Friday, May 19, 2023

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 5/18/2023 Episode 12

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 5/18/2023 Episode 12

Last week's show is here: 

Willie Mack and Ninja Mack talk. Willie said he impressed him and said they could probably have something going. Ninja said they could roll real srong and said much respect to him. Ninja said let's make this work and Willie said, "The Mack Attack is back, baby". This wasn't good as neither one of them did a good job on the mic here.

Gringo Loco vs Rey Fenix

Loco hits him off the handshake and does some flips. Rey spin kicks him to the face then Rey springboard hurricanrana' him with rope tricks. Rey then double jump springboard crossbodies him on the outside. Rey rolls and is caught with a sitout gorilla press. Rey springboards, gets caught then takes a slam. Rey hits superkicks then springboard spin kicks him and ropewalk kicks him. Rey then hits a top rope crossbody for 2.

Rey buzzsaw kicks Loco then Loco superkicks and enzugiri's him. Rey hook kicks him in the face. Loco comes off the top with a cutter to Rey who is standing in the ring for 2. Rey rolls into a hurricanrana the nsuperkicks him. Rey hurricanrana's Loco off the top. Loco diving canadian destroyers him from the top. Rey is right back up and hits a poisonrana and hits a roll into a cutter to win it.

This was all indy stuff here with lots of rolls and flips for no real reason. Rey getting right up after a canadian destroyer was terrible.

Peter Avalon and Ryan Nemeth are interviewed. Ryan says congrats to the Iron Savages for doing the bare minimum and lifting weights. Avalon has a new shorter haircut and Peter says he will prove that ROH is Wingmen country.

Madi Wrenkowski vs Willow Nightingale

Madi pulls on her hair then is shouldered over. Willow shoulders her over and sentons her. Madi headscissors her over the ropes then Madi wraps her head around the ring skirt and hits her. Willow hip attacks her in the corner then kicks her in the gut. Willow spinebusters her then Madi hits a facebuster out of the powerbomb attempt. Willow pounces her then hits a doctor bomb and wins it.

It was short and it was fine for what it was with Madi heeling it up before Willow beat her.

The Wingmen (Ryan Nemeth and Peter Avalon) vs The Iron Savages with Jacked Jameson

Jacked does his rhyme for their entrance and keeps saying, "Who are we? Iron Savages!"

Bronson pushes Peter over and does the line, and Ryan asks, "how do you forget your name that fast?". ryan drops down and Peter dropkicks Bronson. Ryan takes down Bronson then Bronson hits back body drops on both opponents. Bronson delay suplexes Ryan then Boulder is irish whipped into Ryan. Boulder then butt drops Ryan.

Peter tries to crossbody Bronson but gets caught. Ryan trips Bronson as he has him but Bronson falls on Ryan. Ryan hits a nice dropkick on Bronson then gyrates. Bronson double legs him down. Boulder gets the hot tag in, runs over both then facekicks Peter, forcing him to ddt Ryan. Boulder hits a double flapjack then misses a 2nd rope moonsault. Peter top rope splashes Boulder but is pushed up and lands on him in another pin attempt, then it happens again. Boulder double crossbodies the Wingmen then liks Bronson and drops him down on both Wingmen. The Wingmen are then pinned at the same time.

Nothing wrong with this. It was short with the Savages looking good as usual and the heels mostly being squashed.

Cole Karter and Zack Clayton vs Christopher Daniels and Matt Sydal

Daniels armlocks Cole then is headlocked. Cole shoulders over Daniels then Daniels leg lariats him. Sydal leg slices Cole then flips Daniels onto him. Sydal then hits a standing corkscrew moonsault for 2. Sydal spinning heel kicks Zack then Zack is tripped into a baseball slide. Sydal is knee'd from the apron by Cole then Zack flips him with a lariat. Zack suplxes him and Cole drops a knee for 1.

Sydal is whipped into the buckles and flips over. Sydal goes up top and is pushed into a Zack powerslam. Cole then hits a top rope frogsplash for 2. Sydal swinging ddt's Zack. Daniels hits some sliding lariats on Zack then back body drops Cole. Daniels hits a combo lariat + bulldog. Cole hits a nice dropkick on Daniels then Sydal hurricanrana's him. Zack hits a stiff lariat on Matt then takes a uranage from Daniels. Sydal plancha's Cole then Daniels hits the best moonsault ever and wins it.

Nothing wrong with this one at all. The heels were heels and the faces eventually made their comeback and won it. Zack had a nice lariat here.

We get the same video package on the Kingdom that we have been getting.

Lady Frost vs Miranda Alize

Frost grabs a headlock then takes headscissors. Alize bits her hand then does a stiff facewash kick in the corner. Alize double underhook suplexes her. Alize talks trash and pie faces her then Frost hits her forward handspring into a cannonball for 2. Alize hits a nice orange crush for 2 then tiger drivers her for 2.

Frost does a neat cartwheel into an air raid crash then Frost corkscrew moonsaults her for the win.

Frost looked great as always here and I don't get why she's on here instead of on Dynamite.

Spanish Announce Project (Angelico and Serpentico) vs Eli Isom and Cheeseburger

Serp hits shots on CB then CB goes between the legs then goes over and under him into a double arm submission. Ange does a stomp on CB then does a reverse figure four variation on him. CB takes kicks and punches in the corner then the SAP are pushed into each other. Eli gets in and hits forearms then pulls Ange out. Eli suplexes Serp, corner spears him then throws him up into a neckbreaker. Ange takes a superkick from CB then Eli topes Serp. CB rolls up Ange and Luther takes a cheap shot outside.

Ange trips CB then spins him into an ankle lock for the win.

It was a short one and it wasn't a lot more than that. Eli looked okay here.

NJPW World Television Title - Zack Sabre Jr. vs AR Fox

AR snapmares him over then taunts him. Zack shoulders him over then AR hits a leg lariat. AR corner lariats him and flips over the ropes to kind of do a dropkick. AR slingblades him then suicide dives him. AR springboard dropkicks him. Zack hits some leg kicks while he is down then AR can't irish whip him because Zack had hurt his arm with submissions. Zack stomps on the arm.

AR hiptosses him then is flipped into an armbar. AR flying clotheslines him. They trade kicks and AR twisting brainbusters him for 2. Zack pele kicks the arm then stomps on the shoulder. Zack hits some light kicks to mock him then is thrown out. Zack gets caught between the ropes where he is superkicked and ddt'd for 2. Zack octopus stretches him on the buckles then AR jumps up and does a seated spanish fly for 2.

AR baseball slides him out then tope con hilos him. AR kips down out of a lariat then is rolled up into a pin attempt for 2. Zack works the leg and does a submission where he splits the legs and wins it.

I wasn't a big fan of it. AR was selling his arm like it was done early, then he forgot all about it. Then instead of continuining to work the arm, Zack started working the leg instead and won with it.

Zack is interviewed after. He said he feels, "bloody marvelous". He said he wanted the IWGP title, but a new opputunity arose with the NJPW World TV title and now he's the best champ in the world. He said he's the most active TV champ then Samoa Joe comes out. Joe says, "welcome back". Joe said there can be only one TV champ and said while the powers that be may not want it, he said they should see who is the one tv champ tonight. Christopher Daniels and Matt sydal then walk out. Daniels said he can't just make matches anymore and said Sydal is long overdue for singles gold. He said he's got his eyes on the tv titles. Zack says hold on and calls Joe, Samoan Joseph. Zack said he and Joe should team-up and fight them and if Daniels or Sydal win, they should get themselves a TV title match. Zack said perhaps they can find out who the best TV champ is once they deal with them. The two TV champs wanting to go at it was kind of cool but Sydal and Daniels getting involved was random.

The Gates of Agony vs Dalton Castle and The Boy

Brent is out so it's just Brandon today. Dalton says there is no honor in any of this while shaking hands and forces the GoA to shake hands. Brandon chops Kaun then is thrown off. Brandon takes him down and Nana gets on the apron and tells Kaun he got this. Kaun hits Dalton while he's on the apron then Toa blindsides Brandon. Toa hits a huge gutwrench suplex on Brandon.

The GoA's slap each other then Toa backsplashes Brandon in the corner. Kaun backbreakers Brandon then Brandon short flatliners him. Brandon gets beat up on the ropes and steps on Brandon's face with his bare feet. The fans chant, "wash your feet". Toa buttdrops Brandon then Kaun slams Brandon. Brandon takes a sledgehammer shot to the chest.

Toa goes for a buttdrop but takes too long and Brandon counters it. Dalton gets the hot tag in and beats up on the GoA. Dalton hits a nice suplex on Kaun then grabs Toa's nipple. Toa is tripped and splashed then kicked out of the ring. Dalton germans Kaun. He throws Brandon out on Toa but Toa catches him. Nana puts the Boys' mask on and taunts Dalton. Kaun fireman's carry double gutbusters Castle and Brandon is slammed on the apron. Brandon is dropped on his chest by both and the GoA's win it. The announcers say that Brandon wasn't the legal man yet was pinned.

This went on too long.

The Workhorsemen and Shane Taylor vs Schaff, Midnight Heat (Ricky Gibson and Eddie Pearl)

Henry takes down Ricky and Ricky comes back with a hiptoss and armdrag. Eddie slingshot swantons in and gets high kicked. JD sentons and belly to bellies Eddie then vader bombs him. Eddie is tripped into double knees then Henry double stomps Eddie. Schaff gets in and hits some big lariats then Shane headbutts him. Shane hits a nice lariat on Schaff then Shaen hits a package piledriver on Schaff and wins it.

This was a squash but Midnight Heat and Schaff looked good and need to be brought back. Midnight Heat look like an old school face team and Schaff's a bigger, tough looking dude.

The Righteous are interviewed. Vincent says Stu Grayson is inspiring. Stu walks in and asks if they are playing games. Dutch tells Stu that he and the Dark Order are slow dancing in a burning room. Vincent said we should change that tune. He said Dark Order brought him back but is keeping him tamed on a leash in the backyard. Vincent said he is his friend and asks him to give him a chance. Uno and the Dark Order come in. Uno said he see's what he is doing and the games he is playing. Stu then says you do not speak for me. Stu tells The Righteous they've got one chance and Uno tells them to stay away from Stu. This was good.

Ashley D'Amboise vs Mercedes Martinez

Ashley gets a full entrance and they talk about her like she will be used more often. Ashley flips and cartwheels out of a wristlock then MM headlocks her. MM gets out a headscissors and slaps her then Ashley hits shots. MM catches her boot then spinning forearms her hard. MM suplexes her and rolls her up for more suplexes.

MM chops her in the corner and slaps her. Ashley comes back with a flipping neckbreaker then MM spinebusters her. MM hits some clubs and Ashley hits some bad strkes. Ashley does a reverse F-U for 2 then MM hits a curbstomp. MM then does a surfboard + dragon sleeper and wins it.

It wasn't good. MM wasn't that interesting and Ashley's strikes were very bad here.

Fight Without Honor - The Kingdom vs Darius Martin and Action Andretti

AA comes out with a copper pipe and The Kingdom go up the ramp to get at him 2v1. Darius nails both from behind and they fight on the stage. Kingdom takes double suplexes on the ramp. Taven is thrown into the steps and chairs, chains, trash cans and a pipe are thrown in the ring. Taven goes at Darius in the corner and goes over the top then Mike has a chair double dropkicked in his face. Taven takes a double drop toe hold into a chair then AA jumps off Taven's back with a hurricanrana on Mike.

Taven has a chair put on his head and then they hit it with a pipe and chain. Mike is bleeding and takes weapon shots. The faces get a ladder and try to bring it in, Maria holds onto it and the faces take a double baseball slide and get the ladder in their faces. Maria low blows Darius on the apron and Mike chairshots Darius. Darius falls on the floor.

Tave hits AA with a trash can then Darius is thrown into a ladder. AA takes a spinebuster on a trash can. They do a stupid spot where Darius has a ladder around his neck and Taven knees it, hurting his own knee. Darius is thrown out and lands hard on the floor then Taven accidentally topes Mike outside. AA split-legged moonsaults his opponents outside. AA is popped up and dropkicks Taven then Darius bottom rope swinging flatliners Mike.

Dairus takes a chair to the back then the Kingdom mess up a spike piledriver on chairs with Taven not being able to spike Darius. Taven spin kicks AA then AA bulldogs Taven. AA springboard 450's Taven on a table, but the table does not break. AA then suplexes Taven through the table for 2.

AA and Mike trade chops then Mike spears him. Mike death valley drivers him through a table in the corner. Taven blue thunders Darius through a chair for 2. AA lariats Taven over the top then Darius is pushed off the top to the floor. Maria hits Darius with a pipe outside then Maria holds Darius for chops. Mike accidentally forearms Maria, knocking her out.

Taven talks trash to Darius then gets low blowed. Taven is swung bckwards into a seated chair. Mike tells the faces to hit him as they have him 2v1 then he spits on them. Mike is put on Darius' shoulders then AA hits a doomsday device off the ladder onto him.

Darius says stuff to Mike after and they shake hands.

They put on a good match but they had some bad luck here with spots getting messed up. They made it feel like an important PPV level match here. I don't really like the Kingdom losing as I feel they need a stable top team and they are perfect candidates for it, while we all know the AA/Darius team is temporary.

Overall thoughts: The main had some bud luck, but it was good and they had some other decent matches thrown in, so it was a good show. It still had the usual issues though with people missing and things not being followed up on.

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