Sunday, July 23, 2023

New Japan Pro Wrestling 7/23/2023 G1 Climax 33 Day 6

New Japan Pro Wrestling 7/23/2023 G1 Climax 33 Day 6

G1 Climax 33 Block D - Alex Coughlin vs Zack Sabre Jr.

Alex gets in his face and pushes him back. Zack hits euros and is dropped with a forearm. Zack kicks his arm and then is sent into the rails soon after. Alex tries to hit him with a title belt but Kosei Fujita stops him. Zack hits kicks and stomps his arm on the apron. Zack is sent into the rails then Alex hits a nice Karelin's lift on him for 2.

Zack twists his neck with his feet then Alex chokes him over the bottom rope with his knee. Alex does a gori special on him then Alex does a nice pumphandle fallaway slam. Zack headscissors him over the ropes then stomps his arm into the mat. Alex kind of deadlift spinebusters him for 2. Zack puts him in a grounder choke and Alex rolls back then has him on his back. Alex powerslams him for 2.

They trade strikes then Zack hits slaps and kicks. Zack runs into a big lariat then deadlift germans him. Alex bridges him on a fallaway slam then Zack triangles him and submits him out of nowhere.

The crowd was quiet for this and the finished was real lame. Zack just won out of nowhere. Alex was good here as usual doing all of his various deadlifts and I liked it outside of the finish.

G1 Climax 33 Block C - Tama Tonga vs Mikey Nicholls

They shoulder battle. Tama leapfrogs him and shoulders him over. Mikey delay suplexes him and they go out. Mikey is thrown into the rails. Tama rushes at him and goes into and over the rails. Mikey chinlocks him then hits a death valley driver. Tama hits shots in the corner on him then lariats him.

Tama splashes him then hits a release exploder for 2. Mikey death valley drivers him then Tama enzugiri's him. Tama rolls on a death valley driver on him. Mikey spinebusters him and hits a lariat for 2. Mikey catches him like a powerslam and stunners him. Mikey moonsaults and Tama catches him with a cutter during it. Tama then jumping cutters him for the win.

The match was just kind of average. It was on the shorter end and the crowd had no interest in this at all. The moonsault into the cutter was an interesting spot, but it got no reaction.

G1 Climax 33 Block D - Hirooki Goto vs Shane Haste

Shane starts off with a dropkick, leg lariat and corner cannonball. Goto is holding his ribs and Shane kind of kicks him in the face. Goto flips him with a lariat. Goto sleepers him and is elbowed in the gut. Shane hits euros then is headbutted. Goto then rolls him up out of nowhere.

This was a total nothing match that only went a few minutes long. 

G1 Climax 33 Block C - Eddie Kingston vs Henare 

Henare flying superkicks him and Eddie goes down before the bell even rings. Henare kicks him again for 2 then hits mounted elbows. Henare hits chest clubs over the ropes and headbutts him outside. Henare pulls him down by wringing his arm then bangs his arm off the apron. Henare punch combos him and drops him with a headbutt in the corner.

Henare kicks him in his injured arm and sentons him. Henare armbars him then Eddie exploders him twice. Eddie lariats him and then they trade strikes. Henare gut punches him and drops him. Henare runs at him and takes a ddt. Henare hits his berzerker bomb then step-up knees him in the corner. Henare running PK's him in the head for 2.

Henare hits a big spear/spinebuster combo for 2 then Eddie hits bad enzugiri's. Eddie half-nelson suplexes him  then slaps him on the ropes. Henare somehow goes down due to these weak slaps. Eddie hits two backrists inbetween taking a headbutt then collapses on him to win.

This went too long and wasn't any good. Eddie took way too much offense here and his offense was horrible as usual. It might have been better with a different crowd as this one didn't really care. 

G1 Climax 33 Block D - Toru Yano vs Tetsuya Naito

Yano gets in the aisle way and disrupts Naito's entrance. Naito does his entrance again due to this then takes his time taking off his robe and stuff. Naito rolls him up multiple times and Yano goes walking to the back. Yano teases getting in a few times then Naito goes out to stale. Yano goes after him and throws him into the rails.

Naito eye pokes him then is sent into the rails again. Naito tapes him to a rail and Yano beats the count in. They goof around more and Yano hits some stomps. Yano slaps him over the back of the head then catapults him into the exposed buckle. Yano rolls him up for 2 then Naito rolls him up and wins it.

They goofed around the whole time and there was very little wrestling here. It was garbage.

Naito throws Yano into the exposed buckle after.

G1 Climax 33 Block C - Tomohiro Ishii vs Shingo Takagi

They run at each other and trade forearms to start. They shoulder battle and Shingo shoulders him over. Shingo elbow drops him and sentons him. Ishii shoulders him over then Shingo hits forearms in the corner. Ishii hits a forearm and chop combo in the corner.

They headbutt each other and Shingo drops. They trade chops and Shinog suplexes him. Shingo hits a chop and punch combo in the corner then ddt's him. Shingo backdrops him for 2. Ishii hits a big powerslam then Shingo powerslams him. Shingo backdrops him and lariats him. Shingo hits a superplex then Ishii suplexes and superplexes him.

Shingo pop-up death valley drivers Ishii then sliding lariats him. Ishii forearm combos him and drops him. Ishii dropkicks him then hits a stiff last ride powerbomb. Ishii sliding lariats him for 2 then Ishii hits a nasty half-suplex/half-ddt drop. Shingo hits a made in Japan for 2 and lariats him. Shingo sliding lariats him for 1 then is headbutted and lariated for 1.

Ishii his chops to throat and they headbutt each other. Shingo does a wild reverse straightjacket powerbomb. Ishii gets some shots in and hits a last of the dragon. Shingo hits a big lariat and wins it.

It was what you would want with the two pounding the crap out of each other. It went a little long and wasn't the best match they could have done, but it was still enjoyable, hard hitting wrestling.

 G1 Climax 33 Block D - Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Jeff Cobb


Tana headlocks him then tris him into the buckle. Tana knee dropkicks him. Cobb takes him outside and rans his back into the post then slams it on the apron. Cobb plays guitar on Tana's stomach. Cobb lariats him and plays air ukulele then misses a standing moonsault. Tana dragon screws him and slams him. Tana 2nd rope somersault sentons him for 2. Cobb hits a nice dropkick then does a standing moonsault for 2. Cobb does Tana's pose and misses Tana 2nd rope flipping senton. Tana spinning neckbreakers him then hits a sling blade.

Tana top rope crossbodies him but is caught. Cobb tries to powerslam him but Tana hits a slingblade out of it. Tana then misses a high fly flow. Cobb goes for a slam but is rolled up for 2. They trade shots and Cobb germans him. Cobb does a sling blade then tour of the islands slams him for the win.

Cobb tried to make this interesting here by doing Tana's moves but it was just an average match. 

G1 Climax 33 Block C - EVIL vs David Finlay

DF has Kidd and Gedo with him and Evil has Sho, Yujiro and Togo with him. The ref brings two other refs down to help out.

Evil kicks and side headlocks him then DF pulls his hair and headlocks him. They trade forearms and DF is thrown out. The refs and both teams partners try to get involved and Evil pulls off a turnbuckle pad. DF goes into the exposed buckle then Evil chokes him with a shirt. HoT help Evil cheat on an abdominal stretch. Evil rakes his eyes and backbreakers him.

Evil single leg crabs him then DF lariats him over the top and goes with him. Evil's back goes into the rails then he has his head banged off the apron. Evil is sent into the exposed turnbuckle then DF suplexes Evil. Evil eye rakes him and swings DF's leg into the ref. They knockdown all 3 refs then everyone and their crews fight in the ring.

DF and Evil lariat battle then DF spinning forearms him. Evil flips him with a lariat. Evil hits darkness falls for 2. Evil gets tripped into the exposed buckle then has his head banged off of it. DF hits a running dominator for 2.

DF pounds on him and Evil ends up spearing the ref. DF is low blowed then Dick Togo comes in and chokes DF with a weapon. DF takes a magic killer and a ref is pulled out on the count attempt. Evil puts a chair around his neck and chairs it. Evil then grabs DF's shilelagh. DF hit him with the belt then the shilelagh then hits oblivion for the win.

It was terrible as expected. All having 3 refs meant was having 3 people who could watch the rules get broken and do nothing about it. This was a joke and the idea of this in the main was as bad as it sounded on paper.

Overall thoughts: A bad night at the G1 with only good match and multiple bad matches.

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