Saturday, April 1, 2023

Dramatic Dream Team - DDT Goes Hollywood! 3/30/2023

Dramatic Dream Team - DDT Goes Hollywood! 3/30/2023

I may add more gifs and stuff to this or other shows later. I'm just running short on time and there's no lack of shows to cover.

Andrew Everett & Nick Wayne vs. Kazusada Higuchi & Takeshi Masada

Masada side headlocks Nick and they do a stand off after the exchange. Nick running hurricanrana's him and does a jumping euro before they stand off again. AE and Higuchi do sumo gestures and rade chops. Higuchi flips him with a chop. AEW is thrown into the buckles but does a flip to the apron then springboard spinning heel kicks him.

Masada takes a double suplex then Nick ties him up and pulls his fingers. AE gets in and hits a standing moonsault then Masada hits a nice dropkick. Higuchi powerslams AE then AE asai moonsaults him twice. Nick hits kicks on Higuchi.

Masada gets in and kicks Nick several times then backsplashes him. Masada hits a flatliner then suplexes him for 2. The two trade forearms then trade kicks. Nick snap dragon suplexes him then Masada triangle kicks him off the buckles. AE and Higuchi trade with AE hitting a step up enzugiri then taking a lariat. AE and Higuchi go up top then AE flips out of a top rope chokeslam. Higuchi battering rams AE then claw slams him for the win.

It just was what it was. It wasn't anyone's best and nobody went out of their way for this one.

Saki Akai vs Vertvixen

They shake hands and trade forearms. Saki pumping knees her. Vert legsweeps her and flatliners her. Vert STO's her then Saki suplexes her. Saki kicks her from the apron then top rope crossbodies her for 2. Saki misses a PK and Vert kicks her from the apron. Vert slingshots into a stunner then does a blue thunder for 2. Saki triangles her then does a corkscrew driver from the side and wins it.

This wasn't anything special and was too short to be anything.

Tetsya Endo vs Joey Janela

JJ rolls through a wristlock then headstands then Tetsuya rolls through a wristlock. They trade chops then Joey neckbreakers him. Endo hits a dropkick and gets his tope interrupted. JJ neckbreakers him over the 2nd rope then brainbusters him on the floor. JJ elbows him then gets chinbreakered. JJ gets his knees up on Endo's standing ssp then running neckbreakers him. Endo springboard forearms him then does a flying space tiger to the outside. JJ does like a spinning canadian destroyer in the corner then does a package piledriver for 2.

They go up top and Endo hits a top rope spanish fly, which of course was only for 2. JJ hits a top rope brainbuster for 2 and they trade forearms. Endo germans him a couple of times then JJ germans him. Endo does a pele kick then powerbombs him over the knee. Endo canadian destroyers him on the apron then Endo does a spinning torture rack bomb for 2. Endo then top rope SSP's him for the win.

This was terrible. They did a ton of big moves that meant nothing and the match was just went on forever. And doing a brainbuster on the floor in the opening few minutes. Really?

Eddie Kingston and Jun Akiyama vs Daisuke Sasaki and KANON

Eddie brainbusters Sasaki early then Kanon comes in. They trade chops for forearms then Kanon is double shoulder blocked. Jun takes a ddt on the floor from Kanon then Eddie is sent into the ringpost. Kanon gives Jun a noogie and Sasaki chokes Jun with a wrench. Sasaki misses a top rope elbow then Eddie gets in and hits back elbows on Sasaki.

Eddie hits machine gun chops on Sasaki then belly to belly suplexes him. Eddie puts him in a stretch plum and Kanon breaks it up before taking an enzugiri. Sasaki double arm ddt's Eddie then Sasaki christo's Eddie. Kanon dropkicks Eddie then Kanon uranage's him. Kanon goes for the volleyball spike but Eddie chops him in mid-air. Jun then running knees Kanon for 2.

Kanon lariats Jun and puts him in the octopus stretch. Jun gets out with help and Kanon volleyball spikes Jun. Kanon then hits a draping ddt for 2 on Jun. Eddie and Jun both hit exploders at the same time then Jun running knees Kanon for 2. Jun exploders Kanon for the win.

I didn't like the ddt on the floor not meaning everything but it was okay otherwise with the heels being heels and the faces making a comeback. It could have been a few minutes shorter without losing anything.

Konosuke Takeshita vs Yuki Ueno

They shake hands and KT won't let go. They run the ropes and trade armdrags then try to dropkick each other at the same time. Ueno hits a hard chest slap then they trade forearms. KT hits a big boot then takes a fast running forearm. Ueno is popped up and hurricanrana'd. KT strike combos him and hits a forearm to the face. Ueno reverses a blue thunder with a headlock takeover. Ueno headstands out of a headscissors but KT picks up his legs and does an extremely short piledriver out of it.

KT twists the neck then neckbreakers him. Ueno hits a forearm and dropkicks KT as he sits on top. Ueno then tornillo plancha's him. Ueno does a vader bomb style double knee to the gut for 2. Ueno rebound germans him then hits a half-nelson suplex for 2. KT flying clotheslines him then Ueno poisonrana's him. Ueno bounces off the ropes and hits a canadian destroyer that goes nowhere then KT blue thunders him. KT tope con hilos him 

Then Ueno top rope hurricanrana's him. They trade forearms on their knees then stand up and trade forearms. KT then lariats him for 1. Ueno hits a high dropkick then KT flying knees him. Ueno then does a forward flipping ddt for 2. Ueno shining wizards him in the back of the head then hits a great standing dropkick.

Ueno double jump moonsaults then gets caught with a driver and a wheelbarrow german. KT then pumping knees him for the win.

They did a little too much here, though with often I've said, that, the standard for that is raising. The two matched up well like they usually do and they had an athletic match. I can't say there was a lot of logic or storytellling here though.

Overall thoughts: I skipped the comedy stuff. Of what I saw, only Janela/Endo was bad. Endo went all out for his match, but no one else really did. It's not like the DDT crew didn't try at all or anything, but they didn't work this like they would work a Korauken Hall main event.

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