Thursday, April 13, 2023

AAA Triplemania XXX: Mexico City 10/15/2022

AAA Triplemania XXX: Mexico City 10/15/2022

Gifs to come later.

I never got around to doing this despite doing the other Triplemania shows from 2022, so it's time to finish this out.

The camera work on this is terrible. The hard cam is very far away and when you have people in similarly colored outfits, you legit have to squint and pause to figure out who is who.

In something that would only happen in Mexico, there's two different feeds of this and both are missing the 2 dark matches plus I think a Marvel match.

AAA World Tag Team Title #1 Contendership Four Way Match - Arez & Willie Mack vs. Komander & Myzteziz Jr. vs. Hermanos Lee (Dragon Lee & Dralistico) vs. Los Vipers (Latigo & Toxin)

Mack dances with a mascot during his entrance.

We have two people doing knockoff Mistico gimmicks here - Dralistico and Myzteziz Jr. Music immediately hits and Willie Mack starts dancing. Everyone just watches because this is what would totally happen in a real wrestling match. Mack finally gets hit then we get double tope con hilos from Hermanos Lee. We then get stereo asai moonsaults I think from Komander and Myzteziz Jr. Komander is popped up over the top rope and hurricanrana's Mack on the ramp  then Komander and Myst walk the top rope and one hits an SSP while the other hits a 450. Komander then SSP's off the top.

Hermanos Lee hits a duble team sequence on Myz then Dragon Lee catches Komaner with powerbomb. I believe Dralistico hit a springboard codebreaker. Arez, Mack and Hermanos Lee trade shots in the ring then Lee is popped up and punched and Dral takes a tilt-a-whirl codebreaker. Arez and Mack start dancing together. Latigo kneeling springboards forward into a cutter then Latigo is flipped over the top by his partner into a sunset bomb on the ramp. Toxin then does a wild running tornillo over the top on the ramp.

Arez holds up maybe Latigo for a suplex and Lee tope's both of them. Dral springboard dives off the top into the front row. Komander and Mack trade shots then Mack flying leg lariats him. Mack hits a tope con hilo onto the outside. Arez and Latigo get on the 2nd rope. Myz joins them and hits a double poisonrana on them to the outside. Komander walks the top rope and nearly falls so he moonsaults off then he runs up the ropes and does a springboard SSP. Dral hits a springboard canadian destroyer then does a sitout double underhook driver to get the win.

This was a spotfest as you would expect with everyone doing big spots as a very fast pace.

Mack picks up a doll after that starts talking them ore toy dolls fall from the sky. The mascot then comes back out and dances again. Mack then joins him in a fun moment.

AAA World Trios Title Three Way Match - Nueva Generacion Dinamita (El Cuatrero, Forastero & Sanson) (c) vs. Brian Cage, Johnny Caballero & Sam Adonis vs. Bandido, Laredo Kid & Psycho Clown

The champs have to be beaten here to lose the titles, so you can win the match and not win the titles.

Sam and Clown flurry on each other then Clown powerslams him. Sam hits an STO then is popped up into a punch and lariated over the top. Clown 2nd rope moonsaults on him outside then is beaten up by Cage and Johnny. Cage and Johnny take double baseball slides then NGD take stereo hurricanrana's. Bandido and Laredo take a double lariat from an NGD member then Johnny takes a 1v3. Johnny is held in the air and double stomped off the top.

Bandido is caught on a springboard then NGD hold him over their kne eand hit a springboard elbow. Kid is caught on a dive by NGD then slammed on Bandido. Another NGD member then frogsplashes them off the top. Johnny does a samoan drop on an NGD member then standing ssp's him. Sam facekicks an NGD member then Cage germans one of them. Clown hits Sam with a cookie sheet then Sam walks up the ropes and springboard blockbusters Clown.

Johnny hits a springboard leg lariat then Cage F-5's and NGD guy. Sam 450's an NGD member but Clown breaks the pin up with a cookie sheet. Clown takes a 1v3 and is hit with the cookie sheet by Sam. Bandido and Kid hit springboard dropkicks then do stereo topes. Clown hits a code red on Sam then Sam michinoku drivers him. Clown top rope spanish flies Sam and Estrellita (who is with Sam's crew) breaks the pin up. She then takes a triple NGD step kick. Clown is 1v3'd by NGD then takes a triple baseball slide.

Kid takes a double hiptoss into the ropes then NGD nail their own man on accident. Bandido and Kid hit superkicks then Bandido sitout gorilla press bombs Cage. Cage no sells it then spinning lariats him. Kid canadian destroyers Johnny then Johnny springboard canadian destroyers him. Bandido takes a monkey flip over the top rope then an NGD member springboard crossbodies everyone.

Kid michinoku drivers Johnny then Kid misses a cancun tornado. Johnny gets his horse on a stick out then is superkicked. Johnny then grabs the pin on Kid.

This was another 100MPH spotfest with lots of cool spots and zero selling. Johnny's team wins the match but do not win the titles since they pinned Laredo Kid and he's not a title holder. Clown beats up on Sam Adonis after.

Hair Vs. Hair Match - Cibernetico (w/Abismo Negro Jr., Latigo & Toxin) vs. Pagano

Ciber is old and no longer on steroids, so he looks horrible. Pag and Ciber shoulder each other then do some botched armdrag. Ciber is thrown out then Pag tope con hilos him. Ciber is laid agaisnt a table on the rail then Pag tries to tope con hilo him but he doesn't get far enough and powerbombs himself on the floor. Then he gets beat up by Ciber's buddies. Ciber's Vipers crew group up on Pag and hit him with a cookie sheet. Pagano is back body dropped on the ramp. Pag is then put on a table and Ciber elbow drops him off the apron.

Ciber hits Pag with a cookie sheet. Ciber throws Pag off the top and Pag is now busted open. They go up top then Pag 2nd rope dropkicks him. Pag chips Tenryu's chop and punch combo and both go down. Ciber takes a fork to the head. Ciber bangs Pag's head off the mat then Pagties up both of his arms and stabs him with the fork. Pag takes another 1v3 then Charly Manson comes out to help Pagano. He gives him light tubes but Pag accidentally hits the ref with it - not that the ref is of any use here anyway. Pag tries to tope Ciber but gets stuck on the ropes again and lands on the floor.

Pag gets on a chair in the stands and dropkicks Ciber from it. Pag drivers Ciber through a chair but the ref is out. Vampiro comes out to ref the match. Pag leglocks Ciber into a half-crab. Pag gets on the 2nd rope and is hit with a chair then Ciber top rope hurricanrana's him. Ciber beats Pag with a kendo stick then Pag pulls out tacks. Pag piledrives Ciber on the tacks though also ends up sitting on them himself.

Pag misses a barbed wire chair shot then Ciber chokeslams him on the barbed wire chair. Ciber then slams Pag on the tacks. Ciber then kind of spears/pushes Pag off the apron onto a table. The Viper's beat up Pag on the ramp. Pag is put on a table on the stage  then Charly Manson and Konnan come out. Konnan hits people with a barbed wire baseball bat. Konnan and Camp stare down then Pag and Ciber climb a ladder near the table. They headbutt each other then Pag hits an air raid crash on Ciber through the stage. Vamp counts the pin but we can't see it and we find out a minute later that Pagano won it.

It was a bad match logically. Pagano just got gangbeaten the whole match with his friends not caring until he had already been beaten for a while. It made Ciber's group look bad as they couldn't finish him off despite it being open season. The match went longer than it needed to and selling was not a major concern here.

Ciber was stretchered out and had his hair cut in the back.

AAA Mega Title Match - El Hijo del Vikingo (c) vs. Rey Fenix

They go to the mat to start then Vik ties up both arms and grabs his leg to make him hang in air. Fenix rocking chairs him then Vik gets on the 2nd rope, jumps down to another 2nd rope and headscissors Fenix. Vik then does a corkscrew headscissors. They go up to the 2nd rope and Fenix springboard hurricanrana's him. Vik misses a hook kick and they stare down.

Fenix gets superkicked on a slingshot attempt and Vik tries to spear him off the apron but is ddt'd on the apron instead. They fight on the floor. Fenix goes for a suplex but is rolled up. Vik hits a code red then he goes from the post to the 2nd rope and hits an imploding 450 on Fenix. Vik then poisonrana's him on the floor. Vik running ssp's him off the apron to the floor.

Vik 2nd rope 450's Fenix then they fight on the ramp. They kind of just collide then Fenix rolls into a cutter. Vik swinging slams him on the ramp. Fenix rolls in and is caught with another swinging slam, this time in the ring. Fenix 2nd rope flipping russian legsweeps him for 1. Fenix then comes off the top with a splash going backwards. Fenix goes for a tiger driver but is reversed into a hurricanrana. Vik then runs the ramp and up the ropes into a springboard 630 for 2.

Vik hits another 630 for 2. They fight on the floor and Fenix is superkicked. The camera's barely catch it but both are on the rails, Vik walks the rail and is superkicked. Fenix hangs him over the rail then top rope legdrops him outside. Fenix hits a fire thunder for 2. Fenix then hits a stiffer fire thunder for 2.

Fenix goes up top and they do a top rope poisonrana, which of course was only worth a 2 count. Vik superkicks him then running meteora's him. Vik does an imploding 450 off the top and finally wins it.

This was a total spotfest and kickout fest. They did every move they could think of and kicked out of eveyr move they could think of. It wasn't a smart or well done match and was pretty bad altogether. Nothing counted or mattered here.

Vikingo's dad helps him up after and El Fantasma comes out to give Vikingo the belt.

Ruleta De La Muerte Final Mask Vs. Mask Match - Pentagon Jr. vs Villano IV

V4 came out with his family for his entrance and Penta had drummers, a singer and people in headdresses with gear like his dancing. V4 goes after him on the ramp and back body drops him there. V4 ddt's him on the ramp then V4 double cross chops him. V4 bangs Penta's head off the buckles then bangs his head off the post. V4 gets a cookie sheet and hits Penta with it. Penta gets a trash can put on his head then V4 hits it with the cookie sheet. V4 then chairs him in the head and hits him in the head with a trash can.

V4 rips up the mask some and rips his shirt up too. V4 hits some nice punches to the face and the gut then follows up with a headbutt. They go back outside and Penta takes a back body drop through a table. V4 then hits him with a piece of wood. Penta's shirt is off then he hits enzugiri's on V4. Penta basement dropkicks him then superkicks him out. Penta then tope con hilos on V4 and Villano 5 out there. Villano 5 really got clobbered good on that.

Penta rips up V4's mask real good and stomps his head. V4 has his head banged off the post and the ref really yells at Penta over it.  Penta argues with Villano 5 then hits V4 with a cookie sheet. Villano 5 argues with Arez then V4 and Penta trade shots. V4 spin kicks him then takes superkicks. They start boxing each other outside in a fun spot. Penta superkicks him then V4's head goes into the post.  

They box more in the ring and V4 is superkicked again. Penta double stomps him for 2. V4 then takes a death valley driver through a table in the corner for 2. Penta top rope double stomps V4. V4 does an octopus stretch variation on Penta then puts him in la swastika and rolls him up. Penta reverses the pin attempt with one of his own for 2.

They shake hands then start slapping and punching each other, then both go down at the same time off of punches. They trade chest slaps for forearms then Penta 2nd rope legdrops him for 2. They punch each other then Penta torture racks him. V4 looks like he taps but the ref doesn't see it (or doesn't care to see it) and Penta releases the hold. V4 pushes Penta into a table then sentons him for 2. Penta does his arm crank move to V4 for 2. Penta does it again for another 2.

V4 ties up one of Penta's legs with a submission then Penta taps. The ref doesn't see it because Penta taps behind him and V4 releases the hold. V4's mad then Penta rolls him up for 2. Penta puts V4 in la swastika then Penta punts him in the face. Penta arm cranks him again and wins it.

Not perfect, but it was a good match. They got enough time, they bled, they made it look somewhat realistic, they sold and the match had lots of drama. I didn't like the spots with people tapping and the ref not seeing it, but it's not a huge issue. This is exactly what you want out of a big mask vs mask match like this and I really enjoyed this.  

Penta celebrates with his family and bleeds on his kid then the other Villanos come out to comfort V4. Penta and V4 shake hands. V5 unlaces V4's mask then Rokambole Jr., Villano 5 Jr., Villano 3 Jr. and Hijo de Villano IV all help unlace the mask. Villano IV then unmasks as Tomás Díaz Mendoza in a dramatic and memorable moment. Villano IV then hands him the mask and they shake hands and hug in another moment.

Overall thoughts: Pretty much all hardcore spotfests here, except for the main which was a good, drawn out and dramatic mask match.

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