Monday, May 8, 2023

CMLL 11/12/1995

CMLL 11/12/1995

Guerrero de la Muerte, Astro Rey Jr and Kahoz vs Trueno, El Olimpico and Shocker

1st Fall - Shocker's team is jumped before the bell. Shocker takes a hard lariat from Kahoz and Muerte hits a nice punch on Olimpico. Muerte bangs Trueno's head into the ropes and Shocker takes a 2v1 with Kahoz kicking him. Muerte comes in to help and pulls at Shocker's mask. Shocker is rolled out of the ring and Rey baseball slides him into Olimpico on the outside.

It seems the rudos won this one, likely due to the 3v1 submission and beat down on Shocker.

2nd Fall - Shocker gets his head banged off the post. Trueno gets stomped and spinebustered by Muerte then Muerte leg drops him. Shocker is leaned on the top rope from the apron and is yanked back, falling to the floor. Kahoz lariats Olimpico as Muerte stomps on Trueno. Muerte powerslams Olimpico. Shocker evades a 2v1 and dropkicks Kahoz out. Muerte dropkicks Shocker then Shocker is back body dropped to the floor. Olimpico front suplexes Rey and Trueno top rope crossbodies Muerte. Trueno backbreakers Muerte and the technicos win the fall.

3rd Fall - Trueno shoulders over Muerte then hiptosses him. Trueno does a flying double chop and hits more armdrags. Rey in spinebustered by Olimpico then armdragged. Olimpico is popped up and dropkicks Rey on his way down. Shocker headscissors Kahoz and armdrags him out. Trueno misses a dropkick on Muerte then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him into a grounded cobra twist. Rey goes up top and misses a swanton, landing hard. Olimpico rolls up Rey for 2 then Kahoz back body drops and lariats Shocker. Shocker abomdinal stretches Kahoz and wins the fall for the technicos. Technicos win the match 2 falls to 1.

Trueno lariats Rey after and Shocker has to be pulled off of Kahoz after.

The heels beat up Shocker and the faces too much to start this and the faces comeback and eventually win wasn't that great.

Damiancito El Guerrero and Felinito vs Ciclonito Ramirez and Ultimo Dragoncito

1st Fall - Felino trips Ciclon and goes for some holds. Ciclo pulls on his foot but is rolled up. Felino judo throws him then Ciclon armdrags him. Ciclon headflips and armdrags and they stand off. Felino hip throws him into an armdrag then Ciclon tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. Damian and UD get in. Damian armdrags him into a grounded abdominal stretch. Damian pulls both of his arms back then does a nice german suplex esque pin attempt. UD does a nice pin attempt then armdrags him.

Damian trips him and UD reverse monkey flips him. UD gets flipped from underneath then flips Damian. They flip more in the same sequence and Damian lariats him. UD back flips out of a wristlock and armdrags Damian out. Felino stiff shotgun dropkicks Ciclon then does a high flapjack into a senton. Damian slingshot kicks Ciclon then holds him up for a 2nd rope Felino dropkick.

Damian dropkicks Ciclon out and UD takes a 2v1. UD is double clotheslined then Damian running moonsaults UD for 2. Damian pins UD with a perfect plex. Felino powerslams and 2nd rope moonsaults Ciclon and the rudos win the fall.

2nd Fall - Felino shoulders over Ciclon as he jumps then Ciclon ddropkicks him. Ciclon is pulled in from the apron and armdrags Felino. He armdrags him again, Felino flips over his back then Felino takes a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Felino tries to spear Ciclon in the corner but Ciclon moves and he takes a hard bump out. UD hits a nice armdragon Damian then headscissors him. They run the ropes and Damian is kicked in the butt and sent to the outside. Ciclon is held up for a Felino slingshot kick. Felino accidentally elbows Damian then runs into his boot. Ciclon escapes the 2v1 then UD is popped up into a double dropkick on the heels. The faces dive on both the heels outside and seem to win the fall via countout as both UD and Felino are out on the floor.

3rd Fall - Damian dropkicks Ciclon and slams him. Felino spin kicks Ciclon in the gut then spin kicks his own partner out. Felino is thrown chest first into the buckles then Damian handspring back elbows Ciclon in the corner. Damian misses his 2nd attempt on it then misses a spinning heel kick. Ciclon tires to roll up him but is ligerbombed. Ciclon is then single leg crabbed and armbarred at the same time and the rudos win the fall. Felino kicks Ciclon out of the ring after.

The first fall was some of the best llave chain wrestling I've ever seen. It was just so fluid and they pieced all this great stuff together. When people tell you that lucha is about flips and spots, show them that. It was beautiful stuff. I think UD got stretched out between the 2nd and 3rd falls as he was nowhere to be seen for the end of this after hitting his dive. Felino even seemed a little out of it as well. The second and third falls weren't as must see as the first, but it was still very good lucha. I highly recommend seeing this one.

La Fiera, Negro Casas and Rayo de Jalisco Jr. vs Dr. Wagner Jr., Felino and Pierroth Jr.


1st Fall - Pierroth hits a stiff lariat on Rayo early then Rayo drags him over. Rayo slaps him and Pierroth goes out. Doc knees Fiera then shoulders him over. Fiera goes for a leapfrog but is swatted down. Doc catches a boot then is kicked and Fiera enzugiris him.Felino shoulders Negro over then hits a big lariat. Negro armdrags him over the back and then dropkicks him as he is on the 2nd rope. Doc pops up Negro and is dropkicked then Rayo and Pierroth trade chops. Rayo legdrops him. Felino runs into a Fiera superkick and Negro pins Doc with la magistral to win the fall for his team.

2nd Fall - Rayo is hit in the legs from behind then takes a 3v1. Negro is thrown out somehow and Pierroth beats up Fiera, then throws him into Rayo's got. Pierroth low blows Rayo then stands on his injured ribs. Doc powerbombs Negro and Fiera is afraid to get back in as he will be double teamed. Fiera takes a double back body drop then Pierroth backdrops him. Felino sharpshooters Fiera and the rudos win the fall.

Rayo gets his arms pulled between falls and Pierroth unlaces his mask.

3rd Fall - Casas is stomped on then Doc wedgies him and slams him down with it. The faces make their comeback and Doc is chest slapped out of the ring. Pierroth has his head banged off the post and Felino is neckbreakered by Fiera. Fiera stretches him on the mat and Doc breaks it up. Fiera spin kicks him then Negro dropkicks Doc. Negro hits nice dropkicks then Felino is back body dropped onto him outside. Fiera does a nice tope on Doc then Rayo sunset flips Pierroth. Rayo octopus stretches Pierroth and submits him to win the fall for his team.

The finish was out of nowhere here. The rudos did a good job of beating up on the faces and Negro and Doc were good here.

Overall thoughts: The mini's match was very good and had some of the best technical wrestling ever. The opener wasn't that good and the main was okay but could have been a lot better.

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