Tuesday, January 3, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 12/30/2022

WWE NXT Level Up 12/30/2022

Thea Hail vs Amari Miller

Amari does an interesting escape out of a wristlock then Thea tries to roll through one. Thea rolls, backrolls and headflips out of the wristlock the nheadlock takeovers her. Thea hits an armdrag and a japanese armdrag. Thea gets catapulted into the buckles and goes for a twisting crossbody but Amari moves. Amari hits a lungblower for 2.

Amari cobra twists her then Thea drops her out of it. Thea hits an exploder, shook the ropes then did a reverse senton off the bottom rope. Thea then picked up the win with a reverse neckbreaker.

It was fine. Thea looked pretty good here but it wasn't anything too memorable.

Oro Mensah is interviewed. He said Big Body Javi has been making a lot of noise lately. He said taking a shot at Javi will make him the most popular guy in Orlando. He said he likes to do his talking in the ring and will do so tonight.

Bronco Nima and Lucien Price vs Bryson Montana and Oba Femi

4 big dudes here. Nima and Bryson lock up and Nima shoulders him over. Bryson goes for a leapfrog and then is caught and slammed in a nice spot. Nima takes a jawbreaker then Bryson gets superkicked by Price for 2. Femi does a huge spinebuster on Price then hits a nice backdrop. Bryson legdrops Price for 2.

Femi knees Price in the gut then hits a huge euro. Femi misses a corner charge then Nima ges the hot tag in and cleans house. Nima splashes Bryson. Nima rolls Bryson then does something like a running stomp for 2. Femi gets thrown out then Bryson takes a codebreaker into a german for the Price and Nima win.

This wasn't too long and was fine for the experience level of the wrestlers. There really wasn't anything special about this one.

Javier Bernal vs Oro Mensah

Bernal is brought down and he tries to armdrag Oro, but Oro holds onto his wrstlock on him. JB monkey flips him and Oro holds on. Oro hits another armdrag then armlocks him. Oro hits a hptoss and does his caramel drip slide over through the ropes. Oro PK's him for 2 and is thrown onto the top rope and falls back.

JB bulldogs him and lariats him for 2. JB armlocks him and Oro hiptosses him out of it. JB bulldogs him then backbreakers him on his shoulder. Oro gets out of the hold and flips JB. Oro hits forearms and does a flipping koppo kick. Oro hits a springboard dropkick then hits a running spinning heel kick to win it.

This was too short for these guys and really nothing special at all.

Overall thoughts: All 3 matches were short and nothing too special.

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