Thursday, April 27, 2023

AEW Dark Episode 193 4/25/2023

AEW Dark Episode 193 4/25/2023

Harley Cameron vs Mafiosa

Harley snapmares her then Maf trips her. Harley shoulders her over then takes a back elbow. Mafiosa sunset flips her in the corner and lariats her. Harley hits knees to the gut then a russian leg sweep. Harley grabs her phone and takes a selfie, then bangs Maf's head off the canvas. Maf makes a comeback and corner splashes her. She then lifts her leg up and kicks her while she's behind her. Harley neckbreakers her then hits a backcracker for the win.

Mafiosa kind of got over here and her backwards kick was cool. Harley's the attractive QTV girl and she has only been wrestling a few months. This wasn't that great or anything, but Mafiosa may be worth bringing back again.

Arn Anderson's son, Brock Anderson, did a promo with Brian Pillman Jr. He said they wrestle because it's in their blood and it's all they know. Brian says they don't have a choice with the last names they have and says its the one thing they do best. Brian said they have looks that kill and a lineage that will.

Lee Johnson vs Blake Christian

They armdrag each other then Blake shotgun dropkicks him. Lee goes out and back in. Blake goes up top and is pushed down to the floor. Lee hits punches then throws Blake hard into the buckles. Lee suplexes him for 2. Blake slaps him then hits a backbreaker and an enzugiri. Blake 619's him under the middle rope then does a handspring enzugiri.

Blake hits an alabama slam and catapults Lee into the buckles. Blake backdrops him for 2. Lee blue thunders him for 2. Blake standing spanish flies him for 2 and misses a 450. Blake spears Lee on the apron then fosbury flops him outside. Blake springboard 450's but Lee gets his knees up. Lee superkicks him then Blake gets on his back and does some kind of curbstomp to win it.

It was fast paced but not particularly memorable. Blake did his usual bit here.

The Wingmen (Cezar Bononi and Ryan Nemeth) vs Brock Anderson and Brian Pillman Jr.

Bononi grabs Brian early then Ryan hits him from behind. Peter Avalon chokes and punches Brian outside. Bononi slams Brian then Ryan gyrates and the camera zooms in on him. Avalon chokes Brian then is clotheslines by Arn.

Brock gets in and slams Ryan. Brock gutwrench slams Ryan for 2 then Bononi decks him. Brock clips Bononi and lariats him over the top. Brian goes over the top then Brock hits punches on Ryan. Brock then picks up the win out of nowhere on Ryan.

It was a short one. The heels were heels and the faces weren't that great, but it was fine for what it was.

Mei Suruga and Emi Sakura vs Reka Tehaka and Ashley D'Amboise

Reka's team gets jumped by the Japanese team then Reka is tripped into a botched springboard double stomp. Mei indian deathlocks Reka and Ash breaks it up. Mei stomps on Reka then Reka catches her headscissors and backbreakers her. Ash gets in and hits a nice suplex on Mei.

Emi takes a double kick then double eye pokes them and chops them. Emi corner crossbodies both. Mei gets on EMi's shoulders and they roll onto the two. Emi delay butterfly backbreakers Ash then Reka hits a headbutt on Emi. Mei comes off the top rope and double stomps Reka as she leans on the apron. Emi then crossbodies Reka against the steps. Emi top rope moonsaults Ash to win it.

It was a short one and was a near total squash. I didn't have any issues with it, though I would have liked to have seen this be a non-squash.  

Ryan Nemeth does a promo. He says we have more in common than we think. He talks about going to a private school and a private, expensive college. He said he was on the dean's list all four years and was on the rugby team. Ryan said he had a dark time after that and had to get a real job, with a manager, co-workers and customers. Ryan said we may have dealt with it, but if we put it all together, it was not worse than his 3 months as a part-time job. Ryan says not to give up and then asks if it was good and tells people to put it on social media.

Zack Clayton vs Jake Logan

Jake is nailed from the side and dropped. Jake hits forearms then is lariated over the top. Jake is thrown into the steps then Zack 2nd rope superplexes him. Zack hits a jumping knee drop. Jake leg lariats him then misses a 2nd rope moonsault. Zack hits a nasty lariat and does a fisherman's buster variation to win it.

It was short and Zack looked good here. Jake needs to lose weight. He bumped a lot for Zack here.

The Varsity Athletes vs The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds and John Silver)

Nese poses to start and is dropkicked. Alex does a fast crossbody for 2. Alex and Woods trade forearms then Alex 2nd rope dropkicks him. Woods grabs Alex by the arm and yanks his head into the top rope. Nese gets in and hits stomps Alex 1v2's his aopponents then is tripped and knee'd in the face. Woods double underhook suplexes him.

Sterling gets on the apron and Silver grabs him.  Nese grabs Alex by the hair and tries to go over the top to brings his head over the rope but is pushed and plancha's Silver off of it. Woods then germans Alex for 2. Alex fends off a double team move and pushes Nese into Woods. Silver running euros Woods then running euros Nese. Silver hits kicks and a brainbuster on Nese for 2.

Silver armdrags Woods then Alex topes Woods outside. Alex and Silver try some bridging ddt on Nese but Ari Daivari comes out and pushes Silver off the top. Nese pumphandle fire thunders Alex for 2. Ari gets on the apron again and Evil Uno pulls him down and puts him into the steps. Woods is popped up into a euro then Nese takes the Dark Order's usual sequence finisher that ends in a german and a pin. The Dark Order win it.

It was on the shorter end and kind of rushed towards the end. It had shenanigans with Ari and Uno interfering and was just kind of average.

Overall thoughts: It's Dark and you will rarely get anything special here. A couple of the matches were okay though and it wasn't that bad.

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