Tuesday, February 21, 2023

WWE NXT 2/21/2023

WWE NXT 2/21/2023

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/02/wwe-nxt-2142023.html

Trick Williams vs Ilja Dragunov

Trick has new gear with black shorts. Trick got on the mic during his entrance and said he'd beat that big headed bum into oblivion. He said he's glad the pain makes him feel alive, because tonight he'll be on Cloud 9.

Trick cheapshots Drag during his entrance then Trick wrestled him down and kicked him. Drag hit a nice judo hip throw then did another into a side headlock. Drag hit chops and a flying knee and pounded on him more. Drag got booted to the outside and took a hard fall. JD McDonaugh then walked up to him. We then went to PiP break.

We returned and Trick had him in a cravate. Drag made his comeback and hit chops then enzugiri'd him. Drag did a 2nd rope knee drop and Trick did an upkick. Trick then hit a Mcgillicutter for 2. Trick went for a spinning kick and was caught with a powerbomb. Drag did a nice delayed german style suplex then hit the moscow torpedo for the win.

This was probably Trick's best match yet and definitely his longest. He was totally carried here, but did okay being along for the ride. Drag was fun as usual with the stiffness and the crowd being into him.

Jinder Mahal did a promo. He said timing is everything. He said the boos from the crowd for Bron are getting louder and his energy is getting weaker. Jinder says he's the one who messes up all the plans here and will shock the people in the crowd like he did in prior title wins. He said he'd be champ tonight.

Fallon was trying to reach Jensen on the phone but Jensen wasn't answering. Briggs says he's tired of getting in the middle of this and Fallon said she was going to try to fix this in person.

We saw Meiko Satomura training people in the Performance center in a ring. Roxanne Perez asked to join. They did a bunch of exercises and Roxanne was the only one to last with Meiko. Roxanne did 1,000 squats with her and wanted to leave then Meiko said it was just a warm up and now they really begin.

Tyler Bate came out to talk. Someone kept chanting in the crowd that they wanted Waller. Bate thanked people in the crowd for their support. He said we will be embarking on a mystical journey together then Schism came out. Gacy said they were kindred spirits then Ava Raine said they might be in some ways, but not all ways. Gacy's crew surrounded the ring. Gacy said they are a true family and told him he's all alone. They got in the ring to surround him then Chase U made the save.

Chase U vs The Dyad

We came back from break and this was already in progress. Rip shoulderbreakered Chase then Jagger grabbed his arm. Chase escaped and made the tag to Duke. Duke cleaned house and hit a senton. Jagger then was suplexed into Rip. Jagger's leg was held so he could take an enzugiri then Chase superkicked him for 2. Chase and Rip got lariated over the top rope then Jagger tope'd Duke.

We then went to break and returned. Chase got the hot tag in and hit a combo ddt + reverse ddt. Chase neckbreakered Jagger and moonsaulted onto Rip outside. Chase then hit a top rope crossbody on Jagger for 2. Chase hit a russian legsweep on Jagger then hit the C-H-A-S-E-U stomps. Ava Raine went after Thea then Duke did a slingshot into a german. Duke then took a double codebreaker and Dyad picked up the win. It was long and it wasn't anything too special, though not awful or anything.

Duke said Thea needs to grow up and asked if this was a university or charity?

Von was asked by Mr. Stone if he was ready. Von said he's ready to kick butt and take names and Stone mocked it. Tony D and Stacks then walked in. Mr. Stone declined a match for Von tonight. Tony and Stacks kept at it though and Von agreed. Stone asked what was that and Von told him to shut up.

Charlie Dempsey and Drew Gulak were interviewed. Gulak said he wasn't here for friends, but to find the best of the best and said that is not just Hank Walker. Drew said the problem is Hank is a nice guy and said you can't be afraid to get what you want here. Drew said you have to be willing to break limbs and said that's not Hank, that's Charlie Dempsey. 
We got a Sol Ruca video talking about the ocean. She said everyone is differnet like waves and said that made things fun. She said she tries something different everyday. She said she just keeps at it until she gets things right and said it may even lead to her beating Zoey Stark.

Jacy Jayne vs Indi Hartwell

Jacy and Indi each hit forearms early then Indi hit short arm clotheslines. Jacy came back with a neckbreaker then hit sentons. Jacy was knocked off the apron then hit kicks on Indi. Indi hit some shots then spinebustered her for 2. Jacy cannonballed her in the corner then kicked her in the head. Gigi Dolin then attacked Jacy from behind for the DQ.

Gig threw Jacy into the rails and they fought to the back.

We went back to Meiko and Roxanne training with Meiko getting the better of her. Meiko said she'd see her in two weeks.

Zoey Stark was interviewed. She said she was done with Sol Ruca and had beaten her. Zoey asked why Roxanne was getting a title match. She said if Meiko steps in the ring with her, she will show her the real final boss.

Gallus vs Malik Blade and Edris Enofe

Blade sidestepped with a cartwheel then was back body dropped. Blade got run over with a euro then was slammed. Two people with a cake came out then Enofe got the hot tag in. Enofe hit a nice dropkick then flipped off the top onto Wolf on the outside. Enofe hit a high top rope elbow for 2 and Mark Coffey took a botched double team move for 2. Enofe then took a double team Gallus slam and lariat move for the win.

It was short and decent.

The cake guys then came into the ring and gave them a cake. They said it was the anniversary of them losing the NXT UK tag titles to Pretty Deadly then they were thrown into the cake and thrown out.

Pretty Deadly then hit Gallus from behind with chairs. Wolf was then spinebustered onto the steps.

Dabba Kato said he could feel Apollo Crews' anger. He said he was there for Crews and said Crews can't stand on his own. He said Crews may be the one who brought him into this world, but he will be the one who takes him out of it. There was a cool "Apollo" yell by Kato, but not much else.

Stevie Turner did a promo. She did a "Stevie Randomizer" and it landed on Lyra Valkyria. She said she's a woman of mystery, but no match for her fast fingers. Stevie said she's associated with a goddess of war and said the feathers she wears represents a battle she won. Stevie said eventually Lyra will have to face her and she's no match for Stevie. 
Tony D'Angelo vs Von Wagner

Tony was pushed into the corner and took corner spears. Von hit a jumping knee. Tony took him down then took a running facekick. Von and Stone argued. Stone told Von to figure it out then Von lariated Tony. Tony belly to belly suplexed Von then spinebustered him. Tony then did a backdrop into a slam and won it.

I'm not a big fan of Von losing or getting thrown around like he was.

Stone and Von argued after.

Tony was then interviewed. Tony put Stacks over for choosing family over a title shot. Tony said Dijak doesn't get it though. Tony said it's time to put his feud with Dijak to an end and said they should meet in a jailhouse street fight at NXT Roadblock. He said he will put him in solitary confinement and said he has 7 days to answer.

Nikkita Lyons was interviewed. She said she will be back before a year and didn't know who injured her. Tiffany Stratton then interrupted and said the TV time should be spent on her. Lyons said it seemed like she maybe attacked her and Tiffany said it wasn't. Tiff said she'd be out forever if she injured her. Tiff then said what if you vanished from NXT for a year? She then left.

Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley talked. Tatum said she isn't coming with Ivy for her match and Ivy found out that Tatum was afraid. Ivy said they are a team and Tatum looked at the Diamond Mine logo.

Trick was in the back and Melo went up to him. Melo said he needed to see who wins the main tonight. Tyler Bate came in and put over Trick for a good job. He said good timber doesn't grow with ease. He said the stronger the storm, the stronger the breeze. Melo said he is him and said he's glad Bate's journey has nothing to do with the NXT title picture.

Ivy Nile vs Alba Fyre

Ivy is thrown down to start then pounds on her in the corner. Alba PK's her then Ivy hits a hurricanrana. Isla gets on the apron then Tatum gets on the apron and Tatum is knocked off. Alba superkicks Ivy then gori bombs her to win it.

This was short and it was more about the Tatum stuff than anything in the ring.
Fallon Henley came to see Kiana James at her office. Fallon said she knows she ruined her date and said she was wrong. Fallon said she wanted to get past this and focus on the tag titles. Kiana said jealousy is a human emotion and Fallon said she wasn't jealous. They then agreed to be partners.

Wes Lee was interviewed. He said he can't look too far ahead and said the fans like his open challenge concept as much as he does. Wes said he will have another open challenge next week. He was asked why he does this when it puts him at a disadvantage and he said because he loves it.

WWE NXT Title - Bron Breakker vs Jinder Mahal

Bron is taken down and shouldered over. Jinder then shoulders him out. Bron hits shoulders and catches him with a spinebuster. Jinder is then pulled out by Sanga on a camel clutch. Bron then tope con hilos Jinder and crew. Bron and Jinder lariat each other at the same time then Sanga and Veer get on the apron. The Creed Brothers attack them and the refs try to clear them all out.

We go to break and return. Bron belly to belly overhead suplexes him then Jinder knocks him outside with a shot. Bron has his head banged off the table then is thrown into the stairs. Bron hits a big suplex. They trade shots then hockey fight and Jinder is german suplexed. Bron hits a spinebuster and Jinder slides out. Jinder hits a jumping knee then suplexes him for 2.

Bron hits a top rope hurricanrana then suplexes him. Bron then hits a spear and wins it.

Bron won here as expected. It was okay but nothing too special.
Melo was on the riser after looking at Bron
Grayson Waller then took over the production. He said he is Mr. Stand and Deliver and says nobody will hold him back for it. He said in two weeks, there will be a special episode of the Grayson Waller Effect with Shawn Michaels.

Overall thoughts: Not the best episode of NXT ever. There wasn't anything too great here or exciting here. There's a lot of storylines happening that aren't awful, but just aren't super interesting.

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