Tuesday, January 17, 2023

WWE NXT 1/17/2023

WWE NXT 1/17/2023

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/01/wwe-nxt-1102023-new-years-evil.html

We saw clips from last week's show to start and they focused on Waller/Bron.

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams vs Axiom and Apollo Crews

Trick had the Cien Caras mask on again that he was mocking Axiom with last week.

Ax headflips and rolls out of a move early and dropkicks Trick. Trick then shoulders him over and yanks him up for another. Trick then pop-up punches him. Ax jumps up on the top rope and armdrags both opponents. Crews does an up and over in the corner then headflips and hits nice dropkicks on both opponents. He then does a double Japanese armdrag. Melo rolls him then hits a nice pump kick into a la misticqa for 2.

Melo is german'd hard on his head then Crews gorilla presses Ax onto both opponents outside. We go to PiP break and return. Ax cradles Melo for 2 then they flying lariat each other at the same time. The heels take stereo german suplexes and Melo swings Ax's boot into Crews' face. Trick then holds Ax for a twisting Melo springboard crossbody.

Ax was irish whipped and dropkicked Trick in on the apron off of it then Crews got the hot tag in. Crews hit a jumping lariat then hits corner splashes. Crews hits an enzugiri then does a gorilla press into a standing moonsault. Ax flying kicks Trick off the apron then Crews pins Melo after ctaching him off the top.

It wasn't anything super special. Nothing wrong with it though.

Tony D and Stacks are on a bridge. Tony says its for business reasons. He says it represented the beginning and the end and he throws 2 dimes into the water to represent Two Dimes. Tony says Stacks did a lot of growing up this year. Tony said the Dijak thing didn't end like he wanted it to and Stacks lets Tony get behind him and tells him to do what he has to do. Tony said Stacks' days of being a soldier are over..it's time to become the underboss. Tony then gives him a leather jacket with a logo on it that he says is the family crest. They hug and walk away together. Very cool segment with nice throwback to Two Dimes. 
Toxic Attraction is headed to the ring.

Tiffany Stratton is interviewed. She said she didn't ask for this interview and tells McKenzie to get to it. We see footage of Tiff being locked out of her room and then we see Indi Hartwell in it. Indi said this isn't her locker room anymore and told her to go dress somewhere else. She then put up a sign that said it was the women's locker room.Tiff said Indi could fit her entire wardrobe in a garbage bag and said she would have to show that there's only one superstar in the WWE.

Toxic Attraction said they hate to say we told you so, but we told you so. They bragged about winning the women's battle royale last week. They talked about how they each tried to eliminate the other. They said they promised Roxanne Perez will regret becoming Women's Champ because they will see her at Vengeance Day. Lyra Valkyria then came out. She said she doesn't see a champion in either T-A members. They said they have been champs for a long time and told her to go back to the end of the line. Lyra said she sees two girls who can't beat Roxanne by themselves and then T-a jumped her. Perez came out to make the save wearing very pink shoes.

Diamond Mine is beating up punching bags then Ivy and Tatum walk in. Ivy told them to shut up and listen and asked what happened to their motivation and discipline. She said she knew they were going to lose to Jinge and Indus sher and go back to being the Creed Brothers. This storyline hasn't really been working and I don't like Ivy talking down to them like that.

We got another Stevie Turner segment. She said she would give her reaction to the battle royale last week. She said she didn't get why Feroz was helping out Lopez and then talked about Lopez eliminating Choo. She said the battle royale had joint winners and said she would have won the battle royale if she was there. She said she is alays two levels above and two steps ahead, then the stream went offline.

Sol Ruca vs Alba Fyre

Alba takes her down and rolls her up. Sol cartwheels out of an arm throw then Sol twisting crossbodies off the 2nd rope. Sol hits a backslide then Alba back rolls and grabs her leg for a takedown. Sol kips up, flips out of a hiptoss and facebusters her. Alba stomps on Sol and we are told Perez/Lyra vs T-A is tonight. Alba PK's Sol as she's down then Alba superkicks her. Isla Dawn appears on the rister then Sol hits her Sol snatcher out of nowhere and wins it.

I thought there was a chance of an upset here and there was. This was short but a good little showcase for Sol. Sol busted her mouth up here.

Dijak said Tony D and Stacks learned what hard justice is. He said Wes Lee is up next and will fill his bag with championship gold. He said Wes has no shot against him and said high justice awaits him.

Grayson Waller is interviewed. He said Bron beat everyone in his path but not him. He said Bron is as stupid as he thought and said he lost because of the ropes breaking. Waller then talked about the rope breaking and getting him counted out. He said he feels as much of a champion as Bron is and brought his own title out. He said he would take Bron, the title and Charlotte, North Carolina when he becomes NXT Champ at Vengeance Day.

Gallus walks in the back. They said it's Gallus Boys on Tops. Briggs and Jensen said there are no free ones on them and they will raise hell tonight.

Alba Fyre is threatening a ref with a bat in the back and Chance and Carter tell her to calm down. Alba says she doesn't know what is going on and Chance/Carter said look how long it took them to win the tag titles. Alba then said maybe it's time she tries to win the tag titles. Chance tells her she doesn't have a partner and Alba says she doesn't need one.

We get a package on Tyler Bate. He said he is back to face some new challengers and is here to stay in NXT.
Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen vs Gallus 

Gallus has a new theme and it sucks. It's more country based with less of the "Hey Yeah's" and "Oh No's".

B&J go right after their opponents and Mark lariats Jensen. B&J double shoulder Mark then double slam him. Jensen runs into a Wolfgang knee from the ouside then takes a back elbow. Wolf then pounds on Jensen.

Wolf drops a knee on Jensen's neck and Mark trades forearms with Jensen. Jensen botches a leapfrog then Briggs lariats Wolf in the corner. Briggs hits a nice facekick and Mark trips Briggs outside. Mark backdrops Briggs on the apron then Gallus pulls up the ring mat outside.

Everyone fights outside and Briggs reverses a suplex and suplexes Mark on the mat outside. We go to break and return. Jensen gets the hot tag in and takes Mark's knee. Wolf gets tagged in and 2nd rope sentons Jensen. Mark forearms Jensen hard outside then is beat up more by Mark. Mark misses a shot on the buckles then Briggs gets in. Gallus go over the top then Briggs shoulders Mark off the apron. Jensen takes a back body drop on the exposed floor then Briggs top rope lariats Mark. Briggs hits an elbow and a splash and sees Jensen is out.

Jensen is checked on by medical staff then Briggs and Mark lariat each other. Kiana James comes out and pushes Fallon out of the way. Jensen yells at the trainers to get him up and Briggs takes on Gallus 1v2. Briggs takes an enzugiri into a powerslam ans Gallus wins it.

I didn't like Jensen getting up here or them not playing up Wolf being unable to tag out. The match wasn't too special thought it wasn't bad.

Kiana helps Jensen out to the back.

Chase U is out in the back and Duke is hyping up Thea. Thea said she's ready to throw up. Chase comes in and said his phone is blowing up. We then see hidden video  of Duke saying Chase U's losses lately aren't reflecting well on him or some of the other Chase U students. Duke says the conversation was taken out of context and Chase tells him if he has an issue to say something to him. Thea then asks to go. The audio was hard to hear for the hidden video camera.

Jensen is worked on by the doctor and says he is good. Fallon walks in and asks why Kiana was out there. Jensen defended Kiana and they argued about her. Fallon said Kiana doesn't like him and is just using him. Jensen says he likes her and she has to deal with it. Fallon said she won't help him pick up the pieces when she breaks his heart.

Valentina Feroz vs Thea Hail

No entrance for Thea, but Feroz oddly got one. Thea gets the better of her early and Feroz tries to escape a wristlock. Thea armdrags her then is shoulder thrown. Elektra Lopez comes out and Thea standing moonsaults Feroz. Feroz facekicks Thea and they collide with crossbodies in mid air. Duke and Chase argue then Lopez gives Feroz brass knucks. Feroz says she won't use them and gives them to the ref. Thea then does a twisting reverse neckbreaker on Feroz and wins it, not knowing what had just happened.

The match wasn't really too much to speak of and was short.

Melo and Trick are leaving then they walk into Apollo Crews. Crews mocks them for losing the tag match. Crews said he needs a fresh cut before celebrating and asks if they know a barber in town. Trick then says he ain't got no hair.

The announcers talk about Jay Briscoe passing away and they give their condolences. The news just came out during this show and it definitely brought it down some for me. The Briscoes were a great tag team and it sucks that they never really got to do their thing on a bigger stage. Rest in Peace to Jay and thanks for the memories.  It was very nice of WWE to do this.

Feroz is in the back and Lopez walks up to her. Feroz said she doesn't cheat and Lopez says she fights to win and get respect. Feroz says her and Sanga think the same. Lopez says you have to stand on your own to get ahead and tells her to watch her match against Wendy Choo next week.

The New Day came out. They said they are done with Pretty Deadly then asked who they would be up against at Vengeance Day if not them? Kofi said they would face Gallus. Pretty Deadly then came out. They said they were talking nonsense. TND said it's funny that they lost in the gauntlet match last week. PD said it's fair that they had to jump through hoops for them and TND said they should have made them do that. PD talked about Gallus then Gallus came out. Gallus said PD didn't deserve a shot at the tag titles and Gallus said they are back on top. They said The New Day is next and said they are about ruining everyone's good time. TND said they can tell they wanna fight and are ready when they are. PD then jumped both teams. The producers and refs tried to break up the fight and that was it.

Roxanne Perez and Lyra were interviewed. Perez said they are bonded by a common enemy and said they won't let T-A make their lives miserable. Javier Bernal then walked in witha  guitar looking for McKenzie. Javi said McKenzie bought his christmas album and Lyra told him to get out. We sadly did not get a song here. I didn't think it was the right time for this as it screwed up the build to the girls match tonight. 

Bron Breakker does a sit down interview. He said nobody wanted his match with Waller to end the way it did. He said he knows he is better than Waller but didn't get the satisfaction of beating him. Bron talked about what if's and said all questions would be answered at Vengeance Day. He said he is excited to face Waller in the cage as then he can't run and hide. He said he won't climb over the top to win, he will beat him in the middle of the ring. Bron said Waller's the best talker around and said Waller is selfish. He said Waller won't talk trash after he gets done with him and we will get a decisive winner.

Javier Bernal came out with a guitar, saying Feliz Javidad hit the Top 40. He sang a line then was interrupted by Tyler Bate.

Tyler Bate vs Javier Bernal

Bate pulls away his hand on a handshake then does his up and over and between the legs into a roll-up. JB puts a side headlock on him then Bate hits a dropkick and an armdrag. JB hits him from behind then hits a bulldog and clothesline. JB hits punches then is thrown on a bulldog attempt. Bate hits a flying euro then a flying euro from the 2nd rope. Bate exploder suplexes him and does a running SSP. JB is distracted and punched then Bate does it again. Bate then bounces off the ropes with a lariat. Bate hits a botched TIGER DRIVER 91 to win it.

This wasn't a big hit. I don't think people remembered or cared much about Bate. The match was short and kind of out of nowhere then the finish was botched. 

Chase U celebrates Thea's win in the back. Brooks and Jensen are bummed by Jensen said at least someone won tonight. Fallon said she is sorry but she wants what is best for Brooks. Fallon said she iwll try and make friens with Kiana. She then said she asked for a tag match and her partner is Kiana. They then hug and say drinks of Brigs tonight.

Gallus vs New Day vs Pretty Deadly is made official for Vegeance Day. Chance and Carter defend against Alba next week. Tiffany Stratton fights Indi Hartwell next week. We then have a Thea Hail Award Ceremony for next week.

Roxanne Perez and Lyra Valkyria vs Toxic Attraction

No intro for T-A which is shocking.

Everyone fights in the ring early and T-A rolls out. Perez dives on Jacy then Lyra dropkicks Gigi through the ropes. Lyra hits knees on Jacy and hiptosses Gigi. Jacy drops an elbow on Perez and pounds on her. Perez takes a cannonball then Gigi hits Kawada kicks. Perez and Jacy double facebuster each other.

Lya gets the hot tag in and hits lariats and kicks on Gigi then exploders Gigi. Cora Jade comes out and pushes Lyra off the top. Perez gets in and pounds on Jacy while lyra pounds on Cora. Gigi pump kicks Perez and Jacy accidentally pump kicks her own partner. Perez hits a russian leg sweep on Jacy and then hits a code red on Gigi to win.

Lyra was kind of good here and I liked that they had the T-A members nail each other. I didn't like T-A not getting an entrance though and this should not have been the main event.

Overall thoughts: It was a wrestling heavy show but nothing really stood out. There was a lot of build for Vengeance Day but the build wasn't that great and the eventual matches don't look that great either.

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