didn't really screw anything up and did okay with the moves she did. She didn't have any screw-up's here but also didn't have a ton of higtlights similar to Izzy Dame a few weeks ago. This was average. I would also not expect to see Saint's outfit return in its current form as she nearly had a thong on here.

Dante Chen vs Scrypts

Bronco Nima and Lucien Price are with Scrypts. Chen gets a pop for his entrance gesture.

Scrypts walks up to Chen then trips him. Scrypts says something then slaps him. Scrypts flips out of a lariat then hits kicks and chops. Scrypts dropkicks him in the chest then Chen hits a dropkick right in the face on him. Chen decks him and Scrypts goes down.

Chen side headlock takeovers him then Scrypts hiptosses him. Chean headlock takeovers him and armlocks him. Chen armdrags Scrypts a couple of times then slams him. Chen lariats him over the top and Scrypts buddies give him some support. Chen armdrags him then arm wringers him over the shoulder. Scrypts pulls Chen's arm down over the top rope then top rope crossbodies him.

Scrypts back elbows him then chinlocks him. Chen suplexes him. Chen then hits punches and an atomic drop. Chen pump kicks him from the side and Bronco Nima and Lucien Price get involved. Scrypts then cartwheels into a cutter and wins it.

It really wasn't that interesting. The interference was not needed at all and while Chen is competent, he's not an exciting worker.

Overall thoughts: The main was boring. Saint had an average debut as it was nothing to complain about and nothing to praise her for. The opening tag match was okay, but also nothing too special. I'd probably give it a 4 or 5 out of 10.

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