Wednesday, July 19, 2023

AEW Dynamite 7/19/2023

AEW Dynamite 7/19/2023

Last week's show is here:

FTW Title - Hook (c) vs "Jungle Boy" Jack Perry

JB's music hit then stopped. We see him in the desert burying a body. Hopefully it's Marko Stunt. A limo arrives and picks him up. He then comes out to new classical music. The old music had to go, but I dunno if this it. JB goes up to a kid and threatens him.

Hook hits a bunch of body shots to start in the corner. JB walks out and throws him into the rails. JB is sent into and over the rails. They fight in the aisle and JB is lariated over the rail to go back in. Hook jumps off the barricade with a forearm. JB dropkicks him off the buckles. Hook is thrown out as we go to PiP break.

We return and Hook hits shots in the corner. Hook is thrown hard into the buckles. Jack takes a horrible northern lights suplex off the apron that looked like it killed both guys in a real stupid spot. JB bridging ddt's Hook on the floor. JB footslaps him and hits a deadlift german. Hook no sells it then germans him. Hook hits another german for 2.

JB grabs the ref and low blows Hook. JB sliding d's him in the back of the head for 2. JB grabs the FCW title and is grabbed by Hook. They run into the ref then JB takes a head an arm suplex. JB hits Hook with the title belt and wins it.

All the shenanigans was kind of lame. Hook losing his undefeated streak over this was dumb and that apron spot was super dangerous. They matched up well but the stuff I just mentioned brought it down.

Alex Marvez is where Don Callis and Chris Jericho are. They are having a meeting and get caught on camera then Alex is kicked out.

Taz is upset and said the last thing he wants is to be on camera right now.

We see clips from Adam Cole and MJF last night in a parking lot. Cole said MJF needs to face his fears of eating spicy food. Cole brings him to a Chinese restaurant. MJF said he fears poor people too. MJF talks about beating Big Bill which Cole said never happened. Cole tells MJF that the food isn't too spicy. Cole then says it's very hot once he starts eating it. MJF calls for drinks and drinks two at a time. MJF said the water tastes funny and the waiter says it's 100% alcohol. MJF is now drunk and talking about beating Big Bill in front of 99,000 people. Cole says a waiter reminds him of Sammy Guevara and MJF says he is a dead ringer for Daniel Garcia. Cole says there's one thing left to do and they say, "double clothesline" together. They then go to double clothesline the waiter. A very fun segment.

Alex is at the arena looking for Jericho and Callis. They arrive together and are asked if a decision was made. Don says the decision is that "you're an idiot" and Jericho says he's a "fat-headed idiot".

Britt Baker vs Kayla Sparks

Britt hits a quick slingblade and double underhook suplexes her. Britt hits a swinging neckbreaker then puts her in the lockjaw for the quick win.

This was just a short squash.

Renee interviews Adam Cole and MJF. Cole says there's no two better than them and they will win the tag titles. MJF said they will hit the double clothesline and win the tournament. MJF rips on both opponents and says he has something for Cole. He then gives him a towel and Cole said he has matching jackets for them. He then say they have to wait for the other surprise. Roderick Strong comes in looking for Cole and can't get him.

AEW Blind Eliminator Tournament - MJF and Adam Cole vs Daniel Garcia and Sammy Guevara

Jericho comes out. MJF weats the matching jacket with Cole and matching tights then Cole comes out to a combo of his music and MJf's music.

Garcia dances in front of MJF then MJF does his dance. Garcia then does his dance again and MJF does his dance again. MJF asks if we want to see a dance off and starts a chant for a "dance off". MJF then goes to the table with the ring bell and plays dance music. Sammy and Garcia dance with a disco ball and disco music. Garcia flips over Sammy then poses between his legs. MJF spins on the ground, does Sammy's pose and kips up. Cole does horrible gyrations. The music stops and MJF/Cole get nailed.

Garcia takes a bunch of eye pokes as the match starts. They call for the double clothesline but Sammy pulls Garcia out. MJF runs the ropesa bunch of times and then poses. Cole is pulled off the apron then Garcia hits MJF from behind and dances. We go to PiP break.

We return, MJF and Sammy bump heads and I think MJF headbutts him in the crotch. Sammy and Garcia try to do a double clothesline but MJf tags out. Cole gets the hot tag in and hits kicks then he superkicks Garcia. Garcia boots Cole in the corner, thrusts at the ref and is superkicked. Sammy springboards and takes a Cole superkick. Cole and MJF call ofr the double clothesline. Sammy ducks it and hits a double standing spanish fly on them.

MJF is rolled up but Sammy is superkicked. Garcia clips both opponents at once then sharpshooters Cole. Garcia back body dropped onto Sammy outside. MJF goes to dive but is scared to. Cole gets him to then MJF topes both opponents. MJF is shocked he hit it. Cole hits a panama sunrise on Garcia. Cole and MJF then win it with the double clothesline.

Jericho comes out after and claps for both guys and they look at each other then walk past him. COle is given MJF's belt to give to him. Cole stares down the belt and MJF asks him "what the hell is that?". They then hug and MJF is mad when Cole turns his back. FTR come out after and get in the ring. They all talk but noting happens.

I hated the dance contest. It was funny but this is a match with a title shot on the line and they are goofing around. Even worse, the heels are doing it instead of cheating and taking advantage of them. MJF was incredible here otherwise though, playing the face role to perfection and getting the crowd into everything. Them winning with the double clothesline was also good storytelling.

Best Friends, Darby Allin and Nick Wayne are interviewed. Darby said Swerve wants his attention and he's got it. He says he will win at Royal Rampage. Darby said he wants Orange Cassidy to defend his International Title against AR Fox as AR took him in when he was homeless. That was random. The Best Frineds go to put their hands in but Darby and Nick get out and Renee puts her hand in.

Chompy the Shark mascot appears behind the commentators. Taz says he will throw him off the stage if he touches him.  

They have a video package for Blood and Guts.

Blood and Guts - The Young Bucks, Adam Page, Kenny Omega and Kota Ibushi vs Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta, Pac and Konosuke Takeshita

The finish

CC hits euros on Kenny to start then Kenny hits shots on him in the corner. CC catches Kenny in the air and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. CC gets his head banged off the buckle then Kenny top rope crossbodies him. Kenny hits mounted punches then CC is thrown over the ropes into the 2nd ring. CC gets the edge on Kenny and elbow drops him.

Kenny flips out of the corner and hurricanrana's CC. Kenny pushes CC's head into the mat. Pac comes out, though not through the ramp. Pac took forever to get in and top rope drpkciked Kenny. Pac hit various kicks then sliding kicked him. CC footchokes Kenny in the corner. Kenny botches something and is armdragged. Pac and CC put their boots on Kenny. Adam Page gets in. Page fallway slams Pac and lariats CC. Page moonsaults off the top rope onto CC.

Pac is lifted up into a german from Page. Kenny facekicks CC into the cage then bangs his body backwards into it. Kenny takes a baseball slide into the cage then Jon Moxley enters. Mox puts a screwdriver in Kenny's head and bites his fingers. A fork is brought out and Kenny then Page are stabbed with it.

Mox grabs a bucket under the ring then trades forearms with Page. One of the announcers says it's a puke bucket. Mox pours out broken glass. Nick Jackson enters. He top rope dropkicks Mox and Mox lands in the broken glass. Nick superkicks CC and stuns Pac over the top rope. Nick lariats Pac over the top rope then does slingshot facebuster combo move. Nick runs up the buckles and jumps over to the other irng fo a hurricanrana. CC goes into the glass then Nick takes an orange crush into the glass. Mox puts glass on Nick's chest and stomps it in. 

Kenny takes a double suplex into the glass. Wheeler Yuta heads to the ring to enter wit ha chair. Nick takes a brainbuster on a seated chair. Kenny is thrown back first into the cage and bounces back onto the rope. Nick has his head banged on the buckles by CC. Kenny gets stuck between the ring and the cage on the floor. Matt Jackson comes out and lariats Pac. Matt rolls Pac into the mat then Matt ddt's Yuta on the chair.

CC and Mox are pushed into the each other and Matt uses Mox for a shiranui. Matt hits punches on Mox. The Bucks hit risky business on Mox. A Buck hits a hurricanrana on CC. Mox lariats both Bucks in the corner then suplexes one of them. Kenny hits his over the back legdrop on Yuta. Konosuke Takeshita is next in with a chair.

KT chairs Page in the face then there's a stupid double german spot where one Buck suplexes the other while being suplexed. Kenny gets a chair punched in his face and Kt hits a big lariat on him. Mox brings out a nail board. Kenny puts his own foot into it then takes a shotgun dropkick into it. Kenny is then slammed on the nails as the announcers ask, "what are we doing?".

Kota Ibushi comes out and is the last entrance. Wheeler Yuta escapes the cage and runs up the ramp at him. Kota has put on bad weight and punches out his opponents. Kenny's hand is stepped on into the nails. A Buck and Yuta fight on the ramp. Kota punches and kicks Mox and hits mounted punches on him. Kota backflip kicks two opponents and Yuta is suplexed on the ramp by a Buck. Kota kicks Mox and sends him onto the nail board then Kota standing moonsaults him on the nails.

KT takes a double shot but Kota falls down. CC gorilla presses a Buck into the cage then he hits his knee hard on the apron and slips between the ring and the cage. One of the Bucks puts some stupid shark hat on outside as he hits Yuta. He then puts the hat on Yuta. Page facekicks CC then hits him with a trash can. Yuta climbs up the cage to the top then Matt Jackson follows. Matt and Yuta fight on top of the cage.

Matt does his stupid locomotion northern lights suplexes on top of the cage on Yuta. Yuta ddt's him up there. Matt stays up top while Yuta climbs down and into the ring. Mox ddt's Kota and Matt pours thumbtacks  from the top of the cage down to the ring. CC and Pac are back body dropped on the tacks.

Nick hits a bunch of superkicks. The crowd chants, "we want tables" and one is brought in. The crowd then chants, "we want fire". Pac takes two enzugiri's and a bucklebomb at the same time. Kenny does his finlay roll into a moonsault then the Bucks hits a swanton and a 450 on Pac.

Mox is slammed onto the tacks and has black holes in his back. The Bucks do a deadeye + tombstone combo with a senton on CC. A table is set up between the rings. KT package tombstones Kota then Kota tries to do something like that too but botches it.

We have 4 superplexes in a row. Pac hangs form the top of the cage and double footstomps a Buck through a table. Both teams are down then get back up from each ring. They all fight between the rings at the same time. Everyone starts hitting a move and Pac takes a snap dragon into the glass. Pac puts Kenny in the brutalizer then CC puts a Buck in a giant swing. CC sharpshooters Matt and Kota breaks up all the submissions. 

Mox kisses the camera and gets blood on it. Kenny then takes running corner moves. Pac and CC aregue then everyone tries to break it up. Pac gives everyone middle fingers and goes under the ring. He grabs bolt cutters, flips off CC and leaves. Kenny hits snap dragons and Page hits buckshot lariats on CC then Yuta. Kenny hits a pumping knee on Yuta in the back at the same time. Yuta takes a superkick and Mox is handcuffed to the ropes. Don Callis tells KT to leave and Kt does. Yuta is put into a thumbtack shoe from one of the Bucks. Yuta is then choked with a chain and they say Mox submitted to save Yuta.

This had issues. Kota botched most of the things he tried and put on bad weight. Pac leaving made little sense since he got into this in the first place because he hated Kenny so much (despite disappearing for 6 months and never mentioning him). KT also hated Kenny so much yet also left the match. I don't know how exactly people can leave a Blood and Guts match since everyone has to be in and the cage has to be locked for it to even start. The Bucks as usual did their stupid spots and Mox being the one to quit to save Yuta didn't work since Mox loves pain. Other than that, it had a lot of hardcore spots as you would expect and had lots of violence. I liked the first 2/3rd of this, but it just got dumb in the last 1/3rd of it.

Overall thoughts: As usual, they mixed the good and the bad here. The MJF/Cole stuff was on one hand some of AEW's best work, but the dance contest was horrible. The cage match had some good stuff but also some dumb stuff with people just leaving.

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