Saturday, August 26, 2023

AEW Rampage 8/25/2023

AEW Rampage 8/25/2023

Last week's show is here:

AEW International Title - Orange Cassidy (c) vs Aaron Solo

Solo earned this shot by not winning a singles match in AEW since October 2022. Solo kicks him in the gut then takes a side headlock takeover. Solo headscissors him then OC goofs around and handstands out of it.

OC does his usual stupid pockets routine and armdrags him out of the ring. OC back elbows him on the floor and Harley gets in the way of him doing any more damage. OC slow kicks her and the ref just watched on as Harley disrupts the match without yelling at her. OC then topes him. Harley pulls OC down on the buckles then Solo exploders him for 2.

We go to break and return. Solo running forearms him then has his head banged off the buckle. OC top rope crossbodies him then stunners him off a suplex attempt. OC then tornado ddt's him.

Harley grabs the mic and starts singing. Solo corkscrew kicks OC then nearly kills him on a botched sit out reverse slam. OC top rope double stomps him. Harley gets in the ring with a shoe and is caught. Nothing happens then Solo nails OC with the shoe for 2. They try pin attempts on each other. OC orange punches him and hits a beach break to win it.

This was awful. The ref didn't care at all about Harley getting involved multiple times and Solo almost killed OC. OC also did his usual pockets routine in a title match with big stakes on the line.

Jim Ross interviews QT Marshall, because I guess every other person on 160+ person roster was booked. Ross talked about him being the AAA Latin American champion. He said it's time he gets the respect he deserves. He says Hobbs and Cody aligned themselves with him, not him aligning himself with them. He says he puts the pro in professional wrestling. He says he's one of the best wrestlers in wrestling and says he can be one of the best ever in professional wrestling. He complains he doesn't have an action figure and says he will defend the title with honor and prestige. He says he will get the respect he deserves.

AAA Latin American Title - QT Marshall vs Gravity

QT grabs the mic and talks in Spanish. He says he's the champ of AAA and talks in Spanish to Gravity. Grav says he's the astronaut of wrestling and is the brother of Bandido. He rips him for not being as good as his brother and says he should leave. Grav then talks in Spanish and hits him.

Grav back armdrags him then flips off the ropes and armdrags him. Grav dropkicks him out then does a dangerous suicide dive. Grav goes for a top rope crossbody and is forearmed in the face on his way down. They go outside and Grav handsprings onto the apron and headscissors him down. Grav does his slow motion walk on the apron then is powerbombed on the apron edge. QT then high fives Johnny TV, who is on commentary. QT poses with the title as we go to break.

We return from break and they trade chest slaps. Grav armdrags him and has his hurricanrana blocked. Grav then hits a canadian destroyer off of it for 2. Grav 2nd rope crossbodies hm but is caught with a side backbreaker then a lifted flatliner.

Grav hurricanrana's him off a suplex attempt then hits superkicks several times. Grav hits Bandido's 21plex for 2. QT gets stuck up top then Grav 2nd rope samoan drops him. Grav is pop up cuttered then QT suplexes him into a sitout powerbomb and wins it.

They did too much here with QT kicking out of canadian destroyers and a 2nd rope samoan drop. Grav had a good outing though and didn't blow or mess up anything. 

The Dark Order do a video promo. Excalibur says they are "refocused". They said they did things for good reason but now do things for "us". They said Death Before Dishonor opened up pandora's box as they missed the violence and anger. They said they will rebuild with the violence and anger with like minded people. Uno says they aren't the bad guys and says to be selfish, be happy, be Dark Order.

Luchasaurus vs Ren Jones

Christian isn't out there with Lucha, though at the end he is shown watching on a monitor somewhere.

Ren hits a running euro in the corner then Lucha facekicks him. Ren is chokeslammed by Lucha then Lucha lariats him from behind to win it.

This was just a quick squash.

Mark talks about the upcoming women's match. He says there's bad blood between the girls and we see some clips.

Toni Storm and Saraya vs Britt Baker and Hikaru Shida

Toni charges and gets nailed by Shida. Britt hits a bad sling blade on Saraya then is tripped by Ruby (who has curly hair today). Toni hits euros on Britt then suplexes her for 2. Saraya gets some knees to gut in on Britt from the apron then Toni hip attacks Britt off the apron. Ruby stomps Britt outside. Kris Statlander comes down to help. Ruby hits her and is carried to the back.

We go to break and return with Saraya holding up Shida's title. Toni pounds on Britt and they trade forearms. Britt neckbreakers her then makes the tag. Shida gets in and hits both opponents. Shida flying knees Toni then just throws her backwards off her shoulders. Shida suplexes Saraya onto her. They trade forearms and Shida step up enzugiri's her. Britt gets german'd by Toni. They mes something up and Saraya forces Shida to tag herslef in. Britt is then tagged in.

Toni hip attacks Britt in the corner then Britt takes a double team powerbomb. Shida brazilian kicks Toni then lal 4 girls end up down. The four girls exchange shots and Brit spinning forearms Saraya. Shida falcon arrows Saraya for 2 and Britt hits a fisherman's twisting neckbreaker on Saraya. Britt grabs her glove and Saraya grabs the ref. Toni spray paints Shida in the face. Shida accidentally nails her partner Britt because she's blinded and Paige hits a nightcap ddt and wins it.

It wasn't good as expected with sloppy moments and a silly finishing stretch.

Overall thoughts: This was punishment to be honest with three matches that looked like trash on paper and weren't much better in reality. The main was as bad as expected and the opener had the usual OC shenanigans with horrible reffing.

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