Monday, April 24, 2023

Stardom 4/23/2023 Allstar Grand Queendom 2023

Stardom 4/23/2023 Allstar Grand Queendom 2023 

This show is quite long and this was about as much as I was able to get through:

Fuwa-chan & Hazuki vs. Queen's Quest (Miyu Amasaki & Utami Hayashishita)

Utami and Haz go at it and stare down after missed shots. Fuwa and Miyu get in and Miyu basement dropkicks her. Miyu leglocks Fuwa then Miyu dropkicks her leg against the middle rope. Utami slams Fuwa then Miyu hits forearms on Fuwa. Fuwa then spin kicks and dropkicks her.

Haz gets in and codebreakers Miyu then she double springboard dropkicks both opponents. Haz facewashes Miyu then Haz pump kicks Miyu. Fuwa running back elbows and dropkicks Miyu for 2. Fuwa boston grabs Miyu. Fuwa goes up top and hits a top rope dropkick on Miyu for 2. Miyu handspring back elbows Fuwa.

Utami and Fuwa trade forearms. Fuwa facewash kicks her then puts her in an octopus. Fuwa takes a double team move. Utami goes up top and Haz codebreakers her while she's seated up there. Fuwa goes up top and crossbodies Utami for 2. Fuwa suplexes her for another 2. Fuwa running kicks her then Utami takes a nasty landing on a german. Utami slams Fuwa. Fuwa lands on her neck on Utami's lariat. Utami lariats her against the ropes then Miyu implant ddt's Fuwa. Utami germans Fuwa and wins it.

It went a little long. Fuwa did good here in only her second match, though does kind of have a goofy vibe to her and some akwardness that may be hard to get rid of.

Oedo Tai (Momo Watanabe, Natsuko Tora, Ruaka & Saki Kashima) vs. Club Venus (Jessie, Mariah May & Xena) & Thekla

Tora shoulders Thekla over then Thekla lays on the middle rope and kicks her. Thekla headscissors her over over the top rope while her partners pose. Thekla takes a double shoulder then is senton'd by Tora and Ruaka. Momo kicks Thekla in the back. Tora slams Thekla then Thekla headscissors and facekicks her.

May gets in top rope dropkicks Tora for 2. May and Xena hit stereo double underhook suplexes then hit a double suplex on Tora. Momo takes a triple kick from the foreigners. Tora pokes May in the eyes then samoan drops her. Tora lariats May then Saki gets in, Saki takes a spinning backbreaker from May.

Jessie gets in and slams Saki then corner splashes her. Saki takes some odd spinning drop for 2. Saki facekicks her for 2 then headscissors her from the 2nd rope. Jessie takes corner moves then takes a top rope footstomp from Saki for 2. Thekla gets on her partners shoulders then splashes Saki from the middle of the ring. Jessie swinging front slams Saki.

May gets hold of a box then her and Thekla argue over who should use it. Thekla accidentally nails Jessie then Saki rolls up Jessie for the win.

There were too many people involved here and not enough time, so it ended up being rushed. If you have 6 people in a match, the match needs at least 15-20 and if you have 8 people, it need 20.

Himeka vs Maika

They trade shoulders and Himeka knocks her over. They shoulder battle each other outside and trade forearms. Maika suplexes her on the floor then they trade forearms inside. They do corner moves to each other and Himeka shoulders her over. Maika gets lariated over the top then Himeka top rope plancha's her. They fight up top and Maika hits a delayed superplex.

They run at each other with lariats. Maika knocks her over then Himeka lariats her over. Himeka lariats her again then does a sit out burning hammer for 2. Maika rainmakers her then is backdropped. Himeka sit out powerbombs her then Maika hits a powerslam.

Maika sto's her then does a running powerslam for 2. Maika hits a stiff lariat then michinoku drivers her for 2. Himeka jumping knees her then running powerbombs her for 2. Maika michinoku drivers her. Maika headbutts her and michinoku drivers her again to win it. 

There was some good strong style wrestling here but they also did way more than they could really sell.

Wonder Of Stardom Title Match - Saya Kamitani (c) vs. Mina Shirakawa

They do some amateur wrestling and trade holds then Mina puts her on her shoulder and drops her on her knees. Mina then drops her knee on her knee and bangs it off the mat. Mina bangs her leg off the post then figure fours them around a post. Mina bullies her around and Saya falls on an irish whip as her leg gives out. Saya dropkicks her then springboard crossbodies her outside. Saya slingshot splashes her for 2  then Mina springboard kicks her. Saya spin kicks her then is dropkicked in the knee again.

Saya botches some spinning heel kick then suplexes her for 2. Saya hits some v-trigger esque kick then ki krushers her. Saya takes a figure four but immediately ropebreaks. Mina high kicks, urakens and backdrops her. Mina hits a high angle ddt for 2 then Saya does some sloppy move over the knee. Saya pump kicks her and rolls her into a backdrop hold for 2. Saya spinning ki krushers her for 2. Saya hits a top rope pheonix splash for 2. They go up top and Mina does a top rope ddt.

Saya headscissors her but Mina rolls her up off of it. Mina dragon scrws her then figure fours her. Mina puts her in a reverse ddt then lifts her up and drops her. Mina does it again and wins it.

I hated this. The leg work went nowhere and there was no selling galore along with lots of sloppy moments. Can people stop doing the work the legs thing with Saya? Her offense is mostly all flying and for her to sell right, she wouldn't be able to do much.

Knockout Or Submission Only Match - Syuri vs. Chihiro Hashimoto

Hash shoulders her then is armdragged. Hash hits a nice gutwrench suplex then hits a waterwheel drop. They trade forearms then Hash takes a step up knee. Hash lariats Syuri then Hash racks Syuri. Hash then does a nice release german out of it. Hash runs into a knee then takes a kick to the face. Syuri stomp flurries her then does a rolling armbar.

Syuri does a top rope kimura suplex to Hash then armbars her after they land. Syuri is on top and is pulled from the top. Syuri goes for a high kick outside and is ankle locked then Hash spears her on the floor. Syuri tornado ddt's her on the floor. Back in and Syuri 2nd rope legdrops her then hits kicks. Hash powerbombs her then release germans her. Syuri no sells it and PK's her then both fall over when they slap each other at the same time.

Hash and Syuri trade forearms then Syuri flurries her. Hash bolo punch flurries her then Syuri bodyscissors her with a guillotine. Hash deadlifts her from this and suplexes her. Syrui high kicks her. Syuri hits a codebreaker then headbutts her in the back of the head. Syuri hits an electric chair driver then buzzsaw kicks her. Hash can't get up before 10 and loses.

I thought they could have done a better job with the knockdowns here. There's a lot of drama to be had when you have to beat the count and they didn't do much of that at all here. I also thought they could have put over Hash as the hoss more here. Other than that, I thought the two matched up well together and put on a decent match.

IWGP Women's Title Match - Mercedes Mone (c) vs. Mayu Iwatani

Mone pushes her then piefaces her. Mayu takes her down and pounds on her then they trade places. Mayu keeps pounding her then running kicks her in the back and basement dropkicks her. Mayu then topes her outside.

Mone running knees her through the ropes then double knee presses her to the floor as she hangs from the bottom rope. Mone 2nd rope meteoras her for 2 then hits three amigos for 2. Mone misses a top rope frogsplash then double knee presses her while she's on the 2nd rope.

Mayu spinkicks her then hits a crucifix bomb for 2. Mone takes a dragon suplex then Mayu top rope frogsplashes her for 2. Mayu misses a top rope moonsault then hits superkicks. Mayu slaps her then is pulled down by her hair off the 2nd rope for 2. They try pin attempts then Mone backcrackers her. Mayu comes up from behind with a dragon suplex then tombstones her.

Mayu slaps her and kicks her in the face then top rope moonsaults her for 2. Mayu then dragon suplexes her and wins it.

They tried, but Mone isn't up to Stardom standards and her type of match just wasn't working here. The first half was good but the second half is where it fell apart with sloppiness.

World of Stardom Title - Giulia (c) vs Tam Nakano

Giulia reverses a backdrop early and escapes a headscissors. Giulia snapmares her then Tam bridges and snapmares her. Giulia slaps her then hits a northern lights bomb. Giulia sets up a table outside but it doesn't get used yet. Giulia beats up on her then takes a spin kick to the head. Tam facekicks her through the ropes. Tam is on the top and Giulia throws her down onto the table.

They go up the ramp and Giulia ends up taking a reverse ddt on it. Tam then runs the ramp and knees her only to do it again. They both go up top, fight and headbutt each other down to the floor. They forearm and slap each other then Giulia knocks her down with a slap. Tam headbutts her then slaps her down. Giulia running punches her then hits a falcon arrow. Giulia then wrist clutch drivers her for 2.

Tam running facekicks her then does an armbar and headscissor submission on the mat. Tam tiger drivers her for 2 then basement dropkicks her. Tam then running knees her to the back of the head and to the side of the head. Tam does a straight jacket german variation on Giulia for 2.

Giulia gannosuke clutches her for 2 then punches her. Giulia knees her in the face for 2 then hits another northern lights bomb for 2. They go up top and Tam top rope butterfly suplexes her. Tam tiger suplexes her then Giulia wrist-clutch backdrops her for 2. Giulia hits a tiger suplex then takes a northern lights bomb from Tam. Tam hits a neat wrist-clutch + half-chickenwing suplex for 2 then does a stiff falcon arrow and wins it.

The pacing was good for this being 23 minutes. They probably went too overboard with the head dropping moves but they did try to sell here and it was a good effort overall.

Overall thoughts: The main was good, though not a classic. Sasha Banks/Mayu had a good first half but the second half went downhill. I liked Syuri/Hashimoto and I liked Himeka/Maika, but I thought Saya/Mina sucked. I thought it was a good show overall.

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