Tuesday, April 18, 2023

GLEAT 4/16/2023 Black Generation International Produce ~ Puro Negro

GLEAT 4/16/2023 Black Generation International Produce ~ Puro Negro


This show is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi2gxlYVyyo

Action Jackson & Hartley Jackson vs. Andruew Tang & Quiet Storm

The Jackson brothers are in action here. Not really, but it's funny. Storm and Action lock up and Storm shoulders him over. Action armdrags him into a pin attempt then dropkicks him. Tang and Harley go at it. Harley lifts up Tang and tries to shoulder him but can't. Tang headscissors him down then is shouldered over.

Action gets in and dropkicks Tang. Hartley slams Tang and elbow drops him for 2. Tang is beaten up on  then takes a twisting suplex for 2. Tang and Action trade chops and Action slaps him. Tang hits machine gun chops in the corner and hits some bad offense for 2.

Storm gets the hot tag in and beats up on both opponents. Storm hits corner lariats. He does corner punches on Action then jumps off to crossbody Hartley. Storm hits a spinebuster for 2 then Action pumping knees him. Storm and Harley trade lariats then Storm suplexes him. Storm bulldogs Hartley then drops Tang onto him for 2. Storm running canadian destroyers Action then takes a death valley driver from Hartley. Tang tornado ddt's Hartley.

Action dropkicks Storm off the apron then uses the 2nd turnbuckle connector to moonsault onto Action. Tang tries to lift Hartley but ends up taking a death valley driver and a lariat for 2. Harley piledrives Tang and grabs the win.

This wasn't anything special. Hartley was fine. Tang tried, but he's just not pro wrestling material and looked to be legit hurt after.

Yan's Family (Masato Kamino, Takanori Ito & Yusuke Kodama) vs. Kaz Haya Jiro (Kaz Hayashi), Minoru Jiro (Minoru Tanaka) & Tondokoro Jiro (Jun Tonsho) (w/Daijiro Matsui)

Kaz's team is all wearing banadana's, drawn on mustaches and just acting weird. Jun sliding dropkicks Ito in the knee then hurricanrana's him. Tanaka poses over Ito then kneedrops him. Kodama slams then slingshot sentons Tanaka. Kaz slingshot sentons Kodama then Kodama is stomped by two opponents. Ito atomic drops Kaz then Kamino does push ups on Kaz.

Kamino slams Kaz then does pushups on him. Kamino is flatlinered into the buckles then 2nd rope dropkicks him.  Kamino suplexes Tanaka andtags in Ito. Ito facekicks Tanaka then Tonsho gets in. Tonsho flying kicks Ito then is facekicked. Ito suplexes him. Kaz and Kodama get in. Kodama takes corner moves then Kaz takes an enzugiri + spinning heel kick combo in the corner. Kodama top rope splashes Kaz for 2. Kaz's team does 2 submissions and Kaz rolls up Kodama to win it.

It was short and nothing really special with most of this being about Kaz's team goofing off and doing their pose.

Yutani vs MAZADA

Yutani rushes him with a jumping knee from behind then stomps him. Yutani kicks and stomps him and they brawl outside. Mazada goes into the post and Yutani stands on him. Yutani slingshots then just back touches him with his boot. They trade forearms and Mazada is superkicked. Mazada pushes him up in the corner and low blows him in clear view of the ref.

Mazada tries to low blow him again, is warned, then does it when the ref isn't looking. Mazada pulls his nose over the middle rope. Yutani hits weak chops as he's beaten and tired and Mazada taunts him. Yutani finally knocks him down after the 4th one or so. Mazada runs and Yutani messes up a slind blade then double stomps him. Yutani knocks him off the apron and hits a dangerous fosbury flop. Mazada legit had the save of the year by catching him as he was going down headfirst otherwise.

Yutani koppo kicks him and knees him in the corner. Yutani hits a PK for 2. Mazada ddt's him then Yutani slaps him. Yutani takes a weird blade runner then Mazada running lariats him for 2. Yutani ddt's him then 2nd rope double stomps him. Yutani facekicks him and punches him then Mazada lariats him. Mazada sit out burning hammers for 2 then does a fisherman's buster for the win.

This wasn't good. The crowd wasn't into it. Yutani didn't have a good night at all with most of offense looking like junk. Yutani's not really a face but Mazada's a heel so this had logic issues and why Mazada had to be put over here is beyond me. 

El Bendito & Kotaro Suzuki vs. BULK Orchestra (Check Shimatani & Galeno Del Mal)

Kotaro and Check start us off. Kotaro shoulders him over and Check tries to roll him up. Check armdrags him then rolls him up again. GDM and Bendito get in there. Bend spin kicks him in the gut, flips over his back and they stare down. GDM somersaults over him as he back rolls then Bends flips over him on the buckles. Bend does some weird flip off the ropes and takes a dropkick.

GDM chops him in the back of the neck and Check double ae handles his ribs off the 2nd rope. Check has to jump to high five GDM. Check eye rakes Bend then Bend misses a corner splash. Bend stunguns Check and slingshot double stomps his back. Check is popped up, dropped and takes a baseball slide.

Kotaro step up knees him in the corner then Bend botches a suplex before lariating him. Check dropkicks Kotaro then GDM lariats Kotaro. Kotaro handspring back elbows GDM then 619's him. Bend then springboard dropkicks Doc and does a run up the ropes blind corkscrew outside. Kotaro tries pins on Check then Check shotgun dropkicks him. Bendito step up enzugiri's Check then Check tornado ddt's him. Chech suplexes and plancha's Kotaro.

Bend superkicks GDM then is caught on a springboard crossbody. GDM double underhook and twisting neckbreakers him for the win.

It wasn't that good. Bendito hit his corkscrew dive clean but everything else he did was botched. Check and Kotaro were fine, just it was not anything special.

Big Lucha World Title Match - Emperador Azteca (c) vs. Soma Watanabe

They lock up. Emp rolls out of an armlock then they trade shoulderblocks. Soma goes down and they leg sweep each other before doing a stand off. Soma springboard forearms him and tries a handspring move on the apron but is kicked. Soma is slammed on the ramp then takes a double underhook backbreaker.

Soma hits kicks then takes a grounded submission. Soma headscissors himn out then tope con hilos him deep into the seats. Soma enzugiri's him in the corner then does a nice 2nd rope corkscrew splash. They fight up top and Soma takes a 2nd rope sitout pedigree. Soma hits a stiff dropkick to the face in the corner. Emp is up top and Soma runs up the buckles and spanish flies him.

Soma has his headscissors blocked and takes a stiff sit out powerbomb for 2. They trade chest slaps and Soma enzugiri's him. Soma superkicks him, slides out then Emp tope con hilos him. 

Soma hits forearms on Emp then takes a superkick. They trade chest slaps then forearm each other. Soma hits a high dropkick for 2. Soma slaps him and dropkicks him then Emp hits a nasty spinning high kick. Emp then does a sitout burning hammer and wins it.

It went 13 minutes, but it felt like it went double that. They did too much here but there was no lack of effort. Soma had some fantastic dropkicks here and I would have liked to have seen more lucha sequences.

Lucha Rules Six Man Tag Team Match - El Lindaman, Hayato Tamura & Tetsuya Izuchi vs. Elemental, Flamita & Kaito Ishida

Kaito and Izuchi duck and block shots to start then Kaito step kicks him.  Elemental and Tamura go at it. Tamura corner lariats him then jumping kicks and corkscrew dives him over the top. Linda and Flamita go at it. Flamita does a nice headscissors and fakes out of a dive. Flamita sits on the 2nd rope and is dropkicked. Linda forearms him then takes a shotgun dropkick to the face with help from Elemental.

Linda takes a springboard splash from Flamita. Linda forearms Kaito then is eye raked. Elemental double axe handles his arm off the top then Kaito kicks it. Kaito stomps on Linda in the corner then Linda is gang beaten by Black Generation International outside. Linda takes a double back elbow then a double reverse hiptoss then a triple basement dropkick for 2.

Elemental lariats Linda and they trade forearms. Elemental runs into a Linda exploder. Tamura gets the hot tag in and cleans house, slamming all three opponents. Tamura hits corner lariats on all 3 opponents then double lariats Elemental and Flamita. Flamita hiptosses Tamura then standing ssp's him. Flamita misses a 619 in the corner and slingshots in but is powerslammed by Tamura. Tamura then lariats him and is superkicked.

Kaito and Izuchi go at it. Izuchi eats facekicks and yells at him then hits a nice dropkick. Kaito is superplexed into a Linda top rope splash for 2. Flamita handsprings and is caught by Linda but then double underhook powerbombs him for 2. Tamura spinebusters Flamita then Elemental fisherman's neckbreakers him. Izuchi buzzsaw kicks and enzugiri's Elemental then Kaito rolls him.

Kaito PK's Izuchi for 2 then Elemental does a codebreaker. Linda takes a stiff Flamita dropkick in the corner then Flamita triangle moonsaults him off the 2nd turnbuckle connector. Elemental lariats Izuchi for 2 then superkicks Tamura. Izuchi spinning elbows Eleemental then Kaito and Izuchi trade kicks. They high kick each other at the same time then Kaito running enzugiri's him. Kaito then germans Izuchi for the win.

This was a fun little main event. We had some fast paced action and everyone got to show a little bit. It was what you'd expect and want though maybe another dive or two would have made it better.

Linda pushes on Kaito after and Black Generation International talk on the mic to end the show.

Overall thoughts: Kind of a disappointing night. I only missed one match here. Bendito was Botchito again, botching nearly everything. Soma/Emp had some high flying action but they did too much. Tang may have gotten injured and just isn't going to go very far in wrestling. The main was good. I wouldn't recommend this.

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