Saturday, May 6, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 5/5/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 5/5/2023

Last week's show is here:

Oro Mensah vs Kale Dixon

They lock up and Oro gets an armlock. Kale reverses it then gets upkicked and armdragged. Oro headscissors him then legsweeps him. Kale grabs him by the hair and hits shots to the neck. Oro rolls him up then Kale rolls him up with the tights. Kale lariats him, backbreakers him then flips him down the other way. Kale grabs him by the hair and chinlocks him.

Kale grabs him by the hair more and they trade shots. Oro forearms and chops him then PK's him. Oro hits an asai moonsault then a springboard rider kick. Oro spinning heel kicks him in the corner and wins it.

It really wasn't anything special. They didn't do anything wrong, but it was a very basic match.

Boa is interviewed and he looks 7 foot tall next to the interviewer. He said he was injured and was excited to return. He said he will show everyone who he is. He said Eddy Thorpe is a great warrior but is no match for him. This was basically impossible to understand due to Boa's heavy accent.

Thea Hail vs Lola Vice 

Lola shoulders her over and dances then Thea rolls her up. Thea takes her down and standing moonsaults her. Thea armlocks her then Lola does a nice takedown. Lola spin kicks her in the corner then does a hip attack. Lola cravates her and Thea does some sloppy looking move to get out of it.

Thea flying double sledgehammers her then exploders her and does her bottom rope back splash. Thea then does a twisting neckbreaker move, banging Lola's face off the mat and wins it.

It had its sloppy moments here and wasn't the best either has looked.

Boa vs Eddy Thorpe

I don't expect this to be good. Boa rolls through an armlock and is side headlocked. They have very clear piped in chants here as the chants are loud yet nobody is moving in the crowd. Boa shoulders him over and Eddy crossbodies him after doing a leapfrog. Boa leg sweeps him and spin kicks him.

Boa hits some stomps to the gut and kicks him in the back. Boa hits knees to the body then butterfly suplexes him for 2. Boa grounded chinlocks him then Eddy makes a comeback. Eddy spinkicks him and back enzugiri's him. Eddy hits a running facekick then backdrops him for 2. Boa hits a big boot and takes some shots. Eddy does his jumping elbow and wins it.

It was a developmental match. There wasn't anything special or impressive about it as expected and they wasted a lot of time with rest holds. I'm really not sure why they are still keeping Boa around at this point. It's been a few years and he still hasn't shown much upside.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't a good Level Up. None of the three matches were anything special.

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