Friday, July 28, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 7/28/2023

WWE NXT Level Up  7/28/2023

Last week's show is here:

Ikemen Jiro vs Damon Kemp

Kemp gets the edge early and kind of slaps his face. Jiro headflips out of a move and poses then kips up off a shoulderblock.  Kemp pushes him over while Jiro poses then steps on his hair. Jiro counters a hiptoss with an armdrag. Kemp kneels down and punches him then does a reverse sit out hiptoss. Kemp hits mounted punches.

Kemp tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. They trade forearms and Jiro is downed. Jiro hits jacket punches and a spinning jacket punch. Jiro brings his neck down over the top rope and slingshot seated moonsaults him. Jiro hurricanrana's him and handsprings to nothing as Kemp moves. Kemp belly to belly suplexes him then nearly kills him on a super dangerous electric chair german.

The finish nearly killed Jiro, but the match was good otherwise. The two matched up well and Jiro was having a lot of fun with his usual schtick.

Kelly Kincaid interviews Karmen Petrovic. she said she grew up in a war torn part of Eastern Europe. She says she's not intimidated though says Ivy is a force to be reckoned with. She said she's a 3rd degree blackbelt and has won more medals than she can count. She says she is determined and ready to show who Karmen Petrovic is. This was good promo.

Karmen Petrovic vs Ivy Nile 



This is Karmen Petrovic's debut. She comes out with a sword. They say she is a US Open KArate Champion and was on the Canadian National Team. She then does some high spin kicks with the sword and that gets a reaction out of Ivy.

Ivy takes her down and tries to pin her for 2. Karmen hits a hard leg kick then side headlocks her on the mat. Karmen headscissors her and we get a generous booty shot. Ivy headscissors her and catches her crossbody with a fallaway slam. Ivy hits leg kicks and goes for an enzugiri but Karmen does a cool dragon screw, making her fly. Karmen side kicks her right in the head and drops her. Karmen then does a screw kick to the back for 2.

Karmen bangs her knee off the mat and calf crushers her. Ivy chinlocks her out of it. Ivy enzugiri's her and hits flying shoulders. Ivy does her flying kick in the corner and gutwrenches her for 2. Ivy then does her dragon sleeper out of it and wins it.

This was a very good debut for Karmen Petrovic. One of the better ones we have seen. She's good looking, she already has a gimmick and her kicks looked good. Her promo was good as well and she definitely has a future. It was fun seeing them trade kicks and they had a fun little match that the crowd got into. Karmen's confident in what she does and that's going to help her a lot.

Luca Crusifino vs Duke Hudson

Andre Chase and Thea Hail are out there with Duke. We get an "MVP" chant for Duke. Duke scares Luca out of the ring and Luca tells the commentator to "shut your mouth". Luca goes for a wristlock and Duke arm throws him.

Luca pulls him down via the headband then shoulders him over. Duke lariats him then slams him. Duke throws him in from the apron then suplexes him. Duke goes for another hip throw from the apron but Luca brings him down over the top. Luca ddt's him and neckbreakers him. Luca back elbows him.

Duke is on his knees and Luca hits shots. Duke hulks up and sideslams him. Duke hits the Dusty punch and elbow combo. Thea screams at him outside and Chase holds her back. Duke then does a slingshot into a wild german. Duke then hits a stiff razor's edge and gets the win.

Not the greatest match ever and it certainly was on the shorter side, but Duke's face shenanigans were fun and the slingshot german + razors edge were stiff.

Overall thoughts: A fun episode of Level Up with all 3 matches being decent. Karmen Petrovic had a great debut and looks to be another future main roster girl along with Ivy, Thea, Kelani Jordan, Tiffany Stratton, Dani Palmer and Sol Ruca. Kemp/Jiro was fun (though Jiro was almost killed) and the main wasn't the greatest thing ever but it was fine.

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