Saturday, June 3, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 6/2/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 6/2/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Quincy Elliot vs Kale Dixon

Kale side headlocks him then is shouldered over hard. Kale takes another shoulder, Quincy rolls over him then hits a nice hiptoss. Quincy takes a step or two on the top rope and armdrags Kale. Still impressive though. Quincy walks the top rope again and chops him. Quincy blocks a roll-up then takes a running knee to the face.

Quincy misses an elbow drop then takes a spin kick and a knee. Kale back elbows him then does a traphezus hold. Quincy hits some forearms then does a flying single leg dropkick. Quincy misses a corner charge then Kale uses the ropes to pin him to win his first match.

This was fine. Quincy looked real mobile as always and did some new spots here. Kale's very generic in-ring wise, but you can't really mess up back elbows and other simple moves.

Kale gyrates in Quincy's face then gets hit and slammed for it after.

Lucien Price and Bronco Nima are interviewed. They say they don't care about Hank and Tank. They said they aren't scared of them and say they might be low key kind of tough. They say they've got something tighter than their friendship and say everything they do has a reason and purpose. Nima also talked in spanish here.

Kelani Jordan vs Kiana James

Both have the same initials here. They lock up and Kiana is amrdragged. Kelani does a nice double armdrag into a pin attempt which is Saran's move then armdrags her. Kiana shoulders her over then Kelani uses the ropes to armdrag her. Kelani hits a dropkick and is legswept while trying to springboard.

Kiana armlocks her then Kelani armdrags her out of it. Kelani has her head banged off the mat then hits flying forearms. Shen then cartwheels into an elbow. Kelani springboard crossbodies her and dropkicks her. Kiana does a cool slingblade into a flatliner and wins it.

I liked this. Kelani was the face and Kiana was the heel. Kelani had some nice highlight spots here and the finish was cool.

Bronco Nima and Lucien Price vs Hank Walker and Tank Ledger

Tank and Nima start us off. Nima hits him in the gut and Nima takes a double shot then a sandwich splash from the faces. Hank is held in the corner for a Price forearm. The faces trick Price off a double team into a shoulder from the side. Price and Tank trade shots and Price hits a nice lariat.

Price kneedrops Tank and hits a stiff corner lariat. Tank is irish whipped into a curbstomp by Nima then Nima rides him as he is on the middle rope. They call this the g-ride. Tank gets the hot tag in and fires a ton of shots on Price then bodyblocks him. Hank hits corner splashes then does a crossbody for 2. Nima interrupts and Tank decks him out of the ring. Price then hits a nice superkick on Hank. Hank is lifted up for a kick in the ribs for 2.

Hank and Nima hit a stiff double clothesline on each other. Tank gets the tag in and high kicks Price then jumping back splashes Nima. Nima takes corner moves then takes a double backdrop for the Hank and Tank win.

This was fun and a solid match. Hank was a good face here and his hot tag was good stuff. It was just four hosses being stiff here and it is exactly what you would want out of these guys. Hank's a real good face and he has dropped some weight.

Overall thoughts: All three matches were fine and this was a good edition of Level Up.

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