Friday, February 10, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 2/10/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 2/10/2023

Last week's show is here:

There's an Axiom vs Scrypts match tonight that looks good.

We have a new commentator named Blake Howard who is from the indies.

Tank Ledger vs Kale Dixon

This is Kale's second televised match. Kale rolls out of a wristlock early then Tank rolls with Kale on his second attempt at the roll. Tank works the arm and lights him up by it then armdrags him.

Kale flips out of an armlock then is run over with a Tank lariat. Kale has his crossbody caught and he is slammed for 2. Tank goes headfirst into the post in the corner then Kale reverse curbstomps him. Kale grabs him by the hair and neckbreakers him for 2. Tank fights out of a chinlock and hits punches then does a double sledgehammer shot.

Tank hits a nice slam then does his cartwheel into a splash for 2. Tank hits an oklahoma stampede and grabs the win.

Nothing wrong with this at all. Just basic armwork until they picked things up and moved over to the finish.

Axiom is interviewed. He said it's always hard against masked wrestlers as he doesn't know what they are thinking or plotting. He says Damon Kemp attacking him as uncalled for. He said as you can see, he is seething with the joke being that he is wearing a mask. Ax said he will have the solution for Scrypts tonight.

Dani Palmer vs Lash Legend

Dani is taken to the corner. Lash tries to back drop her but Dani holds on and gets punched. Lash blocks a roll-up and Dani hits a headscissors off the up and over. Dani does a 2nd rope crossbody but gets caught and is wheelbarrow german suplexed out of it. Lash pulls her by the hair and slams her. Dani then has her chin banged off the apron. Lash then does a legdrop on her as she hangs off the apron.

Lash puts her knee in her lower back and chinlocks her. Lash misses a splash in the corner then is dropkicked and chinbreakered. Dani does flying clothesline and a step up enzugiri. Lash pushes her into the ropes and does a non-spinning buckingham drop (back to back drop) and wins it.

Lash hasn't won in a while so that was a little surprising. It wasn't a bad showing by Lash as her offense looked better and she didn't mess up anything. Dani did okay here but would have been better against someone better.

Axiom vs Scrypts

Scrypts headflips out of a snapmare and Ax bridges backwards out of a wristlock. Ax flips out of a wristlock. Scrypts rolls backwards between the legs then both kip up at the same time. Scrypts cartwheels out of a headsissors then Axe armdrags him and dropkicks him.

Scrypts takes an enzugiri when going for a springboard. Ax goes to dive outside by Scrypts flips in the ring and dropkicks him during the attempt. Scrypts hits a corkscrew crossbody for 2. Ax hits some chops and hits a great dropkick. Ac then hits a top rope crossbody for 2. They fight up top then Scrypts hits a beautiful top rope moonsault for 2. Scrypts hits mounted punches then Ax does a nice flipping northern lights suplex. Ax then PK's him for 2.

Scrypts hits kicks and gets punched on a corkscrew crossbody attempt. Ax goes to kip up and is superkicked. Scrypts goes for the moonsault and Ax tries to kick him on his way down but kind of misses. Ax then hits a big superkick and wins it.

It's a shame they missed some of the moonsault into the superkick spot. I think they overdid it a little here and had a real indy match with endless flips and many superkicks.

Overall thoughts: Not a must see show. Axiom vs Scrypts was kind of what I expected, but they got a little too indy with it and brought it down. The other two matches weren't that special either.

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