Thursday, August 17, 2023

STARDOM 8/15/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 9

STARDOM 8/15/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 9

STARS (Hanan, Saya Iida & Koguma) vs Queen's Quest (Lady C, Hina & Miyu Amasaki) 

Kog = Koguma

Miyu and Hanan start us off. Hanan hits a nice dropkick then Miyu is rolled into a dropkick, butt drop and splash. Miyu then takes a triple dropkick and another butt drop. Kog slams Miyu then splashes her. Miyu cartwheel back elbows Kog then dropkicks her in the back of the neck. C comes in and running facekicks Kog. C then abdominal stretches her before Hanan breaks it up.

C does a double russian legsweep to her opponents and knee drops Kog for 2. Kog splashes C in the corner then C lariats her. Saya chops Hina then mchine gun chops her. Saya takes a triple attack in the corner then Hina flying neckbreakers her. Saya double sledgehammer shots Hina and Hina rolls her into a double stomp. Saya takes a triple dropkick then Hina hits a stiff wrist-clutch uranage. Saya lariats Hina then Hina hip throws her. Hanan hip throws Hina then Hina is held for a double facebuster. Saya 2nd rope shoulders Hina for 2. Saya muscle buster drivers Hina and wins it.

It was short and there wasn't a lot to it before the finish. It was watchable though.

God's Eye (Saki Kashima & MIRAI) vs Cosmic Angels (Natsupoi & Yuna Mizumori) 

Yuna wants to start off with Saki and Saki just goes and sits down at ringside. Mirai goes out after him and carries her to the ring. Yuna misses a lariat and Saki tries to tag out. Yuna hits Saki from behind then shoulders her. Poi gets on Yuna's shoulders and Mirai pushes them over. Mirai hands Poi over to Yuna then dropkicks Yuna in the back to force a slam on Poi. Poi cartwheels on the ropes over Mirai then dropkicks her on the ropes. Poi dropkicks her through the ropes.

Yuna flying shoulders Mirai then hits a nice dropkick on her. Poi spin kicks Mirai then helps her back body drop Mirai over. Yuna 2nd rope splashes Mirai then takes a facebuster + flatliner combo. Yuna lariats Mirai then hits a better one for 2. Mirai catches her lariats and does a backdrop with it. Mirai then clutch half-nelson suplexes her for 2. Mirai hits a nice lariat on Yuna then sharpshooters her.Mirai sits back on it and taps her out.

This was another shorter, fast paced tag match that was fun. Mirai was good as usual and everyone but Saki got time to do stuff. and Yuna was good too. Saki was barely part of this.

Poi gets up in Mirai's face after and taunts her.

Nanae Takahashi, Suzu Suzuki, Mei Seira & Megan Bayne vs Oedo Tai (Natsuko Tora, Starlight Kid, Ruaka & Fukigen Death~) 

Mei stomps on Tora's toe to start and slaps her. Tora grabs her by the hair and takes a double team sequence that ends in a facebuster and basement dropkick. Tora spits something in Mei's face then Kid standing moonsaults Mei. Tora sentons Mei for 2 then suplexes her. Death and Mei go at it. Mei boots her frome the corner and Death whips the ref into her but Mei moves. Mei goes under her lariats and Death grabs the ref. Mei sweeps the ref then jumps off his back for a dropkick on her.

Nanae shoulders over death. Suzu and Nanae hit corner clotheslines then sandwich PK Death for 2. Death grabs Nanae by the nose and slaps her hand down. Nanae then suplexes Death. Kid chest chops Nanae then Nanae does it back. They trade and Kid double chest chop flurries her. Kid runs up the buckles and moonsaults Nanae.

Nanae pops up Suzu into a kick then blue thunders her for 2. Kid is held up for a Mei codebreaker then Nanae sliding D's Kid for 2. Tora finlay rolls Nanae then Death 2nd rope sentons her and Kid top rope 180 rotation splashes her. Kid takes a stiff powerbomb from Nanae for 2. Kid does an interesting fisherman's suplex then Nanae lariats her.

Ruaka and Meg shoulder battle. Ruaka piefaces her and gut punches her, then Meg shoulders her over. Meg slams her then takes corner moves. Meg forearms Ruaka then her and Nanae double boot her. Meg lariats Ruaka for 2. Ruaka and Tora try to suplex Meg but get suplexed instead. Meg double chokeslam sitout bombs Ruaka then Meg throws Suzu out onto people outside. Meg F-5's Ruaka and wins it.

It was another fast paced, shorter sprint. It was a decent match but not much more due to time restraints.

Kid and Nanae grab each other by the throat after.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars - Momo Watanabe vs Saori Anou

Momo jumps her during her entrance and bangs her head off the gate door. Momo whips her into chairs and stands on her face.  Momo suplexes her on the floor then hits her in the back with a baseball bat. Momo kicks Saori against the ropes then drops her with a chest club. Saori hits chest clubs back then takes kicks to the body. Saori dragon screws her then does a figure 8.

Saori wraps her leg around the rope and dropkicks it. Momo puts her in tree of woe then slaps her as she hangs. Momoe kicks her while she hangs then dropkicks her against the bottom buckle. Momo meteoras her for 2. They trade forearms then trade facekicks for chest kicks.

Momo trips her and kicks her near the face then Saori hurricanrana's her. Momo reverses the pin attempt and chest kicks her. Saori backslides her and is up kicked in the head (just barely though). Momo pushes her into the ref and hits her with the bat. Saori slpas and germans her. Saori hits a step up enzugiri and germans her for 2.

Momo high kicks her and hits a package tombstone for 2. Saori hurricanrana's her then Momo hits a wrist-clutch half-nelson suplex for 2. She hits two more of those and wins it.

I didn't like the ref bumps, weapons usage and before the bell attacks. At least they covered it up some, but it didn't look good. The two weren't bad together otherwise, but I just didn't see a lot of gifworthy moments here.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars - Mina Shirakawa vs Mariah May

They shake hands and May chops her off the break. They trade strikes and may dropkicks her in the back of the head and yells. Mina dropkicks her in the knee then yells back. Mina bangs her knee off the mat then drops both of her knees on the mat. Mina kicks her in the chest then puts her in a figure four. May ropebreaks.

Mina footslaps her then May facekicks her. May kicks her from the apron then top rope dropkicks her for 2. May hits a double underhook suplex for 2 then facekicks her in the corner. May goes for her handstand hurricanrana on the ropes and Mina counters by slamming her knees down into the mat. Mina does a double dragon screw then figure fours her. They slap each other while the figure four is on.

Mina bridging twisting neckbreakers her then uraken's her. Mina then implant ddt's her for 2. May germans her and Mina lands on her side. They go on the apron and May cartwheel sunset bombs her on the floor. May slingblades her when she gets back in then May does an angel's wings for 2. Mina slap flurries her then May slaps her. Mina spinning forearms her then release backdrops her. May no sells her then backdrops her. May TKO's her for 2. May tombstones her and gets the win at 11:47.

It was just an average match. Mina worked the knees for a little and it went nowhere. May then took her over and her offense looked good, but that's as much as you can really say about this one.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Red Stars - Syuri vs Hazuki 

Haz = Hazuki

Haz takes a kick to the gut and goes up and over in the corner. Haz armdrags and shotgun dropkicks her. Haz kicks her in the back then Syuri kicks her in the back. Haz then kicks her in the back. Syuri kicks her in the chest then underhook suplexes her for 2. Haz full nelson slams her then hits a senton.

Haz facewashes her through the ropes and they trade forearms. They hit each other on the ropes then Syuri underhook suplexes her off the buckles. Syuri ddt's her then top rope legdrops the back of Haz's neck. Syuri puts her in the stretch muffler then fireman's carry gutbusters her.

Syuri misses a kick on the apron and basically sentons herself on the floor and paron. Haz then topes her. Haz springboard dropkicks her then gorbdbusters her onto her knees. Syuri hangs off the top and Haz codebreakers her. Haz then top rope sentons her. Syuri release germans her then high kicks her and both go down.

Haz hits a stiff pump kick and ddt's her. Syuri jumping knees her back. Haz forearms her in the back of the head then Syuri pumping knees her. Haz rolls her up for 2 then Syuri release emerald flowsions her. Syuri stretch mufflers her then hooks and grabs the arms to win via submission.

I didn't like the submission finish as it just didn't fit the match. The rest was decent stuff with the girls hitting each other hard and having good looking offense.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Red Stars - Tam Nakano vs Mayu Iwatani

Tam cartwheels out of a wristlock and side headlocks her. Tam headlock takeovers her and they stand off. Mayu snapmares Tam and Tam hangs on to snapmare her. Tam cartwheels over her and bridges out of a lariat. Tam slides back to go for a pin attempt but Mayu just double stomps her. Mayu kicks her in the corner and pendulum double knees her there.

Mayu rolls her up off a missed corner charge and single leg basement dropkicks her. Mayu goes for the tope but is kicked between the ropes and then Tam stunners her over the middle rope. They fight up top and Mayu hits slaps. Mayu tries to hurricanrana her to the floor but is caught and hanging leglocked.

Tam top rope crossbodies her on the floor then Tam pumping knees her on the ropes. Tam backdrops Mayu and Mayu flies and bangs her head off the mat. Mayu crucifix bombs her for 2. Mayu dragon sleeper clutches her and hits a nice german out of it for 2. Mayu dropkicks her through the ropes then Tam release germans her on her neck in a gross way. Mayu release germans her back then Tam hits triple germans for 2.

Tam hits high kicks and spinning high kicks then tiger suplexes her. Mayu dragon suplexes her for 2. Tam spinning high kicks her then is superkicked. Mayu single leg dropkicks her in the corner then topes her. Mayu top rope dropkicks her then frogsplashes her for 2. Tam does a steiner screwdriver variation for 2 then does a wrist-clutch tiger suplex as the time limit expires.

This was a very stiff match. Mayu took some nasty bumps here with her head and neck getting spiked multiple times. Mayu may have taken one of the worst beatings of the year so far. Even though they went to a draw, I didn't feel screwed or cheated here and wanted to see a rematch. This definitely lived up to its expectations as a main event level match. I would say it was more of a moves based match and while I do think they could have done less and sold more,  I think the strengths of this were stronger than its weaknesses. This is one I would recommend going to check out.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars - AZM vs Utami Hayashishita

They each block each others moves to start and AZM hits a canadian destroyer for 2. Utami rolls out and AZM follows. AZM misses a double footstomp off the 2nd rope and holds her ankle. They roll back in on the 17 count and Utami lariats her against the ropes. Utami drops her with forearms.

AZM high kicks her out of the corner then does a weird spinning drop while sitting on her shoulders. AZM short hurricanrana spikes her over the middle rope then top rope double footstomps her for 2. AZM crucifixes her on the mat then Utami does a neat side drop to get out of it. AZM hits forearms then hits a la mistica. AZM really cranks her arm back and Utami rolls her with it to get out.

AZM kicks her in the arm then Utami pop-up germans her. They trade forearms on their knees and Utami forearms her. AZM hooks her leg and germans her then armdrags her. AZM hits another la mistica and a pin attempt for 2. AZM's high kick is blocked and she is powerbombed. AZM high kicks her then Utami pops her up into a forearm.

Utami torture rack bombs her for 2 then AZM springboard sunset bombs her. AZM canadian destroyers her again then rolls her up and pins her.

This was unusual with a canadian destroyer starting the match. They didn't do a kickout right after and they were outside for a while after, so it was believable that maybe Utami recovered. I thought they overdid it a little here and didn't have the stuff in-between the big moves like the last match had.

Overall thoughts: A good night of Stardom with a Tam Nakano vs Mayu Iwatani match that is worth checking out for its brutality and beautiful suplexes. The undercard was good as usual. AZM and Utami could have done less in their match and Syuri/Hazuki was mostly good. Momo/Anou had too much shenanigans and Mina/May didn't deliver as expected.

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