Saturday, April 29, 2023

IWA Puerto Rico Zona Caliente 4/27/2023

IWA Puerto Rico Zona Caliente 4/27/2023

The last show is here:

We see clips of Invader heart punching TNT from the TNT/Romeo match.

IWA Women's Title - Krystal vs Nathalya Perez vs Roxxy

Krystal is referred to as La Peligrosa and as a shaman. They say Roxxy has broken every mold, isn't afraid of anything and has fought men. Krystal and Perez hit forearms on Roxxy then Roxxy clotheslines both. Roxxy shoulders Perez then Perez hiptosses and armdrags her. Perez hits a dropkick then Krystal blindsides her with a lariat.

Krystal chokes Perez then bangs her head off the mat. Krystal slams her then Roxxy rolls on her. She turns her back and Krystal nails her and legdrops Perez. Roxxy superplexes Krystal and Perez gets under them to powerbomb Roxxy. Perez and Roxxy trade forearms then Perez hits an unusual ddt. Roxxy double underhook ddt's Perez but is pushed off the top by Krystal. Krystal running knees Perez and picks up the win.

It wasn't anything special as they didn't get much time and had to account for 3 people here but they didn't botch anything or have any screw-ups.

Harry William does a promo. He said they almost became tag champs and it was because of him. He says he doesn't know what's going on with Niche and questions if he forgot how to win. He says a win is a win and said if he hadn't cheated, the FoD's would have. Harry said he'd take a match with him, but the winner has to be able to get any title shot they want for winning it. He said Niche cost him two title chances and the third time will be the charm here. He said he plans on killing him because his hunger to be champ is bigger than Niche's.

Savio Vega talks to who I think is Bolo the Red Bulldog. This is from March 2022. He says he has a ref position to offer him and says he may have more for him to do from time to time.

El Atleta Manu vs Azazel

Azazel arrives in a coffin. The person pushing it leaves. Manu opens it up and is brought into the coffin. Bolo knocks on the coffin to see what is going on. It opens up and Manu is getting beaten up and bleeding. They say Manu's face looks like a pizza. Manu then has his head cut with a pizza cutter.

Manu is hit with a kendo stick and then weapons are pulled out of the coffin. Manu takes some chair shots then is whipped with a belt. Manu is put on a chair then Az runs around the ring but gets nailed with the chair when he comes back around. Manu chairs him and hten hits him with a handicap parking sign. Manu canes him in head and back, breaking the stick over him. Manu hits him with a trash can then slams him on the can.

Az takes another kendo stick shot and rolls out. Manu grabs one of the fans chairs with his shirt on it and nails him then he hits him with a bat from a fan. Manu then hits him with an air horn and bangs his head off the casket. Az gets busted open and Wizard says it's like a shark on prey. Az gets a fork and stabs Manu with it then Manu kendo stick shots him. 

Manu forks Az in the head then Az takes a side slam on the top edge of a chair. Manu wraps his hand around a chain then hits Az with it. Manu then puts his head in an unfolded chair and camel clutches him. Az hits him with the trash can to get out. Az flying lariats him then running knees him in the corner. Az then does a coast to coast dropkick into the can into Manu's face for 2.

Manu is seated up top and hit with stuff. Az pours out thumbtacks and gets knocked onto them. Wizard laughs then Manu powerbombs Az for 2. Manu stares down Bolo and says something to him then he chairs Az. Manu gets his head rammed into a chair between the buckles then Az hits a jumping flatliner for 2. Az superkicks him with a chain wrapped around his boot then curb stomps him with it to win.

I thought it went on too long and they did too much. It went around 17 minutes and was all weapons shots and not much else.

Manu puts him in the coffin after and closes the lid.  

Roxxy is interviewed. She said the title was stolen from her in the triple threat and said they would have a triple threat rematch at the next show. She said her goal since she came here was to be women's champ.

Bullrope Match - Mr. Big vs Apolo

Big runs at and hits Apolo before he can get the rope put on him. Big then hits him with the cowbell on it. Apolo finally gets the rope on him while he is being beaten with the cowbell. Big lariats him and goes to touch all 4 corners but Apolo stops him. Apolo is bleeding then lariats him and whips his back with the rope. Apolo hits Big with the cowbell and makes him bleed.

They trade punches and Big chokeslams him in the ring. Big goes to touch the 4 corners then lariats him. Big touches 3 corners and Apolo touches 3 behind him. Apolo rock bottoms him then touches the 4th corner and wins it.

This was very short and disappointing. There was just not much to it before the finish and they didn't get the most out of the gimmick or each other here.

Nathaly Perez is interviewed. She said she will continue giving her all and says she carries the talent in her blood.  She said Krystal is selfish and says Roxxy does deserve to be here, but it doesn't matter. She said what does matter is that Krystal stopped her destiny. She said she will be the women's champ in the rematch.

La Gran Amenaza does a promo. He said money is most important thing and says life gives you what you put in. He gets censored. He said Cuervo did a good job against Ferno but will take care of business on 4/29. He said he's always been a big threat to Ferno and said this is just the beginning.

IWA Title - John Hawking (c) vs "El Escorpion" Mike Mendoza

Mike rolls him up to start and Wizard says Mike has many resources at his disposal and lots of experience. Mike clean breaks in the corner but John pushes him off. They said Mike's grandfather was the wrestler "El Vikingo" Salvador Perez, who was a star in South and Central America and managed the Sheepherders. they also said he was in the first fire match and faced a bear. Mike hits kicks on John then is shouldered, hiptossed, armdragged and dropkicked. Mike goes out to recover.

Mike pulls John's throat over the top rope then Mike top rope crossbodies him. John catches him then is pulled over the top. Mike then is pulled down hard onto the apron. John hits punches outside then Mike enzugiri's him on the apron. Mike sends him into the post then superkicks him as he stands on the apron and as John is on the floor.

Mike eye pokes John then kicks him in the back. Mike beats up on John then hits a nice dropkick. Mike mocks John then is back body dropped. Mike hits a superkick and a spinning high kick. Mike euros him then they botch a flatliner.

John hulks up and hits punches. John flying shoulders him then back body drops him. John flips him with a lariat then hits a full nelson slam for 2. John lariats Mike over the top then jumps off the apron onto him. John goes up top and takes a palm strike then John does a top rope blockbuster for 2. They trade shots on their knees then trade shots standing. Mike top rope double stomps the back of John as he is bent over twice for 2.

John rolls up Mike then takes a superkick. Mike tope con hilos John then rolls into a cutter. Mike double underhooks him and twists it into a cool ddt. John kicks out at two and the crowd gets excited.John full nelson slams Mike off a reversal then hits a TKO for the win.

There was nothing wrong with this. No great story or anything but it was good. Mike was good here and really seemed like he was going to win it.

Mike calls John into the ring after and wants to shake hands. They shake hands and Mike lifts his arm up in victory. Mike then leaves without causing any trouble.

Nick Mercer does a promo. He said Mike Medoza had a chance to win the title and failed. He then said he wants to be a double champ and said he deserves a shot at the title.  He challenges Mike Mendoza to hopefully earn a title shot. He said Mike is one of the best, but so is he. He tells Mike to give himself a challenge on 4/29 and says the winner should be the #1 contender to the title. Nick says they will kill and destroy themselves and says he will show him that there is no life after him.

They run down the 4/29 show which has:

Manny Ferno vs El Cuervo

Mike Mendoza vs Nick Mercer

Romeo and Mr. Big vs a team selected by Savio Vega

Khriz Diaz vs Miguel Perez

El Niche vs Harry William

Azazel vs Manu

Nathaly Perez vs Krystal vs Roxxy

They also promise a reaction from Savio Vega on Invader heart punching him and The Drunken Express.

Mike Mendoza does a promo on Nick Mercer He said his 10 years of experience helped earn him title shots and said Nick has to earn his chances. He said Nick shows a lack of respect for his partner by challenging for a singles title. He said Nick is just a hindrance. He said he has to win so the Era of the Scorpion can begin

Overall thoughts: The main was decent to good, the women's match was short but acceptable, Big/Apolo was too short and Manu/Azazel ran too long. It wasn't a fantastic ep, but it was nice to see the outcomes of all the matches they built up to. They had a tough time here as they only had 2 weeks between shows and could only do so much because of it. With the next show also having so many rematches, they couldn't get that creative angle or promo wise either.

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