Friday, April 28, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 4/28/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 4/28/2023

Last week's show is here:

Tyler Bate vs Luca Crusifino

Luca comes out to rip-off music from The People's Court and hands out business cards to people. He wrestles in a dress vest with a tie, with dress pants.

Luca headlocks him then Bate headlocks him and grabs his own foot to kick him. Bate split his legs and used his own feet to push them further apart. Bate keeps him in it and pulls out a business card. He tries to give it to him, Luca grabs his hand and is pulled up, adding to the pain. Luca tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him then chinlocks him.

Luca misses a tilt-a-whirl then Bate knees him and 2nd rope euros him from the corner. Bate airplane spins him then slams him. Luca is dizzy and falls over then Tiger does a tiger driver and wins it.

It was kind of a silly match but it was okay. The leg split spot was kind of neat and Luca wrestling in business attire is fun.

Tank Ledger and Hank Walker are interviewed. They said they met during lunch and said they ordered the same things. They shared their lunch and said their food tasted similar. Tank says Dyad are the green beans of the NXT tag division, but you want the ground beef and that's "Hanky-Tanky". They ask if Dyad are ready for the beef to close the promo.  Oh boy, this was uh something alright.

Ivy Nile vs Lola Vice

Lola dances on her way to the ring.

They lock up and they take each other down while tied up. They trade waistlocks and Ivy does a nice move into a pin attempt. They trade leg kicks then kick each other in the chest. Lola kicks her and then axe kicks her back for 2. Lola spin kicks her then hip attacks her in the corner.

Lola does a neat rings of saturn variation then Ivy high kicks and shoulders her. Ivy flying kicks her in the head then hits a gutwrench suplex. Ivy flips her into her dragon sleeper and Lola takes a bad looking fall as she submits.

This was a little messy towards the end but the two both do MMA offense and they weren't a bad match for each other. 

Hank Walker and Tank Ledger vs The Dyad

Hank pushes off Jagger to start then runs him over with a shoulder. Jagger comes off the top and is caught wit ha crossbody. Jaggers pull Hank's singlet then we get a 4-man standoff. Hank shoulders Rip over then Tank slams Rip. Tank flying shoulders Rip then Rip takes a double shoulderblock.

Ava gets on the apron for a distraction and Hank is rammed into the buckles. Hank suplexes Rip then Tank hits lariats on his opponents. Tank runs through a double clothesline and hits his own. Tank then hits a double fallaway slam and does his cartwheek into a splash. Tank high kicks Rip then Jagger enzugiri's Tank. Jagger is slammed onto his chest then Hank lifts him up with the full nelson and drops him backwards.

Rip pulls Hank out and nails him then Tank takes a double codebreaker for the Dyad win.

Wasn't a bad match at all. Hank and Tank are a fun team that I'm sure we will be seeing more of. 

Overall thoughts: Nothing must see, but this was a fun little show with Hank and Tank goofing around and Luca wrestling a match in his business outfit.

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