Thursday, March 30, 2023

Wrestlemania Weekend 2023 Catch-All Day 1

Wrestlemania Weekend 2023 Catch-All Day 1

I'm going to do a catch-all to start things here. We'll see how it goes

Santino Bros Wrestling 3/30/2023 California Love 

I skipped the opener, but we're coming into the second match here and I've already seen three men with eye shadow. Not a good start here.

Inner City Championship No. 1 Contendership: Koto Hiro vs. Ray Rosas vs. Big Dick Hoss vs. El Primohenio vs. Richie Coy vs. Alec Tomas

Someone got suplexed hard by Hoss to start then Hiro dove out on Hoss. Coy top rope twisting crossbodies Primo the neckbreakers him. Coy took a german from Rosas then Hiro did a springboard corkscrew bulldog. Alec death rider ddt's Hiro then double underhook powerbombs him for 2. Primo runs up the buckles and does a corkscrew onto two people then hits an okay dropkick on Tomas. Tomas is lifted for a suplex then knee'd down. Primo torture race bombs Tomas then Hoss reverse slams someone. Hoss hits a big powerbomb on Tomas then running cross-forearms Hiro for 2.

Hiro does a springboard kendo stick shot on Hoss then Primo does a botched tornado ddt off the top on Hoss. All 5 guys then running knee Hoss at the same time. Hiro brainbusters Rosas then Coy does a suplex into a fisherman driver on Hiro. Tomas spinning blue thunders Coy and Rosas asia moonsaults people outside then tope con hilos Hoss on the other side. Rosas does a buckshot spear then Rosas top rope elbows Primo to get the win.

This was a wild spotfest with tons of flips. I liked everyone teaming up against Hoss and while it was not a smart wrestling match, I think it worked.

Raunchy Rico vs. Tyler Bateman

Rico's manager Damien Arsenic brings out soap and deodorant. He hands out both and tells people that they need to use them with water. Rico said he respected Tyler then went off in Spanish. Rico's manager then said Tyler is not killing anything.

Rico stalled to start then they face shoved each other. They fought on the apron and Rico got lariated in from the apron then Arsenic pulled Batemen off the apron. Things stayed at a slow pace and Batemen dropped him from the slam position then dropkicked him. Rico then hit a neckbreaker and rolled over him and pulled the neck. Rico did a slingshot senton onto Bateman's back.

They traded chops and Bateman did a lariat. Batemen hit a blue thunder and did a neat russian legsweep into the buckles. Bateman hit a cool back elbow then Rico hit a death valley driver for 2. Bateman did a botched tombstone and then won the match.

It was an odd match. The match prior was super fast and this was a lot slower. They went a while and didn't do a lot here. I didn't think this was good.

Dom Kubrick & Lucas Riley vs. The Bomb Squad (The DKC & Cam Gates)

Cam said we are now in tune with the Cameron Gates Show. He said this was special as the Bomb Squad are back in the right together and it's years in the making. Cam tells DKC he loves him and hugs him. DKC says Ganbatte to everyone. Their opponents come out to ABBA's Dancing Queen.

Dom and DKC trade chops early. Dom lariats and dropkicks DKC. Lucas does a nice armdrag on Cam then running SSP's him. Cam and Lucas trade chops then Lucas takes a double back elbow into a double team legdrop. Dom takes a double flapjack and a sandwich basement dropkick. Cam lifted Dom into an unusual drop with his elbow pushed on his neck. DKC misses a PK then takes a Mcguillicutter for 2.

Lucas slingshot sentons DKC then Lucas is thrown into a hurricanrana on DKC for 2. Luca suplexes DKC and headbutt drops him for 2. DKC gets rolled into a big german from Dom. Dom reverse slams DKC then misses a double moonsault hard on his back. Cam gets in and flying kicks Lucas then crucifix drivers Dom. He hits somthing else on Lucas for 2. The stream cuts out ofr a bit and Cam is taking superkicks. DKC jumps in for his partner and takes the superkick then DKC gets pinned after a cutter.

It was indy stuff here with lots of moves, little selling and lots of flips, but they kept it moving and weren't boring.

DKC and Cam hug after then Hoss comes back out. Cam and Hoss turn on DKC, stomping him. Hoss hits a big lariat on DKC

Bad Dude Tito vs. Matt Vandagriff

They go to the mat and Tito kips up out of a wristlock into a side headlock. Matt does a cool back roll into an up kick then hurricanrana's Tito. Matt then does corkscrew dive to the outside. Matt goes for a springboard but trips and hurts himself. Tito does a forearm and chop combo in the corner then a stiff short arm lariat for 2. Tito delay suplexes Matt and sentons Matt on his failed sunset flip. Matt makes his comeback with forearms then does a neat 619 variation from the corner. Matt then top rope dropkicks Tito out and does a tope con hilo over the ropes.

Matt goes up top but Tito gets his knees up then Matt dives from the 2nd rope and Tito hits a mid-air spear. Matt counters a powerbomb with a rana then hook kicks him. Matt falcon arrows him for 2 then Tito comes back and germans him on his head. Tito topes him into the empty seats then hits a stiff lariat. Tito hits a top rope frogsplash and wins it.

It was fine. Matt did the flying and Tito did the power moves. 

Inner City Championship: Delilah Doom © vs. Heather Monroe vs. Johnnie Robbie

They try some roll-ups to start and then start hitting forearms. JR is facekicked out then DD uses the ropes for a hurricanrana on Monroe. Monroe flurries DD in the corner with forearms then DD takes a camel clutch under the middle rope. Monroe then splashes her against it. JR whips Monroe into the apron then kamigoye's DD.

Monroe hits running forearms in the corner then does a cartwheel into a back body splash. JR hits opponents in both corners then Monroe and DD try to sandwich her but end up nailing each other. JR superkicks Monroe then Jr drops her over the knee. Things pick up with DD hitting a dragon suplex then taking a 2nd rope codebreaker. They all get on their knees and trade forearms. DD does a double stunner then does a double 619. DD topes Monroe then topes JR.

DD then top rope double dropkicks both and hits a bad widows peak type of move on Monroe. JR hits a weird package neckbreaker on DD for two then JR germans Monroe. Heather suplexes JR then slams JR on her. Monroe and JR fight up top then DD rolls JR from the top into a driver and wins it.

It went long and they had some botches. They went all out here and they definitely put some effort into this. It's a three way so it was naturally kind of spotty.

Ray Rosas comes out after and wants to challenge DD for the Inner city for some reason. Ray then spinning elbows her and does a pumphandle backbreaker.

Rosas does a promo after. He says he did this due to the people. He says he destroys his body for them and the fans forgot about him when he took a rest to heal up. Ray says we aren't in the future but the now and the now belongs to him.  Ray then lays on DD's back and full nelson's her until refs break it up.

Santino Bros Championship: Che Cabrera © vs. Willie Mack

They do some wristlocks and headlocks early. Mack reverses a hiptoss with an armdrag then armdrags him off the 2nd rope. Mack hits a hurricanrana and a flying knee. Mack puts Che on a fan then chops him. Mack forearms him in the corner then Che hits a stiff flying shoulder. Che eyepoked Mack then hit a 2nd rope dropkick. Che plancha's Mack then Che chops Mack as a fan holds Mack.

Mack hits stiff forearms then does a spinning cresent kick. Mack hits a swinging slam then tries to do a senton in the corner on him but only hits the buckles. Mack samoan drops him then does a standing moonsault for 2. Che death valley drivers him then hits a spinning neckbreaker. Che slingshots into a ddt for 2. Mack pops him up for a forearm then exploders him. Mack tope con hilos him over the top.

Che's manager sprays Mack with water when he goes on the top rope then Che top rope hurricanrana's him. Che then does a flying kick and does a jackhammer for the win.

I wasn't a big fan of this. They goofed around too much early with the fans which brought it down and it just wasn't particularly special.

Che and Rico stomp Mack after then stoomp Matt and Bateman from earlier. Bateman fights them off and gets kicked in the crotch by Che's manager. Che's manager says Che is the greatest champ we've ever seen and said we should be happy we are living in the Era of Cabrera. The manager then said there's nobody who can touch Cabrera and then he called out Slice Boogie on commentary, saying his body can't hold up. He says slice is a piece of $hit then Slice comes to the ring wit ha chair and nails the manager. Slice then gotch-style piledrivers him. 

Overall thoughts: It was an indy show and it was better than I expected. The talent were above what GCW usually offers. I wouldn't recommend seeing it, but there's worse shows out there.

Josh Barnett's Bloodsport 9 3/30/2023

Kota Ibushi vs Mike Bailey

Not much happened early until Ibushi fell out of the ring. Ibushi hit some kicks and knocked him down then bullied him with more kicks. Mike came back with kicks and tried to armbar him. Mike then did a stiff moonsault double knee. Ibushi pulled in Bailey while he was outside of the ring and gave him a vicious deadlift german. Ibushi backdropped him then hit a v-trigger for the knockout win. It was boring early and was not much of a classic, but it was still entertaining. The german from Ibushi was awesome.

Chavo Guerrero came out to give Erik Paulson an award.

Yuya Uemura vs Bad Dude Tito

Yuya was pushed off the apron on the lock up to start then Yuta got in and took him down. Tito does a suplex then Yuya does some nice throws. Tito cartwheels into a headlock then Yuya belly to belly suplexes him and dropkicks him out of the ring. Yuya then dives on him outside. Yuya then germans him then Tito rolls his second german attempt into a knee bar. Tito grabs an ankle lock and wins it.

It was short but entertaining.

Tito piefaced Yuya after

Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs JR Kratos

DBS does a hammerlock takedown early. JR knees him in the ribs on the mat. DBS throws him then JR headscissors him. DBS hits some knees to the head from the north-south position then hits a big knee to the ribs. JR misses a slap and they trade forearms. JR takes a hard knee and DBS hits elbows. DBS hits a stiff knee then powerbombs him. DB hits forearms then takes an enzugiri. They trade forearms on their knees then get up and trade forearms. JR goes for a suplex but is put into a crossface and DBS wins it.

It was long and slow and aside from some nice knees, there wasn't a ton going on here. 

Johnny Bloodsport vs Royce Isaacs

Royce has a Streets of Rage jacket on. Johnny does a nice escape early and blasts him with a nice shot. Royce does a nice suplex and they wrestle some. Royce does a nice deadlift german then does another. Johnny knees him then hits some elbows. Johnny does a swing kick from the mat then does an indian deathlock style move. Royce reverses it into a choke then Johnny does a nice armbar. Royce puts him in a texas cloverleaf then Royce hits a stiff piledriver. Johnny gets out of a grounded dragon then gator rolls him into a guillotine for the win.

It was a little boring early like a lot of this show but then it got better soon after the and the second half was good. Johnny was fun here trying to throw his capoeira stuff in.

Jon Moxley vs Alex Coughlin

Alex trips him and they do some mat wrestling. They slap each other and Mox trips him. Mox takes him down and Alex is pushed off the apron. Mox then triangles him on the mat as Alex is outside. Alex picks him up and slams/powerbombs him on the apron. Alex then does nice Karelin's lifts and wishbone rolls him. Alex calf crushers him.

Axle does another powerbomb an they punch each other in the clinch. Mox hits headbutts then chokes him. Mox does a double underhook suplex then they start slapping each other. Mox does a jumping knee then pounds on him from behind. Mox puts him in a bulldog choke as he bleeds (of course he is bleeding) and Alex picks him up on his shoulders. Mox flips him backwards and rolls him into a choke and wins it.

Easily the most entertaining thing so far. It was short and concise and both looked real energized here. I liked Alex's suplexes and powerbombs and everything Mox did outside of the slaps was good.

Josh Barnett vs Timothy Thatcher

They roll on the mat and TT gets out of an ankle lock. TT gets some punches in the ribs. TT knees him in the ribs and surfboards him. Josh does a suplex then TT single leg crabs him. TT hits mounted punches and keylocks him. Josh goes for a bulldog choke but TT slips out and knees him. TT puts him in an AT lock but Josh grabs the ankle to get out and goes for an STF. TT puts him in a fujiwara armbar then Josh hits a stiff saito suplex.

They each leg lock each other and roll to the floor. They trade forearms and euros. TT enzugiri's him the nbackdrops him. Josh Saito suplexes him. Josh powerbombs him but TT holds onto the arm and armbars him. Josh rolls and TT kneebars him to win.

The first part of this wasn't too exciting but the second half was better with some of the submissions and reversals.

Mark Hitchcock Memorial Supershow 3/30/2023

AAA Mega Championship - El Hijo del Vikingo vs Black Taurus vs Kommander

BT does a double crucifix driver early and lariats Vik over he top then throws Kommander on him from the gorilla press. BT then tornillo tope's both opponents. BT hits corner lariats  then chokeslams Vik onto Kommander as he has him in the reverse ddt position. BT bangs their heads together then he gets pulled out and double superkicked. Vik and Kommander then dive on him at the same time. both Kommander and Vik walk the ropes, meet up in the middle then both moonsault BT.

Vik does an inside springboard 450 then Kommander walks the top rope into an SSP on BT. Vik gets on the 2nd rope then jumps up to the third rope and back down for a hurricanrana. Kommander is caught on a 2nd rope crossbody and powerslammed into the buckles. Vik does his inverted 450 hurricanrana with Bt under him then does a corkscrew kick on BT.

Vik jumps from the post to the top rope then flips into the other top rope for a hurricanrana. Kommander then walks the top rope, flips into the ropes then goes up and down and does a springboard hurricanrana. Kommander does a toyota roll on BT and turns it into a canadian destroyer. Vik then is on Kommander's shoulders and is spun down into a backbreaker. Kommander runs the top rope then flips onto BT into a hurricanrana.

Vik does a tornillo from the top to the outside. Vik ssp's onto Kommander's knees then Kommander backbreakers him. BT backbreakers Kommander then does a pop up samoan drop. Vik doe san electric chair into a german on BT. BT and Vik go up top and BT does a top rope gorilla press. Kommander then does a springboard poisonrana and takes a flying crucifix bomb from Vik. Vik then crucifix bombs BT. Bt lariats Vik hard then does a michinoku driver on the apron/ropes on Kommander. Vik goes up top, walks the rope and does a 630 onto everyone. Vikj running meteora's Bt then does a long tope into Kommander outside. Vik then 630's BT for the win. Fans threw money in the ring after.

10 on the creativity. 10 on the athleticism. 0 on the logic. 0 on the selling. This was a wild spotfest with some insane moves. That's all it was though and it resembled a gymnastics competition more than anything else.

Circle 6 Iron-On Wrestling 3/30/2023

Cinder Block Death Match - Malcolm Monroe III vs Hoodfoot

We start the match with the camera man leaving his camera on the mat. MM hrows a cinder block and misses then is lariated out. Hood then throws a cinder block at him and misses. Hood hits some shots on MM then MM throws a chair at him. Hood hits MM in the leg with something then MM crotches him wit ha chair before hitting him with it. Hood as a chair put around his neck and MM slaps it with a cinder block.

MM gets his head slapped from behind into the block. MM superkicks Hood and misses a cinder block shot. MM kicks him in the arm then grabs a hammer. MM hammers the cinder block with Hood's hand in it that didn't look like it hurt. MM chairs Hood's back then dropkicks him. Hood brainbusters him onto a chair for 2. Hood hits a pumphandle driver for 2 then MM superkicks him. MM double stomps his back off the top rope.

Hood gets ddt'd on cinder blocks and MM wins it.

This wasn't good. We got one cinder block spot here. There was a ton of downtime, it went slow and there were just few highlights.

Hood shakes his hand after but says he is sick of handshakes. Hood says MM got lucky tonight and said they need to do this bigger and blacker in Detroit in the "wildest match we can think of". MM says he ain't no b*tch and said it won't be "nothing f*cking nice". 

Casket Match - AJ Gray vs JTG

Yes, it's that JTG. They lock up and JTG gets up in his face. AJ tries to push him into the casket then double chops him. AJ walks the top rope and clubs JTG on his way down. They trade punches outside and AJ has his head banged off the post. AJ goes inside the building they are at (they are wrestling outside) and AJ brings out chairs. JTG chairs AJ in the back then AJ low blows JTG. AJ chairs JTG in the back then gets a wooden door. AJ chairs JTG. JTG lays on a birdged door. AJ tries to moonsault him off the top but JTG moves and AJ lands on the door.

JTG tries to put AJ in the casket then JTG throws a chair at him. JTG does a spinnig and swinging slam. JTG puts him in a choke then AJ makes his comeback with lariats. AJ spinning heel kicks him then top rope moonsaults him. JTG hits a reverse sling blade then AJ hits a big lariat. JTG is put in the casket and AJ chairs him in it and closes the casket to win it.

This was slow, the crowd wasn't too into it and it wasn't anything special.

New Japan Pro Wrestling/Impact Multiverse United 3/30/2023

Pre-Show - Gabriel Kidd vs Yuya Uemura

They trade hols and do a stand off. Yuya snapmares him and puts him in an armlock then Kidd stis him on the top and pushes him over. Kidd hits nice slams. They trade chops in the corner and Kidd hadbutts him. They trade shots then Yuya flying forearms him. Yuya hits a big bulldog then works the arm. Kidd double underhook suplexes him.

They fight up top and Kidd hanging guillotines him from the top. Kidd goes for a lariat but takes a nice armdrag and a front suplex. Yuya top rope crossbodies him for the win.

This was a fun little match with the two matching up well. Kidd had good aggression and Yuya was a fun face with some nice moves.

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