Wednesday, July 26, 2023

WWE NXT 7/25/2023

WWE NXT 7/25/2023

Last weeks show is here:

Dominik Mysterio and Rhea Rhipley come out to talk to start. They say Judgment Day runs WWE. Dom said he finally made the Mysterio name relevant. Rhea brings up Lyra Valkyria then Wes Lee comes out. Wes says he hates seeing Dom with his title. He said he lifted the title and it made him become a better competitor. He says he wants his rematch and implies he wants it tonight. Mustafa Ali comes out and says he doesn't respect Dom and Rhea. Ali said Dom stole the title from him and says he stole the 619 and the frog splash. He said he stole his chance to become the N-A champ by beating Wes. Ali calls him a clown and said he dropped the ball. Ali said he told Wes not to take the match but he was too stupid to listen. Dom said this seems like a "you guys" kind of problem. He says he doesn't care which one of them it is at the Bash. He tells Wes he will break all of his records then pushes Ali. Ali dives at him, misses and nails Wes. Wes and Ali then fight.

Tony D and Stacks are interviewed. They said Marky Mark Coffey did a nose dive into the canolli's last week. Bronco Nima and Lucien Price then walk in. They said they will be hearing their names a lot, especially if they win the tag titles. Stacks said they move silently in some neighborhoods, but they carry a big stick. Tony tells them he will see tonight in a match.

Lyra says she wants to show Rhea what she can do firsthand, not by fighting Jacy Jayne. Rhea says she runs the women's division.

Lyra is interviewed after. She said she needs to know where she stands. She said Rhea is the measuring stick and she needs to know where she stands. She said tonight is about her, not about Rhea or Jacy. She said she will show the whole who she is.

The Schism vs Trick Williams, Carmelo Hayes and Ilja Dragunov

Melo armdrags Joe then is shouldered over. Melo hits a nice dropkick then Trick hits a nice dropkick.  Joe shoulders Trick then Rip shoulders Trick. Trick slams Rip then pop-up uppercuts him. Drag sentons Rip then 2nd rope sentons him. Drag germans Jagger then hits a big lariat on him.

Trick hits forearms on Jagger then is shouldered over. Melo saves Trick from a double suplex then they hit stereo springboard twisting crossbodies. We go to break and return. Melo is in a cravate then he superkicks him. Trick hits a big dropkick on Joe then flapjacks him. Trick knocks him over the top and goes with him. Drag accidentally hits his battering ram on Trick outside then he jumping front kicks Joe in the ring. Joe's mouth is bleeding and he backdrops Drag.

Jagger pounds on Drag then lariats him. Drag fights Dyad 1v2 then takes a step up enzugiri. Drag is held by Jagger like a powerbomb and Rip does like a codebreaker to the back of his head. The masked Schism guys pull down Jagger and Rip from the apron then Gacy misses a top rope splash. Melo hits his top rope legdrop over the neck of Gacy and wins it.

It was short for how many people were involved but it was fast paced and good. Trick and Melo had nice dropkicks here. Drag accidentally nailing Trick and Schism taking down Jagger and Rip off the apron (I think I know who was behind those masks) were an interesting twist too. 

Melo has to hold Trick away from Drag after.

We go to a convenience store and we see Roxanne Perez beat up Blair Davenport there.

Tiffany Stratton does a video. She brags about herself, saying hot she is hotter than everyone else, runs faster and lifts heavier. She said the Bash will be her first big event as champ. She said she didn't come this far to get it taken away from a little brat. She says Thea is a human energy drink. She said she will make sure she doesn't get her hands on her title. Tiff said she didn't tap out at Gold Rush, but the ref didn't see it, so it never happened. She said everyone loves Thea Hail but said her attacking her last week was not adorable. Tiff says the universe will still revolve around her next week. 

Wes vs Dom vs Ali is now official for the Bash for the N-A Title.

Von Wagner vs Javier Bernal

They said Von demanded this during a Gainesville house show. JB runs at Von and hits some shots. Von throws him in the corner and hits bolo punches. Von facekicks him then uranage's him for the quick win.

This was just a quick squash.

The crowd chants, "table" after then Von powerbombs Javi through the table. Bron then comes in out of nowhere and spears Von.  Bron beats up on him then chairs him. The refs then stop him. 

Gable Steveson is headed to the ring.

Dragunov is in the back and melo goes up to him. He says this is as far as they go. Trick then comes in and pushes him. Drag says he's trying to be respectful and Trick tells him to watch where he's throwing that "big @ss head". Trick says Melo got him at the Bash, but it's not about Melo, he p!ssed him off. He then says he's going to call him out.

Gable Steveson comes out. He said he's a gold medalist and an NCAA champ. He says he may become a 2 time olympic gold medalist next year or could become a 3x NCAA champ. Baron Corbin then comes out. Corbin tells him to go back to college or the olympics. He tells him just don't come to NXT, because he will make him do something he hasn't done before - fail. He said this is not amateur wrestling and the mat and ropes will humble him and show him who he is. He says he will see that he doesn't belong here. He said he is swimming with sharks and is staring eye to eye with a great white that is starving and smells blood. Gable then says he made the decision easier and says how about you vs me at the Bash? Gable then hits suplexes on him and Corbin goes out. Corbin has to be held back by security.

 Kendo Stick Match - Dana Brooke vs Cora Jade


Cora misses a stick shot and Dana flurries on her. Dana takes her down and hits mounted punches. Dana then throws her into the steps. Cora is thrown over the announcer's table. Dana goes for a kendo stick shot on the table but has her legs swept. Cora hits her with the stick then slams her on sticks.

 Cora crossfaces her with a kendo stick then hits her in the gut with it. Croa step-up knees her in the corner then is rammed into the buckles. Dana hits lariats then cartwheel back elbows her. Cora double underhook ddt's her and the feed goes out for a second like it's some kind of angle. Cora tells her to go back to where she belongs then Kelani Jordan distracts her on the apron. Cora is tripped into the chair then Dana hits her in the back with it. Kelani gives Dana a pink kendo stick then she hits Cora with it. Dana really whacks her hard with it a few times. Cora is suplexed onto a chair with kendo sticks on it then Dana top ropw swantons her. Dana gets the win.

It was a decent little match. Dana made her big comeback at the end with the weapons then did the top rope swanton which served as a nice finisher. WWE hardcore matches are always somewhat limited due to not having blood and anything, so it could have been better, but this surpassed expectations.

Ilja Dragunov talks to Melo in the locker room. Melo tells him that Trick will call him out. Drag tells him he knows what will happen. Drag says he will answer if called out and what faces him, will not be a wrestler. He said he will break him tonight if he sticks to his challenge then he will break Melo on Sunday.

Charlie Dempsey is stretching Myles Brone and Gulak takes him off. Gulak says this is unacceptable then Damon Kemp walks in. Kemp says he's looking for training partners that push him and he asks if they can work something out. Dempsey says, "let's see what you got".

Tony D'Angelo and Stacks vs Bronco Nima and Lucien Price

Scrypts comes down to commentary and Booker says to call him Reginald. Scrypts says his homies call him Scrypts. Stacks hits punches on Nima then Nima back elbows him. Scrypts takes a double back elbow. Stacks hits shots on Price then running euros him. Price takes a kneelift from Tony then Tony takes him down. Price hits a side kick then Nima jumping single stomps Tony.

Tony kicks Nima in the gut then he single underhook suplexes Price. Stacks is hiptossed into cannonballs on their opponents. Stacks is popped up into a gutbuster and Price hits a hard lariat on him in the corner. Nima rides Stacks over the 2nd rope then Stacks hits a 2nd rope euro. Scrypts is dropkicked at the commentary table by Axiom then  Ax topes him.

Tony beats up on his opponents and hits nice belly to belly suplexes on Price. Tony spinebusters Price for 2. Price takes the bada bing double electric chair drop and is pinned.

There was a lot of shenanigans going on here but it was an okay debut for Nima and Price. Stacks and Tony D looked very good here with Tony hitting everything with precision.

 Gallus get on the tron and tell Tony D and Stacks not to get comfortable. They say just wait until they get done with him at the Bash and say it's Gallus Boys On Top, now and forever. 

We get an Eddy Thrope/Dijak promo. Dijak takes offense to Eddy thinking he's in championship contention for winning at NXT Underground. Dijak says he's chasing the same goal and said he's not impressed. He said he doesn't want and can't beat his justice.

Blair Davenport is cutting promos on her phone at a 7-11. Roxanne Perez jumps her and throws her into tables. Perez has her head banged off a freezer then is sent into the shelves, knocking cans down. Perez ramps a shopping cart into her then beats her with boxes. Blair is hit with a freezer door and Perez asks if this is what she wanted. The cops then arrive. It wasn't as good as it could have been, but I always like fights in different places. This was a lot like the classic Booker T/Steve Austin supermarket brawl.

We go to Supernova Sessions with Meta-Four. Dar is in a vegetative state as usual and his crew tries to pump him up. Lash says Frazer has another thing coming and they said Dar was not medically cleared to compete in the match Oro lost the title in. Oro really put on the accent here and said Frazer is a snake and criminal who stole the Heritage Cup. Lash said they finally found a way to fix this and Lash says they have a surprise for him. Lash then shows him the Heritage Cup and he wakes up and falls over in his wheelchair. Dar grabs hs trophy and holds it and Jakara says he's the undisputed Heritage Cup champ. He then raises the cup and says he's still the real champion.

Nathan Frazer then comes out with Dragon Lee. Lee says he's too delusional to see that he's not the real champ. Frazer says he's a fraud just like the cup. Dar calls for Frazer to be kicked out by security. Frazer said they can sort this issue out right now. Oro says they have 4 to their  then Yulisa Leon and Valentina Feroz come in. The faces clear the ring and Lee/NF tope the boys to end the segment.

We go to Chase U. Chase says they are 5 days away from history when Thea wins the women's title. Chase asks if she's ready to train and she is all hyped up. They said Thea has been training for 3 years and had to go to indepdendent shows to learn how to wrestle. Duke says he's the brains behind this and says he's her main motivator. Chase says she can put the kimura on from anywhere. We then see Thea work out and see Thea run down the street with Chase U. Duke talks about doubting her and Thea says she just needs a chance to prove people wrong. This was a fun Rocky-esque segment.

We see clips from last week of Angel Garza going up to Humberto Carillo. They argue and Carillo asks if they are chasing women nor glory. He says he's not doing this anymore and tells him to wake up. 

Lyra Valkryia vs Rhea Ripley

Rhea's one of the main reasons I don't watch Raw, so you can imagine how thrilled I am for her to be on NXT. Rhea side headlocks her then Lyra steps on her. Lyra headscissors her then Rhea germans her. Rhea dropkicks her as she is down. We go to PiP break and return. We go to PiP break and return. Rhea drops her on her front and does some kind of bad headbutt in the corner. Lyra dropkicks Dom through the ropes and comes off the apron to hurricanrana Rhea. Lyra does an interesting ddt/suplex move out of a suplex attempt then top rope splashes her for 2.

Lyra headbutts her in the gut then step up enzugiri's her. Lyra springboards and is kicked in mid-air then Rhea hits a pump handle driver for the win.

The match was short and there were some sloppy spots here as usual. The crowd liked it though.

Rhea grabs her by the chin after and tells her to beat Jacy Jayne.

Trick walks out and said Melo's going to beat Drag at the Bash. He tells him this has nothing to do with tonight though and tells him to come on out there. Drag does and Trick dropkicks him. Trick throws him into the rails and slams him on the floor. Drag is thrown into the steps then Trick is german suplexed on the floor.

Drag hits machine gun chops and Drag hits a falling forearm on him. Drag then does another. DRag turns around in the corner then charges and Melo gets in the way to save Trick. Drag tells him to hang onto his friendship with Trick, because Trick will be all that he has left after he takes his NXT title.

It was a decent little scrap but I don't know what they were going for here. I don't know if this was face vs face or some kind of pre-heel turn for Drag. Melo getting left laying wasn't a real good look

Overall thoughts: I liked the show. All of the matches were decent and the Thea Hail video and Perez/Blair convenience store fight was fun.

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