Saturday, July 1, 2023

NXT Level Up 6/30/2023

NXT Level Up 6/30/2023

Last week's show is here:

Blair Davenport vs Kelani Jordan

KJ rolls and headflips out of an armlock, then puts her own on her. Kj shoulders her over then crossbodies her. KJ slingshot usnset flips her and armdrags her. KJ walks up the buckles and bounces off the ropes to armdrag her. KJ then hits her tiger feint armdrag. Blair forearms her and hits her as she jumps on the 2nd rope.

KJ rolls her up for 2 and cranks her neck. KJ slams her and hits forearms and chops. KJ running shoulders her then cartwheels into a back elbow. KJ springboard crossbodies her for 2. Blair corner boots her then double stomps her back from the 2nd rope. Blair then hits a bad twisting falcon arrow and wins it.

Jordan got most of the offense in here but it was not real clean or crisp offense. She did an okay job, but she's gotta work on hitting that stuff clean. Blair didn't get to do much at all.

Myles Borne is interviewed. He said he has a big challenge against Joe Coffey tonight and said maybe he will come out on top. 

Myles Borne vs Joe Coffey


They shove each other off the ropes. They snapmare each other and Borne hits a nice dropkick. Joe armlocks him and works his fingers. Borne rolls out of an armlock and is headlocked. Joe headlock takeovers him. Borne hits a nice leapfrog then two more dropkicks with an armdrag. Joe throat thrusts him then Borne decks him.

Borne takes a stunner over the top rope then is backbreakered. Joe jumping forearms him. Borne back body drops him then hits double belly to belly suplexes. Borne hits a nice powerslam then Joe hits a punch and a battering ram. Joe then spinning lariats him and wins it.

It was okay. Borne looked good as usual. Joe was okay enough.

Overall thoughts: Only 2 matches this week. The main was fine and the women were eh.

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