Friday, March 31, 2023

Circle 6 Wrestling 3/30/2023 - Hoodfoot presents Crosses & Caskets and Momma Cogar’s Delicate Flowers

Circle 6 Wrestling 3/30/2023 - Hoodfoot presents Crosses & Caskets and Momma Cogar’s Delicate Flowers

Circle 6 had an unusual format here. They had a show every hour with 2-3 matches. Every show had different names and it's just easier to group this all together.
Doors of Mayhem Match - Matt Locke vs Terex


Terex is 400lbs. Matt talks trash to him and face shoves him then Terex does it back. Matt hits a punch combo to the gut and takes a nasty forearm. Terex slams him through a barbed wire door then breaks a piece of the door over Matt's head. Terex hits him with another piece of the door hard over the head then hits a great punch. Terex corner splashes him then running hip attacks him.

Matt running knees him and Terex tries to splash him through a door, but ends up going through it when Matt moves. Matt hits him with a door piece then ddt's him on a door. Matt chairs Terex directly in the head a few times with nothing to stop it.

Matt is put on a chair then Terex crossbodies him through it. Terex puts barbed wire in Matt's head and face. Matt avoids a charge and hits some enzugiri's. Terex hits a spinebuster then hits him in the head with a chair. They fight in the corner and Terex gets powerbombed through a bridged door on chairs with tubes. Matt then grabs the win as he had put him through two doors.

The last minute or so dragged, but I liked this. Terex was just real good as the unstoppable monster here and really had a godzilla like vibe to him where nothing phased him. He also had no problem getting chaired in the head, which is not something you really ever see these days.

Cinder Block Death Match - Malcolm Monroe III vs Hoodfoot

We start the match with the camera man leaving his camera on the mat. MM throws a cinder block and misses then is lariated out. Hood then throws a cinder block at him and misses. Hood hits some shots on MM then MM throws a chair at him. Hood hits MM in the leg with something then MM crotches him with a chair before hitting him with it. Hood as a chair put around his neck and MM slaps it with a cinder block.

MM gets his head slapped from behind into the block. MM superkicks Hood and misses a cinder block shot. MM kicks him in the arm then grabs a hammer. MM hammers the cinder block with Hood's hand in it that didn't look like it hurt. MM chairs Hood's back then dropkicks him. Hood brainbusters him onto a chair for 2. Hood hits a pumphandle driver for 2 then MM superkicks him. MM double stomps his back off the top rope.

Hood gets ddt'd on cinder blocks and MM wins it.

This wasn't good. We got one cinder block spot here. There was a ton of downtime, it went slow and there were just few highlights.

Hood shakes his hand after but says he is sick of handshakes. Hood says MM got lucky tonight and said they need to do this bigger and blacker in Detroit in the "wildest match we can think of". MM says he ain't no b*tch and said it won't be "nothing f*cking nice". 

Casket Match - AJ Gray vs JTG

Yes, it's that JTG. They lock up and JTG gets up in his face. AJ tries to push him into the casket then double chops him. AJ walks the top rope and clubs JTG on his way down. They trade punches outside and AJ has his head banged off the post. AJ goes inside the building they are at (they are wrestling outside) and AJ brings out chairs. JTG chairs AJ in the back then AJ low blows JTG. AJ chairs JTG in the back then gets a wooden door. AJ chairs JTG. JTG lays on a birdged door. AJ tries to moonsault him off the top but JTG moves and AJ lands on the door.

JTG tries to put AJ in the casket then JTG throws a chair at him. JTG does a spinnig and swinging slam. JTG puts him in a choke then AJ makes his comeback with lariats. AJ spinning heel kicks him then top rope moonsaults him. JTG hits a reverse sling blade then AJ hits a big lariat. JTG is put in the casket and AJ chairs him in it and closes the casket to win it.

This was slow, the crowd wasn't too into it and it wasn't anything special.

Chandelier of Death Match - Otis Cogar vs Clint Margera

Otis rams his own head through the tubes for reasons then rams it against at Clint. Clint hits corner strikes and Otis returns the favor. Otis breaks tubes over Clint's leg then stabs him with the tube pieces. Otis then throws tubes at him. Otis gets tubes dropkicked into him then is stabbed with tubes.

Clint hits a nice ddt for 2 then hits him with a tube. Otis charges at Clint with tubes then tries to do an elbow drop on tubes on him, but the tubes fly off and hit Clint in the face first. Otis breaks tubes over Clint's back. Oits chairs him then stabs him with a razor. Clint gets the razor put in his mouth then Otis goes into the tubes on the ropes. Clint hits a russian leg sweep then sliding d's tubes into him.

Clint 2nd rope forearms him for 2 then gets banged into a hanging tube/turnbuckle. Otis misses a back senton then Clint slingshot legdrops him for 2. Otis gets a trash can thrown at his gut then Otis uranage's him onto a trash can. Otis then slams him through tubes over two chairs and wins it.

It wasn't anything special. They got the time right here and it didn't go too long and we had lots of tubes flying around. They really didn't get much out of the chandelier gimmick at all.

Christian Napier came out. He wanted the ring swept and issued an open challenge. He actually cut a really entertaining promo albeit with tons of swearing.

Christian Napier vs Drexl

Drexl is a sight. He's got one of those old Chinese hairstyles where there's only hair in the back and it's braided. He's also wearing some kind of facepaint, a long beard and looks like he raided Marilyn Manson's wardrobe. We need more carnival freaks like this in wrestling.

Drexl gets down on all fours and Napier backs up. Drexl bites the hand and the announcers say Drexl lives under a dumpster. Napier grabs a headlock then hits shots in the corner. Drexl enjoys it and moves his beard out of the way so he can be chopped more. Drexl then kisses him to further mess with the guy.

Drexl feels himself up then takes a neckbreaker. Drexl grabs Napier by the nuts and gets poked in the eye. Drexl is then lariated out. Drexl papercuts him between the fingers then does it again. Drexl then papercuts his lips and eyes. Drexl brings in a staple gun but Napier gets it and staples a photo to Drexl's head. Drexl no sells it then hits some running shots.

Drexl rams Napier's head into a chair then piledrives him on chairs for 2. Drexl sets up two sets of chairs then gets ddt'd on them then Napier pins him.

This was short and mostly was a way to feature Drexl's general insanity. It wasn't great, but I think it served its purpose and I was entertained.

Flaming Tables Match - Atticus Cogar vs Jacob Fatu

Fatu rushes him to start and hits some headbutts and shots. Fatu goes for a springboard but is hit then moonsaulted on. Cogar then flip dives on him outside. Back in and Cogar rolls him in a superkick and Fatu says , "Man, f@ck that sh*t." Cogar poisonrana's him then Fatu splashes him in the corner. Fatu throws chairs in then running hip attacks him. Fatu chokes him over the 2nd rope then rams him into a chair put between the buckles.

Fatu grabs a table outside and Cogar's topes it. Cogar has a chair thrown at his face then Fatu handsprings into a moonsault on a chair on Cogar. They go up top and Fatu gets skewers put in his head. Cogar code red's him off the 2nd rope through a table. Cogar goes to blow fire at Fatu but Fatu moves and the table is lit on fire. Fatu then superkicks him and does a pop-up samoan drop through the barely on fire table to win it.

It sucks that the fire spot got a little messed up but it was short and both guys did what they were supposed to do here. Fatu's table bump was great.

Fatu puts a jacket on for Knok Pro and greets his family members.

Overall thoughts: The good outweighed the bad here. Maybe not the greatest stuff ever, but we had some different kinds of gimmick matches and we had a fun cast of characters. Fatu's always fun to watch and I got a kick out of Terex and Drexl.

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