Tuesday, May 23, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 5/19/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 5/19/2023

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/05/wwe-nxt-level-up-5122023.html

Eddy Thorpe vs Kale Dixon

Eddy headlock takeovers him early. Kale shoulders him over and takes a crossbody. Eddy is then pulled off the 2nd rope and hits head on the buckles. Kale PK's him then running euros him for 2. Kale neck cranks him then Eddy dragon screws him. Kale takes a german suplex then Eddy jumping elbows him to win it.

Nothing too interesting about this one. Eddy doesn't really impress at anything and Kale's still an average heel.

Kelani Jordan and Wendy Choo are interviewed. Kelani said she was feeling good after her debut until she ran into Elektra Lopez and Lola Vice, who picked on her. She said Wendy stood up for her and Wendy said she wouldn't let them bully her. 

Lola Vice and Elektra Lopez vs Kelani Jordan and Wendy Choo

Lopez throws KJ off then they trade armlocks. KJ takes a double lariat. KJ rolls and kips up through an armlock then Lola takes a double shoulder. KJ is flipped onto Lola for 2. KJ uses the ropes to hit a nice armdrag then dropkicks Lola. Lopez then gutbusters KJ and stomps her. KJ is held in an abdominal stretch and Lola spin kicks her to the gut.

Lola axe kicks her back for 2. Lola uraken's her then hits mounted forearms. KJ gets out of a shoulder breaker and tags in Wendy. Wendy hits some lariats and a spinning double chop. Wendy then facekicks Lola and rossbodies her for 2. Lola misses a high kick and Wendy hits a full nelson slam to win it.

KJ looked good here as did Lola. It was short but fine for what it was. 

Luca Crusifino vs Dante Chen

Luca's in his vest and tie with the arms cut off, coming out to People's Court rip-off music.

They lock up and Luca grabs his arm. Chen grounds him then hammerlocks both arms. Chen slams Luca then hits armdrags. Lucha hits a cool hiptoss into a neckbreaker. Luca hits a bunch of slaps as he stands over him then hits a nice neckbreaker. Luca stretches both his arms back then Chen bangs Luca's head into the buckles. Chen hits a neckbreaker then a boot to the face. Luca rolls out, grabs his briefcase and goes into the ring. The ref takes the case, Luca thumbs him in the eye and rolls him up for the win.

Luca looked good here, pulling off some nice looking moves and the finish was kind of goofy fun.

Overall thoughts: It's Level Up, you know the deal. Nothing must see here but the semi-main and the main were okay.

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