Sunday, August 13, 2023

AEW Collision 8/12/2023

AEW Collision 8/12/2023

Last week's show is here:

Max Caster said he and Bowens are the best two man team in the game.  Max does a rap and says The Acclaimed is back and they scissor. Christian is with Luchasaurus. He said it's appropriate that Collision is in the Greensboro Coliseum, because tonight, the legend continues to grow. CMFTR say they are in their house tonight. Punk says X marks the spot and it's nap time for the House of Black. Dax says they should add 3 more belts to their 3 belts tonight.

Tony Schiavone interviews Ricky Starks, who is dressed like the lost member of the Village People. Tony says Starks is suspended from wrestling for 30 days for beating up Steamboat. Starks said Steamboat cost him the match so he had to whoop his @ss. He said he still loves him but had to do something that hurt him more than it hurt him. He said he figured he would be suspended as the company has a history of screwing good guys like himself. He said he got himself a manager's license though and will still be on the show because this is his show. Couldn't AEW just suspend him from managing too? Starks says he is unhinged and said blood is on CM Punk's hands. He said Punk got the W and he got the L, but doesn't think Punk can live with his. Starks says he's not superman or bullet proof and he's not Ricky Starks. Starks says he will set the company on fire and will start next week. He says he will bring a war to his front door and says there is nobody like him.

They do a video on the history of The Young Bucks and FTR.

The Acclaimed vs The Iron Savages

Bowens has Billy Gunn's boot. Max makes our 2nd AEW racial joke against White people this week towards the Iron Savages. Boulder and Bowens start us off. Bowens chops Bronson and then hits corner punches. Bronson takes corner moves and Max dropkicks him.

Max hits shots on Boulder then Bowens chops Boulder. Bowens hits kicks on Boulder then ends up on his shoulders. Max then jumps onto Boulder and Boulder does a fallaway slam + samoan drop on both. We go to PiP break and return.

Bronson misses a top rope headbutt on Max. Bowens gets the hot tag in and beats up the Savages. Bowens pounds on both and superkicks Boulder in the face. Bowens is then popped up and dropped. Bowens takes a double flapjack for 2. Bron gets on Boulder's shoulders and Max springboard dropkicks Bronson.

Max hits an F-U on Boulder then The Acclaimed grab Jacked Jameson off the apron and leg drop him in the crotch off the 2nd rope. The Acclaimed hit stereo fameassers and win it.

I'm glad it wasn't a total squash and that the Savages got some spots to do some stuff. The two teams worked well together and the crowd was into it. It was a fun match.

The Acclaimed said they will be wrestling on Dynamite and can't be stopped on their way to the top of the tag division. Bowens tells the crowd to throw the scissors in the air for Billy Gunn.

Lexi interviews Bullet Club Gold. Jay said she is hanging out with the bang bang gang. Juice says nobody is hotter than Bullet Club Gold. They say they are the best and the most elite version of Bullet Club ever. Jay says other people don't have the right to call themselves Elite or the best brother tag team. Austin says they are not Collision Cowboys and will show the Bucks why they are the best brother team in AEW on Dynamite. Colten says not to bring superkicks to a gun fight. This was a good promo.

They did a video on the history of Adam Cole and MJF. 

Kris Statlander and Willow Nightingale vs Diamante and Mercedes Martinez

MM = Mercedes Martinez, Dia = Diamante

Dia and Kris start us off. Dia hits Kris from behind and they trade shots. Kris high kicks her then Dia headscissors her. Kris throws her but Dia armdrags her out of it. Kris slams Dia and Willow splashes Dia for 2. Willow running chest kicks Dia then Dia basement dropkicks Willow.

Dia splashes Willow and MM gets a 1 count on Willow. MM puts Willow in a paradise lock then she poses on her with Dia. We go to PiP break and return. Dia cartwheels through a double lariat and hits forearms on both. Willow spinebusters MM then chokeslams Dia on her.

Kris dropkicks Dia and MM. Dia is put into MM then Kris legsweeps Dia and this causes her to flatliner MM somehow. Kris and Willow hit stereo sentons. Willow is pushed off the top then Dia cutters Kris. MM does a razor's edge on Dia onto her opponents outside. Dia flips out of a backdrop then Kris ki krushers Dia. MM forearms Kris in the back of the neck. Dia pushes her feet against MM's back and this somehow helps her pin Willow to win it.

This wasn't that good with the finish not looking good. The faces claimed Dia cheated to help MM win. I don't really know about that one.

Toni Storm is interviewed. She's still wearing a bathrobe and admits she is out of sorts. She says she is depressed since losing her title. She said she is feeling better because she gets a rematch at Wembley and with Saraya, where she will get a fair fight. She says these girls are all trouble and backstabbers. Lexi reminds her Shida is in this and somehow this is news to Toni and she gets mad about it. Toni then throws a shoe at Lexi as she leaves.

Samoa Joe vs Andrew Everett

Joe hits punches to start and flurries him in the corner. Joe enzugiri's him in the corner. Andrew springboards to nobody then flips out of it. Joe flips him with a lariat then wins with a choke in a quick squash.

Joe gets on the mic after. He says he is the king of television and says the king came looking for the answer of a champion. Joe says he has just gotten the silence of a coward. Joe said the real world champion is acting like a b!tch right now. He said he wants to pick a fight in London and Punk won't give him it. He said he gave him courtesy by asking for what he wanted and now he's going to convince him to give him what he wants.

Christian Cage comes out with Luchasaurus. He says this is the biggest family reunion he has ever been part of. He says they are all related. He says he is superior to Ric Flair. He says he feels disrespected by Darby Allin and says Darby will never touch it again as long as he has it. He said Darby said he feels half dead inside so he only paints half his face. Christian says he will finish the other half if he tries to get his TNT title. 

Arn Anderson then comes out with Brock Anderson. He says this is hallowed ground in wrestling and is Horsemen country. Arn tells Luchasaurus he's the champ, not Christian. Christian said the most relevant Arn has been is when he left him bloodied a few months ago. Christian said he said no more open challenges, but he will make an exception for Arn. Arn said he would have 20 years ago, but says we are just getting started.

TNT Title - Luchasaurus vs Brock Anderson

Lucha throws him in the corner then Brock hits a punch. Brock kicks him and is facekicked. Lucha beats him up in the corner and superkicks him. Brock gets his chest clubbed on the apron and goes down to the floor. Lucha backdrops him.

We go to PiP break and return. Brock back elbows him in the corner then hits punches. Brock hits forearms then is chokeslammed. Lucha lariats him in the back of the neck and wins it.

This was just a squash and honestly went longer than it needed to. Brock is straight up chubby now and jiggled all over the ring.

Darby gets in the ring and tries to hit Christian with a skateboard. He then double stomped a skateboard into Lucha's back. Darby gets on the mic after. He says Lucha has been around for 65 million years and asked if he ever had a skateboard up his @ss in that time period. Darby challenges him next week for Collision and Christian agrees. Darby then said he will become the new face of TNT through him after facing Christian.

Powerhouse Hobbs is interviewed by Tony Schiavone in the ring. Hobbs is wearing the chain he was given by QT. He said he hasn't found peace in the last few months, so he went back to the bay and found the one thing that helps him to get peace and inflict violence. That is The Book of Hobbs. He said he doesn't want or need anyone's help. He said the next chapter of his book is called, "Redemption". He asks how he is supposed to redeem himself after losing the TNT Title and the Owen Hart Tournament. He said he needs to bring out The Redeemer - Miro. Miro then comes out. Aaron Solo and Nick Comoroto jump Miro and throw him into the steps. Hobbs just watches. Miro beats up both then Hobbs spinebusters Miro. Hobbs then puts The Book of Hobbs on Miro.

I don't know what this was. Why would Nick Comoroto be out there with Solo since he isn't aligned with The Factory anymore? Why would Hobbs take the help of Solo after leaving QTV and saying he doesn't need help?

AEW Trios Titles - The House of Black vs CMFTR (CM Punk and FTR)


Buddy and Punk lock up. They shoulder battle and Cash armdrags him. Dax hits shots chops on Buddy and suplexes him. Brody gets in and hits chops and forearms on Dax. Dax dropkicks him in the knee and hits chops. Punk comes off the top and lariats Buddy then leg lariats Brody. FTR hit Brody at the same time then dropkick him out.

Punk blocks a PK from Black then Black armdrags him. Black knees him and Punk ducks a high kick from him, then they stare down. Punk is sitting then Black sits down with him. Their partners then get in and everyone gets up and fights.
We go to PiP break and return. Dax is trading forearms with Buddy from the apron. Buddy double arm ddt's Dax through the ropes. Black back elbows Dax then Brody back elbows Dax. Black running PK's Dax for 2 then Dax ddt's him. Punk gets in and hits offense on Buddy. Punk leg lariats him and hits a step up knee in the corner. Punk high kicks Buddy for 2.

Punk short arm lariats Buddy. Punk is crotched on the top rope by Black. Black corner cannonballs Dax and we go to another PiP break. We return and Black stomps Punk. Brody suplexes Punk. Buddy gets in and Punk hits a go to sleep on him. Buddy rolls out of the ring then Cash and Brody get in. Cash euros Black out and dropkicks Brody. Cash powerslams Black then Black takes a double lariat over the top. Brody takes a double lariat over the top then Buddy is back body dropped over the top. Cash topes two opponents outside then Cash comes off the top and hits a bulldog on Brody.

Brody hits a bad double suplex on FTR. Brody headbutts Dax off the top and then gets crotched up there. FTR hit a double superplex on Brody then Punk comes off the top with an elbow. Brody takes a 3 person shatter machine then Buddy top rope meteora's Cash. Punk and Black high kick each other at the same time then Punk topes Black. Dax top rope headbutts Brody. Julia Hart gets on the apron and Samoa Joe chokes out Punk in the crowd. Brody lariats Dax and wins it.

It was just okay and not particularly special or memorable. Not that much of interest started happening until the end of it. Joe choking Punk at least does something to build that feud more.

Overall thoughts: There were only 3 real competitive matches on the show and 2 of them were fine. Hobbs appeared to be taking another step forward only to take another step back, and if he's feuding with Miro, they will be in another Wardlow/Hobbs situation where a hoss takes a loss and loses his momentum. Joe/Punk doesn't really have the excitement or interest they want and we don't know where this Ricky Starks thing is headed.

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