Thursday, March 30, 2023

AEW Dynamite 3/29/2023

AEW Dynamite 3/29/2023

Jungle Boy vs Matt Hardy

JB flips out of a wristlock early. JB hits a nice dropkick and sends Matt out. JB plancha's Matt but is caught and takes a side effect on the floor. Darby watches on from the monitors and Ethan Page throws JB over the rails. They fight on the apron and JB takes a side effect on the apron.

We went to break and returned. Matt gets knocked down and takes punches then JB hits a nice dropkick. Ethan Page gets on the apron and Jb takes punches up top. Matt hits a superplex. Hook's music hits and he beats up Page then Page hits Hardy on a missed shot on Hook. JB topes Matt then armdrags out of a side effect. JB then does a jumping flatliner and a lariat to the back of the head for the win.

I wasn't a fan of this. The shenanigans didn't help anything and JB not being put down by floor and apron moves sucked.

MJF came out after. MJF says Jungle Boy interrupting his party was a "Kanye move". It took them a long time to go through this but MJF talked about a story where he told JB that nice guys finish last. MJF used Jim Cornette nicknames for Luchasaurus and Marko Stunt, saying they held him back. MJF said he has gone further in his career than JB has. JB said he wished he could talk like MJF and said he wished he had the confidence he has. He said he's going to get to the top of the mountain without being the bad person MJF has been and said he won't wake up everyday hating the person he sees in the mirror like MJF does. MJF mocked him saying it took him 4 years to learn how to talk. MJF said he thought they could have been friends like JB has, but he has been a massive disappointment and is weak. MJF said he pulled aside JB's girlfriend, Anna Jay, which is news, and said JB's weak between the knees. They then fought and JB ran off MJF.  I'm never a big fan of heels ripping faces for things that are true. The backstory with MJF and JB would have worked better if we had actually seen it.

The JAS brought the Acclaimed to a night on the town. They went to a soccer game, dinner, a merry go round and other places. The JAS sucked up to The Acclaimed and asked them if they were in or out. Bowens said they'd decide on Wednesday.  I always like these kinds of skits.

Dalton Castle and The Boys vs The Blackpool Combat Club

The BCC jumps Castle's crew as they enter. Brandon gets thrown off the 2nd rope by Claudio. CC then lifts Brandon by his neck and slams him then hits a ligerbomb for the win in a quick and pointless squash. I really don't know why Castle's crew had to be buried like this. 

Adam Page is interviewed about his friends. He talks about their injuries. Page is asked who did this and he says it's the BBC, which is a total screw up. Don Callis comes in and says he apologizes then the BCC jump Page. Callis keeps his hand extended then Mox nails Callis. Callis ends up bleeding.

IWGP US Title - Kenny Omega vs Jeff Cobb

Tony Schiavone tells Kenny that Don Callis was just attacked and Kenny waves him off.

Kenny hits a hurricanrana early then does a tope con hilo on him. Kenny hits a jump over the back bulldog then Cobb hits a running brainbuster. They go outside and Kenny has his back rammed into the post. We go to break and return with Cobb working the back. Kenny pushes the back of Cobb's head into the mat for 2 then Cobb hits a tour of the islands backbreaker.

Kenny flips out of a german then gets punched. Kenny knees Cobb for 2. Cobb hits a nice dropkick then takes multiple snap dragon. Cobb then flips him with a lariat. Cobb flying back elbows him in the corner Cobb delay superplexes him and standing moonsaults him for 2. Cobb hits a running knee and goes for an OWA but it gets stopped. Omega pumping knees him then hits an OWA and wins it.

I felt like they did a good job here of working Kenny's ribs/back, though Cobb isn't a super exciting guy in general. Them bringing Cobb in out of nowhere wasn't a good idea and nobody cared about him.

The Blackpool Combat Club came down after then Bryan Danielson came down as Kenny was about to be beaten up. Bryan yells at them then offers to shake Kenny's hand. He then hits a flying knee on Kenny and puts him in the yes lock as the BCC beat up Kenny. Cutler, Nakazawa and security tries to make the save but get stopped. I still really don't get the BCC heel turn angle or how they can even turn in the first place since they always beat up faces and heels.

The Gunn's do a promo. They ripped FTR, saying they held the tag titles as much of them and said they moaned and cried during their time off. The Gunn's said they used to look up to them but don't respece them anymore, just like their father. They said their tag line makes sense - top guys, out.

AEW International Title - Orange Cassidy (c) vs The Butcher

OC gets jumped by Blade before this event starts. Blade has a crowbar and gets kicked out while Butcher pounds on OC. OC bangs Butcher's heads off the buckles then is caught on a dive. Butcher then throws OC on the top buckle and rib breakers him. Butcher bangs OC's head off the rails outside and we go to break.

We return and Butch hits a big lariat on OC. Butcher hits a stiff uranage backbreaker then takes a stunner. OC ddt's Butcher for 2. Blade hits OC with a crowbar in the back then OC is uranage breakered again for 2. Chuck Taylor and Trent come down to beat up Blade then Trent hits Butcher. Oc hits an orange punch on Butcher and hits a beach break for the win.

This wasn't any good with tons of shenanigans and Butcher looked like an idiot for getting a ton of help and still not being able to win.

Jade Cargill and friends do a promo on Taya. Jade is mad she's using her move on her friends and says this is an outrage. Mark Sterling has a new legal processor with him and says he will send her out on Friday and sue Taya. 

Juice Robinson does a promo on Action Andretti. He said he's in for a fight against someone who is mad. He said every punch is for Ricky Starks and tells Starks to pull up a chair and watch. He says it will just be a sample of the whooping he gave Starks in NYC.

Ruby Soho vs Willow Nightingale

Ruby slaps Willow's face and steps on Willow's foot early. Ruby goes for a spinning headscissors but takes a side slam. Willow then splashes her as she lays down. Willow hits some shots then Ruby takes over. Saraya hits some knees on Willow while the ref isn't looking. Ruby stays in control as we go to break.

We return and Willow makes her comeback with a running kick to the chest. Willow spinebusters her for 2. Willow hits a nasty running death valley driver. Willow goes up top and takes two no future kicks from Ruby for 2. Willow pounces her into the ropes and Toni saves Ruby from a move. Ruby then puts her feet on the ropes and grabs the pin with help from Toni.

This wasn't good and yet another finish with shenanigans was lame.

Toni and Saraya jump Willow after and try to Pillmanize Willow's leg. Skye Blue and Riho try to make the save but get beaten up. Jamie Hayter then comes down to make the save and beats up The Outcasts. Jamie then chases them off after Riho signals to her that she wants the title.

Hobbs does a promo talking about the people he beat. He said the TNT title will never leave his waist.

Daniel Garcia vs Adam Cole


No Dimes: The Match. Look, they had a built in storyline here with Cole coming off of injury and Garcia working on it. Garcia worked the injury some and credit for that. Cole did Cole stuff as usual en route to victory. For those of you who had hoped Cole might hit the gym since he had nothing else to do for the last few months, he looks arguably worse than he did pre-injury. Britt Baker came down after and they had streamers for Cole for some reason. Jericho then came down to help Garcia out

Overall thoughts: I had zero interest in this one. The card was just filled with people I don't like and a bunch of matches had interference or distracted ref finishes.

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