Saturday, August 5, 2023

WWE Friday Night Smackdown 8/4/2023

WWE Friday Night Smackdown 8/4/2023

Last week's show is here:

LA Knight gets on the mic to start us off. He talks about the battle royale at Summerslam and calls his competitors the island of misfit toys and stooges. He calls Sheamus a cross-eyed goof and a half-wit. He says they are adding one more thing to Sheamus' accomplishments tonight and that's him losing to LA Knight.

Sheamus vs LA Knight

Sheamus hits a knee to the gut and does a headlock takeover. Sheamus shoulders him over then LA hits a back elbow. LA pounds on him in the corner and crossbodies him over the top with both going to the floor. Santos Escobar comes down then Miz, Karrion Kross, AJ Styles and Grayson Waller follow. Sheamus is back body dropped over the top but hangs on then Sheamus hits a white noise on the apron.

We go to break and return. LA hits a reverse ddt and they trade shots. LA hits a big slam and elbow drops him. LA then hits a burning hammer for 2. Sheamus rolls him up and hits an irish curse backbreaker. Sheamus hits a 2nd rope white noise for 2 then puts him in a texas cloverleaf. Sheamus is up top and LA tries to jump up there but slips and both end up falling down to the floor trying to cover the botch. The wrestlers outside get in each others faces then Austin Theory nails Santos Escobar from behind. The wrestlers at ringside all fight.

Sheamus grabs miz and hits chest clubs. LA rolls up Sheamus for 2 and Sheamus hits a brogue kick on Miz. LA then hits his blunt force trauma on Sheamus and wins it.

LA throws out Kross after then Waller and Kross say they will get him tomorrow and says it was "this close".

The two weren't bad together but the top rope botch and the shenanigans outside stopped this from being anything great.

We see Solo Sikoa backstage.

The battle royale wrestlers all argue backstage in front of Adam Pearce. Pearce tells them if they want to go, then go to the ring now and handle it.

Jey Uso is walking in the back.

The Brawling Brutes (Ridge Holland Butch) vs The OC (Luke Gallows and Anderson)

Ridge hits various shots on Gallows and hits a stiff clothesline. They shoulder battle and Gallows hits a fallaway slam and splash. Ridge takes a face kick + russian leg sweep combo. Ridge headbutts Karl then double underhook swings him. Ridge then hits a single underhook suplex. Butch basement dropkicks Karl in the face then pulls on his fingers.

Butch stomps on the arm and then grabs him by the ear, nose and beard. Butch armbars him then Butch takes a double team reverse 3D for 2. Karl running euros Ridge out.

We go to break and return. Karl kicks Ridge in the knee then does foot slaps. Ridge hits a short arm clothesline and Butch kits kicks on Karl. Butch forearms Karl in the side of the red and hits a running leg lariat. Ridge backdrops Gallows then Butch step up enzugiri's Karl.

The Street Profits then come in wearing suits and beat up everyone. Gallows has his shoulder thrown into the post then Karl takes a sky high. Ridge takes an enzugiri a twisting double underhook neckbreaker. Butch is then pounced into a german.

What we got before the interference was a decent and stiff match.

The Street Profits stand in the entrance way then Bobby Lashley comes up behind them and congratulates them.

We see Charlotte Flair on a yacht drinking champagne. She says this is in her blood like winning and says tomorrow is the biggest women's match in history. She says she is the past, present and future and says she has a 5-0 record at Summerslam. She says she is the iron woman of this division. She says she has Asuka's number and is the mountain Bianca has to climb. They showed clips of Charlotte from the last decade and she looks like a completely different person.

Paul Heyman is in the ring. Paul says this is the last thing Roman wanted. Paul says wee most likely won't see Jey Uso again after this. He says what happens to him will be due to Roman and says there will be no mercy. They talk about the red beads that the high chiefs wear with Rikishi, Afa and Sika and say only one man can be the undisputed tribal chief.  Paul says Roman is pure tribal chief and has been champ for 3 years, saying that will never be Jey.

Jey Uso comes out. He says he's going to light up Roman tomorrow and says he's the head of the table and going through one. Jey says he's bringing the passion and spirit of his ancestors tomorrow.

Solo Sikoa comes out. Jey says he's his little brother and can always forgive him. He says all he does is take orders and Roman says the same things to him that he used to say to Jey. Solo gets upset and tells Paul to leave then Jey superkicks Solo. Jey tells Paul to say he will see him later tonight.

They say Rey Mysterio suffered sever whiplash last week.

Austin Theory is interviewed. Theory says Santos Escobar injured his mentor and says he will dedicate his victory over Santos to Rey Mysterio. He says Cameron Grimes will get his dreams crushed tonight.

Austin Theory vs Cameron Grimes

Grimes is thrown down to start then Santos Escobar tries to come out and is interrupted. Theory is distracted and takes an M. Bison stomp from Grimes. Theory goes out then Grimes topes him. Theory is thrown into the rails then Grimes top rope crossbodies him in the ring. Grimes hits a swinging side sit out slam for 2.

Grimes hits a standing spanish fly reversal from the crossbody for 2. Grimes goes up top and is hit while up there, going down on the top rope. Theory hits a-town down and wins it.

The ending was a little weak. It was short.

Santos Escobar comes in and hits a cradle shock on Theory. 

We see clips of Asuka training. She says it's unfair to be in a three way and says she has already beaten Bianca and Charlotte. She says she is not worried and says she has a plan.

The Grayson Waller Effect with Bayley and Iyo Sky

Waller says he will win the battle royale at Summerslam and says he will give someone the Grayson Waller rub tonight. He brings out Bayley and Iyo Sky. Bayley says her show is better. He asks if Iyo will cash in and Bayley interrupts saying they won't give away their strategy. Bayley says Iyo is focused on her match. Waller plays Shotzi's voice over the speakers and Bayley gets scared. Bayley says she's not scared of her.

Shotzi comes out in her tank, though it turns out not to be Shotzi. Shotzi shows up behind Bayley and drops Bayley with a shot. Shotzi pulls our hair clippers and chases after her. We then see Zelina Vega was in the tank.  

Zelina Vega vs Iyo Sky

This began during the break. Vega chinbreakers her and they clothesline each other. Vega hits forearms and bangs her head off the buckles. Vega hits a clothesline for 2 then 2nd rope meteoras her for 2. Iyo double underhook backbreakers her then meteoras her in the corner. We then see Shotzi beating up Bayley near the entrance. Shotzi tries to cut her hair and  Bayley gets away. Iyo goes up top and takes a powerbomb. Vega then code reds her for the win.

This was short. We didn't see how it started and it really just existed to push Shotzi/Bayley.

We get a package on Bianca Belair. She says she was untouchable during her title reign and says Asuka blinded her and stole her title. She says she doesn't make excuses, she just goes to work. She says there will be no excuses and no countouts at the triple threat. She says she will take back what's rightfully hers.

Jey Uso vs Solo Sikoa

Jey is shoved early then Solo shoulders him over. Solo rakes his face over the middle rope and back elbows him. Jey has his head banged off a table. Jey superkicks him outside then topes him into the commentator's table.

We go to break and return. Solo goes over the top and Jey tries to dive on him but is hit. Solo samoan drops him then does it again. Solo forearms him and misses a corner hip attack. Jey hits punches and kicks him in the gut. Solo then lariats him.

Jey hits a top rope crossbody for 2 and Solo spinning heel kicks him. Solo uranage's him. They trade superkicks and Jey spears him. Jey top rope splashes him and wins it.

It was a real basic match and could have just as easily been a midcard or opening match as it was the main event here. Not awful, but incredibly simple.

Solo nails him after and throws him into the post. Jey superkicks a chair into his face then chairs him. He hits a hard chair shot to the back and Solo goes into the time keepers area. Jey hits him in the head with a chair and poses on the table to end the show.

Overall thoughts: It was a pretty lame show to be honest with lots of unremarkable matches. Most of the matches were short and had other things going on and they were clearly taking it easy as it's a day before Summerslam.

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