Thursday, April 20, 2023

FREEDOMS 2/2/2023 Go Beyond The Limit 2023

FREEDOMS 2/2/2023 Go Beyond The Limit 2023

Gaia Hox and Katori vs The Brahman Brothers

Hox is from the now closed OWE.

Katori brought a stuffed animal in the ring with him and was snapmared as he held it. Katori springboard crossbodies a Brahman brother and then hurricanrana's him. Katori then rolls him up. Hox and the other Brahman get in. Hox is shouldered over then headsicssors him from the mat. He then springboard armdrags him and hits a nice dropkick. Hox then has wood hit into his crotch.

A Brahman rolls a bowling ball into a suitcase in the crotches of both opponents. Hox gets some offense in then hits an asai moonsault on both guys. Katori is tagged in and springboard crossbodies a Brahman. Katori then hits a suplex for 2. A Brahman takes kicks from both then Hox flipping sentons on him.

Hox takes a suitcase to the head and is rolled up. Katori blocks some powder attack with a sign and hits a Brahman with it. Hox hits hits a half package piledriver and wins it.

Hox is pretty good and is clearly above this stuff. The Brahman's did their usual bits here and it was fine.

Leo Isaka, Rekka & Tomoya Hirata vs. ERE (Dobunezumi Fukki, Kyu Mogami & Toshiyuki Sakuda)

Sakuda and Rekka lock up. Sakuda springboards and is caught then they miss moves on each other and stand off. Leo and Kyu get in and Leo basement dropkicks Kyu. Fukki and Hirata go at it and Hirata hits a big lariat. Kyu trips Hirata then Sakuda hits corner spears on Hirata and bites him. Hirata powerslams Sakuda then Leo hurricanrana's him.

Leo double dropkicks Fukki and Kyu then top rope moonsaults onto everyone. Sakuda euros Leo then Fukki backdrops Leo for 2. Fukki then hits a perfectplex for 2. Leo spin kicks Fukki then Rekka top rope dropkicks Fukki. Rekka flying kicks Fukki in the corner. Fukki hits double underhook sitout piledrivers Rekka then Kyu sliding kicks Rekka for 2.

Rekka hits a nice dropkick on Kyu then Kyu taks two kicks and a uranage. Sakuda top rope crossbodies Rekka then Kyu sitout spinebusters Rekka for 2. Kyu cutters Rekka and wins it.

It was short at 8:35 and with all the guys involved, they didn't have enough time. It was fine for what it was, but was just a way to get everyone on the card.

Dragon Libre & Kamui vs. Jun Masaoka & Yuya Susumu

Yuya is a surprise partner here for Jun. Kamui takes a double suplex early then all 4 go out. Kamui and Libre get their heads put into the posts then Kamui is slammed on the floor. Jun double stomps Libre for 2 then Yuya spinning side slams Libre. Libre takes a russian leg sweep into an axe kick.

Libre botches a tornado ddt on the ropes then he shotgun dropkicks Jun. Kamui top rope crossbodies Jun then spinning F-U's Yuya onto Jun. Kamui running flips onto Jun for 2 then Kamui blockbusters Jun for 2. Jun flatliners Kamui then stomps his hands.

Yuya and Kamui trade forearms then Yuya step up enzugiri's him. Kamui pele kicks him then Libre top rope crossbodies Yuya. Yuya is hung over the top rope and double stomped off the top by Kamui. Libre then spinning neckbreakers Yuya for 2. Yuyu angels wings Kamui for 2 then fire thunder drivers him for 2. Yuya ddt's Libre then Jun springboard dropkicks him. Libre takes a blue thunder from Yuya for 2. Jun superkicks Kamui from the apron then Yuya lifts him up for a double underhook and drops his knees on his face.

The crowd didn't care much at all and it really wasn't super impressive stuff, so I don't blame them.

Kamui is superkicked after and the feels put him on top of Libre and sit on both. 

Crazy Tornado Tag Team Death Match - Masashi Takeda, Rina Yamashita & Yusaku Ito vs. Daisuke Masaoka, Jun Kasai & Toru Sugiura

Everyone pairs off and fights to start. Takeda gives Jun a gusset plate and they put them in their own heads. They cut out whatever they did from the show, as we didn't see it. Masaoka comes off of Rina to tornado ddt Takeda then is thrown into the board. Takeda double northern lights suplexes Toru and Jun. Rina bangs Masaoka's head off a bared wire chair. Ito punches Masaoka with barbed wire for 2. Takeda stabs Masaoka with scissors then cuts him with it. Takeda puts a fork in Masaoka's mouth then ddt's him. Takeda then chairs a chair into his face.

Masaoka has a barbed wire board put on him and all of his opponents hit chairshots on it then Jun is slammed onto it onto him. Masaoka climbs the buckles and dropkicks Takeda then Toru springboard forearms Takeda. Toru is then thrown into the corner, runs up the buckles and crossbodies two people. Toru then tope con hilos his opponents outside.

Rina beach breaks Jun on a chair then trade forearms with him. Jun headbutts him then Rina death valley drivers him for 2. Toru and Ito trade forearms and Toru spinning forearms him. Toru suplexes him and grabs a giant sledgehammer. Ito stupidly tries to headbutt it into Toru's head then pump kicks him. Ito is dropkicked into Toru, who is in the corner and has a barbed wire table on him. Takeda cannonballs Toru then Masaoka sits on a ladder and brings it down on Rina.

Masaoka chairs Takeda and does a weird elbow drop in the corner. Masaoka fire thunder drivers Takeda on a fork board then Masaoka is powerbombed on it. Ito michinoku drivers Jun for 2. They have a platform in one of the corners on the ropes. Ito and Jun get on it and Jun butterfly canadian destroyers him off of it. Jun sticks a fork in his own head then Rina lariats and facekicks him. Toru powerbombs Rina ten Masaoka top rope meteora's Jun. Masaoka asai moonsaults outside then Jun running lariats Ito for 1.

Jun grabs skewer sticks and Ito puts them in his own head for some reason. He headbutts Jun with them then then Jun top rope frogsplashes Ito. Jun sitout pedigrees Ito and wins it.

It was fine though I didn't like Rina being in it and being taken seriously and some of the spots where they put stuff into their own heads was dumb. There were a ton of people involved and it's hard to screw these up because people are coming in and out and the selling and such becomes less of a problem.

King Of FREEDOM World Tag Team Title Match - Mammoth Sasaki & Takashi Sasaki (c) vs. GENTARO & Tatsuhito Takaiwa

Gentaro and Takashi start us off. Gentaro back rolls into a double knuckle lock then Takashi hammerlock takedowns him. Gentaro surfboards him and they stand off. Mammoth gets in and Gentaro headlocks him then Mammoth drops him with a chop. Gentaro abomdinal stretches him but is thrown over.

Takaiwa gets in and he takes a headlock from Mammoth. They test strength and trade chops. Takaiwa armdrags out of a chokeslam then trips him up on the apron. Takaiwa works on the knee and Gentaro helps drive both knees into the mat. Takaiwa ties his leg up in the ropes and pulls on it then he leglocks him. Takaiwa kicks him in the knee more then Mammoth has his legs split.

Gentaro ties up the leg and elbow drops it. Mammoth suplexes him then Takashi gets the hot tag in. He ddt's Gentaro after some strikes then leg lariats Takaiwa. Gentaro brings down Takashi and takes his arms up. Gentaro fist drops him then Takashi basically northern lights suplexes him off the 2nd rope. Takaiwa and Mammoth lariat battle and Mammoth wins that.

Mammoth sit out spinebusters him then Takaiwa back body drops him. Takaiwa corner lariats him then Mammoth throws him off the buckles. Takaiwa takes corner moves then takes a double suplex. Gentaro and Takaiwa both top rope elbow Takashi. Takaiwa lariats him then death valley drivers him for 2.

Mammoth powerbombs Takashi who superplexes Takaiwa in a dumb spot. Takaiwa then takes a brainbuster and a buzzsaw kick for 2. Takashi lariats Takaiwa for 2 then Takashi wins it with a driver.

The leg work went nowhere here and the match just didn't really pick enough later on to make up for the slow start first half of it had. There was just nothing particularly special about this.

King Of FREEDOM World Title No Canvas, Glass Board & Alpha Death Match - Drew Parker (c) vs. Violento Jack

Jack headlock takeovers him and Drew headscissors him. Jack ties up his legs then rolls out of an armlock. Drew flips out of a hiptoss then back body drops Jack onto the wooden canvas. Drew kicks tubes into Jack's back then Jack picks him up and drives him into a glass pane in the corner. Jack cuts him with a tin can then hits him with the edge of a chair. Jack slams him on the chair then Drew suplexes him on tin can lids.

They go up top and Drew top rope hurricanrana's him. Drew then tope con hilo's him outside. Drew brings out clay gardening pots then slams him on them. Drew tries to break them with a chair and struggles to do so then Jack slams them off the canvas to break them. Clay pieces fly everywhere and Jack wrist clutch exploders him on them. Jack hits an air raid crash on tubes and then starts pulling up the wooden canvas planks. They bridge a glass pane over the hole in the ring then Drew jumping knee presses him through the glass to the floor.

Drew piledrives him on the wooden canvas and the two trade forearms. Drew superkicks him then takes an enzugiri. Drew poisonrana's him from the electric chair position and misses a top rope swanton. Jack german suplexes him then does an electric chair driver onto tubes for 2. Wood planks are removed and Jack package piledrivers Drew through the hole in the ring to the floor.

Jack gets slapped and breaks a beer bottle over Drew's head. Jack then lariats him for 1. Jack hits slaps and takes a headbutt then high kicks him. Jack rolls him into a grounded octopus + a leg submission then taps him out.

Honestly, this was tame for these two. It seems like Drew might have gotten legit hurt here as this felt like it ended early. The submission win was really out of nowhere here and I don't even know if I'd say they overdid it here, which is a first with Jack.

Overall thoughts: I think the main was ended early due to injury. The semi-main wasn't too good but some of the undercard matches helped this out. I still wouldn't recommend it though.

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