Saturday, June 17, 2023

AEW Collision 6/17/2023

AEW Collision 6/17/2023

This is the first episode of AEW Collision.

CM Punk came out to start the show with a bag. We have new announcers and they didn't have a graphic for them to introduce them. Punk said he was tired of being nice and said he's back from injury. He said he's still here and this is a business of grown-ups, not a popularity contest. He said he loves the fan and never fit in anywhere else like wrestling. He said he knows he makes people uncomfortable and pointed out various signs in the crowd about him. He said you can call him anything you want and said the head of TNT calls him "One Bil Phil". He said the king is back and called some wrestlers soft. He said the last time we saw him, he came out with something that is in the bag. He said what's in it belongs to him until someone can pin or submit him for it.

There was a lot of shoot stuff in here and I wasn't that interested in the promo aside from him basically saying he is still the champ until someone beats him for it.

We get a video on Wardlow's feud with Christian and Luchasaurus. 

AEW TNT Title - Wardlow vs Luchasaurus

They lock up and shoulder battle. Wardlow hits a nice dropkick and Lucha goes out to talk to Christian. They fight on the floor and Wardlow goes after Christian, who goes under the ring. Christian grabs Wardlow as he's on the apron and Lucha facekicks him off of it. Wardlow goes into the steps then takes shots in the corner before being superkicked.

Lucha works his neck then hits foot slaps and crossface shots. Wardlow eletric chair lifts him and then drops him back. Wardlow hits corner spears then spinebusters him. Wardlow gets crotched on the top then is thrown him from it for 2. Wardlow headbutts him then is headbutted. Wardlow hits a big lariat then Christian gets on the apron. Wardlow hits a big powerbomb. Wardlow goofs around and rolls Lucha back, then Lucha chokeslams him.

Wardlow powerslams him then hits a top rope swanton. Christian goes up on the apron again. Wardlow hits some corner punches then Christian hits Wardlow with something. Lucha then pins him.

The ending was super lame here and the match wasn't that great. I've said many times that Tony Khan is the worst big man booker ever and this was just another example. They gave Wardlow a new look and a new manager and had him lose here. I didn't love him being with Arn or having this title again, but this isn't how I would have gotten out of it. And worse, we are going to get a Luchasaurus reign which won't be good. The match was kind of slow and Christian got on the apron a million times and the ref didn't care. 

Luchasaurus holds up Christian on his shoulders after and Christian holds up the belt.

QT Marshall and Powerhouse Hobbs are interviewed. QT said Hobbs would be here and he is here. QT says Hobbs will win the Owen Hart tournament. Hobbs says he is the new face of TNT and says the story is about redemption and taking what's his.

Buddy Matthews vs Andrade El Idolo

Andrae wore a skull mask for his entrance. They shoulder battled  and traded headscissors. Buddy threw him into the ropes and he laid on the middle rope and posed. Julia Hart grabbed Andrade's mask then Buddy was facekciekd off the apron. Andrade then cartwheel backflipped off the apron. Andrade was thrown over the rails and nailed the timekeeper then Andrade hurricanrana'd him off the rails.

Buddy pulled Andrade's arm into the post then pushed him off the apron. Buddy then hit a top rope meteora. We went to break and returned. Andrade was on the floor holding his arm. Andrade dragon screws him several times then flying forearms him. Andrade 2nd rope moonsaults, Buddy moves then Andrade moonsaults again on the landing and hits it.

Buddy ddt's Andrade through the ropes for 2. Buddy goes for a sunset bomb off the ropes but his leg gives out then he superkicks him against the buckles. Buddy takes a dangerous looking spinning elbow then Buddy pump kicks him. Buddy does a reverse cloverleaf then Andrade figure fours him. Andrade then bridges like his girlfriend Charlotte Flair and taps him out.

It seemed like a pretty solid match with limb work that was actually followed up on at the finish.

Andrade is pushed off by Buddy after when trying to help him up. The lights go out then Black and Brody King appear behind Andrade. Brody spinning lariats him and the segment ends after the lights go out.

We get a package on Scorpio Sky. He's sitting on a couch and saying he has been watching and waiting. He said nobody can beat him, he's on another level.

Tony Nese and Smart Mark Sterling are in the ring. Nese said he sees a crowd of the fattest and most disgusting trash Chicago has to offer. He said he has decided to shut Collision down so they can do group training. He tells everyone to stand up and ask everyone to stretch. Miro then comes out.

Miro vs Tony Nese

Miro chases Nese around. Nese chest slaps him and stomps him as he gets in the ring. Miro pounds onhim in the corner then mudhole stomps him. Miro lariats him then clubs his chest. Nese drops his throat over the top rope then top rope crossbodies him. Miro catches him and hits a fallaway slam. Mark Sterling gets on the apron and is nailed. Miro is then hit from behind and takes a spin kick to the face. Miro swinging side slams him then does a pump kick. Miro then camel clutches him and wins it.

This was a good squash that really put over Miro and made him look good.

We get a video on Punk. He said he never left, he was just injured. He said he has to look forward, not look back. He said there are still things left to do and he will finish them.

Toni Storm and Ruby Soho vs Willow Nightingale and Skye Blue

Skye is apparently from Chicago and she hugs her mom. The faces are thrown out to start and they all fight on the floor. Toni pushes Skye's mom then Skye's mom slaps Ruby and Toni. Ruby is pounced into the rails then Skye hits a hurricanrana off the apron. Willow running chest kicks Ruby then splasher her for 2. Willow hits a short arm lariat then takes an STO. Ruby hits mounted punches.

We go to break and return. Willow catches Ruby's shots then short arm lariats her. Skye gets the hot tag in and hits a forearm flurry on Toni then headscissors her. Skye step up knees her then swing kicks her on the mat. Skye high kicks her from the apron then top rope crossbodies her.

Willow spinebusters Ruby then Tony shotgun dropkicks Willow. Toni texas cloverleafs Skye. Skye rolls her up then Willow gets in. Willow angle slams Toni then Ruby kicks Willow. Skye is german suplexed by Toni after her blind tag then Toni hip attacks Skye in the corner. Toni goes to spray paint and Willow takes it away then hits a running death valley driver. Skye hits a code red from the side on Ruby and wins it.

This was actually fun. The crowd was into Skye, they kept it action packed and short and Skye got the win in her home town. Skye didn't mess anything up either.

Ricky Starks declares for the Owen Hart Cup tournament. He says he will be the next winner and says the tournament is meant for him.

Jeff Jarrett says a concession stand brawl between him and Mark Briscoe is set. He says his family did the first concession stand brawl. He said he played the long game and he never loses the long game. He says he's kicking his @ss.

The Acclaimed are interviewed in the ring by Tony Schiavone. They say they are still on track for the trios titles. Bowens says AEW stands for Acclaimed Every Wednesday and Acclaimed Every Weekend. They all then do a scissor with Tony Schiavone.

FTR and CM Punk vs Samoa Joe, Juice Robinson and Jay White

Dax shoulders over Jay then Jay chops him. Dax comes back with chops and back body drops him. Dax hits corner lariats. Juice hits punches on Dax when he gets in then is chopped. Cash then comes in and hits dropkicsk or Jay and Juice. Cash shoulders over Juice then is slammed. Juice hits shoulders then Cash gorilla presses him.

Juice takes a 2nd rope powerslam from Cash for 2. Punk and Joe get in the ring at the same time. Joe hits some big chops and we go to break before much else happens. We return and Juice throws Dax into the buckles chest first. Juice drops Dax with a punch then Joe punch and stomp combos Dax in the corner.

Juice 2nd rope double axe handles Dax then Dax hits a high german on him. Cash gets in and hits shots on Juice. Cash goes up and over in the corner and rolls him up. Juice tries to leapfrog but is caught with a powerslam. Cash has Juice over his knee then Punk 2nd rope elbow drops Juice. Punk backbreakers Juice and we go to break again.

We return and Jay has Cash in a single leg crab. Juice slams Cash then sentons him. Juice backdrops him for 2 then Joe punch combos Cash in the corner and back enzugiri's him. Punk breaks up the pin and he stares down with Joe. Cash backdrops Juice and Punk gets in. Punk beats up on Juice and Jay then he leg lariats Jay. Juice is neckbreakered as is Jay. Punk step up knees Juice and Jay in the corner then hits a bulldog + a lariat.

Jay eye rakes Punk then Punk goes up top but ends up getting crotched. Jay uranage's Punk for 2. Punk hits a pepsi twist out of Jay's bladerunner attempt. FTR hit a powerplex and Punk top rope elbows Jay. Cash is back body dropped outside onto Joe. Joe and Punk go at it and trade shots. Jay hits Punk form behind and all 6 men fight. Jay is suplexed on the floor and Punk step up knees Joe. Joe chokes Punk and Juice is tornado ddt'd on the floor. Jay is speared off the apron and the Joe choke is broken up. 

Punk high kicks Juice then Juice takes a big rig. Juice then takes a go to sleep and Punk/FTR get the win.

It was a good six man. They didn't overdo it, they did a nice job of teasing Punk/Joe, they had a hot crowd and they filled up the near 30 minutes they had well.

Overall thoughts: I thought it was a good show minus Wardlow losing. All of the matches minus Wardlow's match were good. The set looked good. The announcing was good and it was a job well done. I think they could have built a little more for next time and we'll have to see whether there will be a brand split or not.

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