Thursday, June 29, 2023

AEW Dynamite 6/28/2023

AEW Dynamite 6/28/2023

Last week's show is here:

Jon Moxley vs Tomohiro Ishii



They butt heads and chop each other. They shoulder battle then forearm each other. Ishii shoulders him over then they bite each other. Mox shoulders him over and Mox topes him outside. Mox is bleeding some of course then Eddie Kingston comes out. Eddie grabs a chair and we go to PiP break. Mox neckbreakers Ishii on the apron. They trade forearms after Mox talks trash to him and Mox gets dropped. Ishii 2nd rope superplexes him then they trade forearms for a while.

Ishii forearm combos him and takes a spinning forearm. Mox hits a gotch style piledriver for 2. Mox then drops downward elbows on him. Ishii backdrops him  and takes a german. Mox lariats him and hits a nice jumping knee. Ishii then jumping knees him. They lariat each other at the same time and go down. They headbutt and slap each other then headbutt each other at the same time. Ishii headbutts him in the chin then takes a ddt for 2.

Ishii double arm ddt's him then hits a nice running lariat for 2. Mox jumping cutters him, Ishii no sells it and lariats him. Mox hits a death rider ddt for 2. Ishii enzugiri's him then takes a curbstomp. Mox then death rider ddt's him and wins it.

It was a strong style match with lots of stiff shots, blood and suplexes. The selling wasn't the best here with both guys not selling anything at points and they did go a little long, but it was a good match otherwise.  

Mox then runs into Eddie on his way out. 

Renee is in the parking lot talking about the blind tag team lottery. Adam Cole arrives and MJF drives his car kind of fast at him. MJF congratulates Cole for getting sick and getting to miss Forbidden Door. Cole said he was actually sick. MJF said no one is on his level but Cole is close. He said they could run the company together as a team and said they should bond together this weekend. Cole agrees. MJF gets him a t-shirt that says "better than you bay-bay"and Cole walks off. 

Renee is with the BCC. Renee ask what is going on out there. Eddie Kingston comes in. He says Mox talked enough. He says he has his back but he's with CC, who is a scumbag. They argue and Renee tries to break it up. She pokes Eddie in the chest and says he better fix this.

We get a video on Omega vs Osperay from the PPV. Kenny says he lost because Will was the better man and he'll be back. Will says he knows a good spot anytime he wants to settle it.

Orange Cassidy, Keith Lee and El Hijo del Vikingo vs The JAS (Daniel Garcia and 2.0)

They have a gaff where they try to show video of how this got set up but Excalibur talked over the wrestlers, so you couldn't hear it. Keith agreed to take this match as no one else is dumb enough to fight him and Vikingo happened to be behind him and both had thumbs up.

Keith's hair is no longer gray. Garcia shoves Vik and dances. Vik handsprings over him then Vik double jump armdrags him. Vik does a nice twisting headscissors. OC takes Angelo Parker's comb and starts doing his stupid pockets routine. He then combs his own hair with the comb. OC armdrags Garcia then Vik top rope double stomps Garcia while he's in a bow and arrow. Vik then running ssp's Garcia.

Parker double axe handles Vik's arm. Vik takes a backdrop from Garcia. We go to PiP break and return. Vik takes a splash and Menard powerbombs him. Parker elbows Vik's back off of Menard. Lee slingshot crossbodies both of 2.0 then beats up on the heels. The heels club his back then Garcia gets on his back and dances. Lee gets up and keeps him on his back then lariats 2.0. Lee double chops Garcia. Vik tope con hilos Lee and Lee is supposed to catch him but doesn't. Lee then grabs Vik and swings him into the heels. Vik is thrown up into the post from the outside by Lee, but he fails to catch himself. Vik then top rope moonsaults onto his opponents.

Garcia piledrivers OC for 2. Vik takes a back body drop over the top and OC orange punches Parker. Menard hits chops and lariats on Lee then Lee does an F-U into a body press and wins it.

It had the usual OC goofing around and all the botches on the high points of the match brought it down. I thought this also went longer than it needed to. At least Lee finally got rid of his horrible gray beard and hair.

OC puts his sunglasses on Vikingo after.

The Young Bucks and Adam Page are interviewed. Page said they have an open challenge then the Dark Order walks in.  One of the Bucks keeps talking and Silver said they have three men right there. He says they will kick their @sses. Page offers to make it a 12 man tag, but Alex says they are here to fight him. He said you can't just not talk to us for months and everything will be okay. Page said he was sorry but Uno said that wasn't enough. Uno said he abandoned them. Page asked if he is responsible for them or their baby sitter. Alex gets mad at him and says they were his friend at his lowest point. He said they aren't his friend anymore, they are his opponents. This was pretty well done, but would have been better if they showed the Order looking for Page for the last few months and him not being there or something.

Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara are interviewed. Chris says tonight Sting gets his nightmare. He said Sting isn't facing him, but the Painmaker. He says let's put the white paint in the dirt until it becomes a bloody mess.

The Elite (Adam Page and The Young Bucks vs The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Alex Reynolds and John Silver)

Page and Alex argue. Alex rolls up Matt and Matt uses the ropes to flip out of an armlock. Matt armlocks him then walks up the ropes and armdrags him. Silver and Page argue and Page headlock takeovers him. Silver is shouldered and then poses, saying he's freaking jacked. Silver back elbows him then Uno shoulders over Matt. Uno knocks Page off the apron.

Silver takes a double dropkick from the Bucks then Alex takes a backbreaker and neckbreaker combo. Uno double lariats The Bucks and argues with Page. Page goes away then Uno is double superkicked. The Bucks double dive on the Dark Order outside. We go to break and return.

One of the Bucks is sent into the buckles then Alex pop up knees the other Buck. Uno facekicks a Buck and lariats the other Buck. Uno brainbusters one of them then neckbreakers Matt. Uno piledrivers Matt then slaps Page. Page and Uno hit each other  and Nick is back body dropped over the top. Page goes to slam Uno but Silver dropkicks Uno into him. Uno cannonballs off the apron and the bucks take tornado ddt's on the floor and a double stomp on the floor. The D-O do their combo on Page for 2. Nick hits a slingshot facebuster on Uno then moonsaults off the apron outside. The bucks dive on Uno and Alex and Silver hurricanrana's Page off a buckshot lariat attempt.

Silver hits kicks on Page then takes deadeye. Silver takes a bte trigger and a buckshot lariat for the Elite pin.

They did too much here as usual and pretty much rushed through the last part of this with lots of big moves. The Elite of course had to get the win here. I thought it was decent otherwise.

The Elite are jumped from behind by the BCC after and hit with chairs. Takeshita is with them and Mox is putting a screwdriver in Page's head. The Dark Order leave and don't help. Eddie Kingston comes out and is chaired and Page is bleeding. Mox says this has been a real blast and this needs to come to an end. Mox said they pushed each other to their limits now they need to do it beyond their limits. Mox says Blood and Guts.

We see the same Owen Hart Tournament package we saw on Collision.

Adam Cole and Roderick Strong talk about MJF in the parking lot. Strong says Cole can't trust MJF. MJF comes in and makes a racial slur towards Strong and tells Cole that they should get ouf of here as the place sucks. Thye then drive away in a car.

Jungle Boy comes out to talk. He cuts out his own music and says that song won't be used again. He said he has a car waiting for him to go to the airport and says the fans are stuck here with the wildfires. JB says he is young, cashing checks and banging the hottest girl in this place. He said he has been robbed of two titles  and said Hook is entitled. He said his title isn't recognized by this company and said he was a fraud. He said he never needed him and JungleHook was special because of him. He said Hook was lucky to stand next to him. He said he will take the FTW Title from him as he knows what it means to him. Hook then comes out. JB runs, Hook runs after him and that's the end of the segment. JB did better here with the heel promo than he usually does with face promos.

The commentator's talk and JB dives into a car, running from Hook. Hook chases after him then knocks over a garbage can. 

Ruby Soho vs Alexia Nicole

Alexia takes an STO then is pounded on. Ruby stomps her in the corner and throws her out. Toni and Saraya stomp Alexia outside. Ruby backdrops Alexia then puts her in Britt's lockjaw finisher and wins it.

This was a short squash and not much else. Alexia is spray painted after.

Ruby gets on the mic after and says Britt is sick and not here. Ruby says Britt will face her next week and says Adam Cole didn't even show up at Forbidden Door. Ruby said if Britt and Cole have kids, they will be weak. She tells Britt to get her head out of the toilet. Ruby said she will take her chance of winning the Owen Hart tournament away from her and said she will be left with what she is - nothing.

QT Marshall, Harley Cameron and Johnny TV are interviewed. Johnny says Johnny TV is now in production. He said QTV and Johnny TV always make hits.

Tornado Tag Match - Sting and Darby Allin vs Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara

Jericho's wearing facepaint here and wore a mask for his entrance.  Darby shotgun dropkicks Sammy out to start. Jericho hits Sting in the arm with a bat. Sting and Jericho then duel bats. Sting hits him in the gut with the bat then splashes him in the corner. Sammy jumps off the top and hits Darby with a cutter. Jericho chairs Darby then backdrops him on the apron. Darby is thrown into steps outside and flips over them over the rail.

They fight in the crowd during the break. Jericho is hi with a chair and Jericho hits Sting with a sign. Sammy jumps off the rails and cutters Darby. Darby hits a coffin drop from the top to the floor. They set up two tables together outside then a ladder is set up in the ring.  Sting and Darby climb up the ladder then Sting dives off the ladder onto Sammy, banging his mouth off the table edge.

Darby topes Jericho on the other end then top rope stomps a skateboard into his back. Darby is whipped into the ladder and Jericho drops the ladder onto his back. Jericho is irish whipped face first into a ladder then Jericho hits Darby in the back with a skateboard as he goes for a coffin drop. Jericho knocks Darby out of the ring with a judas effect. Sting is put in a boston crab and hits Jericho with a bat out of it.

Sting splashes Jericho in the corner then Jericho codebreakers Sting. Sting then scorpion deathdrops him. Sting then taps out Jericho with a scorpion deathlock.

The Sting spot was stupid. He shouldn't have done it nor been allowed to do it. Ladder spots to the outside often don't go well and he's too old to be out there as is. The match was decent otherwise with blood and violence.

Overall thoughts: There was a lot of good stuff here but the good stuff still had room for improvement. The Dark Order stuff would have been better if it was built up. The OC trios tag would have been better without OC in it. The Elite/Order tag would have been better if they did less. JB did okay with his heel promo and Mox/Ishii was good. This was a good show overall.

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