Saturday, July 15, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 7/14/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 7/14/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen vs Kale Dixon and Luca Crusifino


Kale piefaces Josh and tags in Luca, who doesn't want in. Jensen throws him in then drops a knee on him. Luca takes a double shoulder block and elbows from both. Luca back body drops Jensen then Kale stomps Jensen. Jensen is thrown hard into the buckles and Luca does a weird dance.

Jensen takes stomps and flips out of a double back body drop to make the tag. Josh hits a double clothesline and shots on Kale. He side slams and splashes Luca then Jensen spinning heel kicks Kale. Kale takes a hart attack variation and is pinned for the Briggs and Jensen win.

It was a decent tag match with the heels being effective heels and the faces making their comeback to win it. Kale has got to keep that new dance. It's terrible.

Lola Vice and Elektra Lopez are interviewed. She said she respects Feroz as she is a blackbelt in judo and jiu jitsu but Lola says she's a 4th degree master in taekwondo. She said she can't take this heat and Lopez says she has her back.

Valentina Feroz vs Lola Vice

Lola side headlocks her then drops down and is side headlocked again. They trade strikes in the corner and Feroz triangles her over the top rope. Lola double leg slams her then axe kicks her back for 2. Lola hits euros then does a nasty spin kick to the gut which sends her flying. Lola hip attacks her then grabs a choke Feroz hits a Thesz press then hits kicks including a back kick to the head. Feroz bronco busters her in the corner then hurricanrana's her. Feroz hits a meteora and ends up outside. Lopez tries to hit her but misses and is dropped by Leon. Feroz then climbed up the ropes and sunset flipped her to win it.

They tried but had some rough points to it. Lola's spin kick was really nice here and I think they could have done better.

Axiom vs Tavion Heights

This could be good. Tav has new pink and black gear with painted splashed on it and shoes that don't match. Add in him wearing a hair band and he looks like a woman.

They said it's been 10 years since the Performance Center has been around now. Tav armdrags him and Ax bridges and headscissors out of an armlock. Ax armdrags him off the middle rope and hits a nice enzugiri. Tav hits a stiff lariat then hits corner chops. Tav does a beautiful Karelin's lift. Tav rolls him into a lift but Ax gets out and enzugiri's him. They trade forearms and Ax flips out of a german. Ax hits a great dropkick that sends him out. Ax dives on him with a forearm outside then crossbodies him inside off the top. Tav throws him off his shoulders then hits a nasty doctor bomb for 2. Tav goes for another but Ax headscissors him. Ax hits a nasty knee to the face and hits a golden ratio kick to win it.

As expected, it was a good match with the two clicking. It was maybe the best match of Tav's career so far, though just another match for Ax. It was what you would expect and want with Ax really putting him over well.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show. The main was good and the opener was fine. The women's match could have been better but had some good parts to it.

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