Thursday, January 2, 2014

WWF Prime Time Wrestling 3/16/1987 Review

WWF Prime Time Wrestling 3/16/1987 Review

I did a podcast on this show here:

I don't seem to have the 3/9 episode.

Gorilla said he shot some footage that he didn't delete when visiting Andre's camp.

Moondog Spot vs Hacksaw Jim Duggan
Jimmy Hart is on commentary which is natural since Spot was one of his protege's.

"The unpredictable Moondog Spot. The runt of the litter." - Gorilla

"What's a matter, Duncan?" - Hart | "It's Duggan." - Gorillla | "You call him what you wanna call him, I'll call him what I wanna call him." - Hart

Hacksaw Jim Duggan beat Moondog spot with the Three Point Stance clothesline. This wasn't too bad. Spot did a nice bump and Hacksaw was a bit motivated. It was about average which is sometimes more than you can expect at this time.

"His shoes don't fit him. He's probably got a nail in his shoe." - Heenan on Duggan's stomping
We got a Wrestlemania III report:
Jimmy Hart told Bob Uecker about the hair match and said Piper would go down.

Mary Hart met up with Bobby Heenan and Andre The Giant:
"I know all about the suplex, it's stunning. I know all about the clothesline, it's wicked. I also know that you're a weasel at heart, Bobby." - Mary Hart
"Andre, if you're such a great wrestler, why do you need a manager? Hulk doesn't need a manager." - Mary Hart | "You talk too much." - Andre the Giant
"Wrestlemania III, Hercules, we are gonna see who the real master of the full nelson is." - Billy Jack Haynes
"I wanna be there when you beat those guys at Wrestlemania III." - Dino Bravo on the Dream Team/Rougeau's match
"I can understand with the Bulldogs being upset but what's with the burrito brother Santana? What's his problem?" - Jim Neidhart
The Killer Bees vs Mike Sharpe and Tiger Chung Lee

"At Wrestlemania III, they gon' make honey out the Killer Bees." - Slick on Shiek/Volkoff
"What a .167 lifetime average? Bruno could hit that well and he never even played in Italy." - Ventura on Bob Uecker
Sharpe nails his own partner with the loaded wrist pad

Jim Brunzell got the pin when Blair dropped down and he dropkicked Lee. This was okay. Nothing special at all as it was a squash but the finish was kind of cool. Jim threw a great dropkick.

Gorilla grilled Heenan for spending his time focusing on Andre for WM3.

"My mama gave me my vocal chords. My mama gave me that guitar I was playing on that Snake Pit." - Honky | "Now we know who to blame for not gimmicking it correctly." - Me
"She said she's gonna stuff her bobby socks down your throat." - Honk talking about Peggy Sue's displeasure in Gene talking stuff on Honky
Honk talked about beating Jake at Wrestlemania and something he said cracked Gene up as he had to turn his head and laugh.

"Can't use the film, eh?" - Heenan | "She said I'm the host and I can use anything I like." - Gorilla, who just talked to Bobby's lawyer Kaye | "Well that wasn't her then. She wouldn't have said that. That was somebody else." - Bobby

Outlaw Ron Bass vs Special Delivery Jones
The epic rematch from two weeks ago:
Ron Bass won with a back elbow in a boring match. Lots of boring chants from the crowd and there was nothing of interest here. It was all SD selling before being put away.

Gorilla asked Heenan if he was betting on the WM3 outcome and he said he wasn't. Heenan said he didn't bet and Gorilla talked about some incident where Heenan promised dinner for a bunch of people to a mobster named Joe Tecchi.

Don Muraco and Ace Cowboy Bob Orton vs Golden Boy Danny Spivey and Jerry Allen
"What a technician. He has excellence of execution." - Gorilla

"The Connection's in very big trouble. Very big trouble." - Mr. Fuji on the Orton/Muraco vs Can Am's WM3 match

Ace got the win on Allen with a Superplex. The match was okay. There was nothing special or really bad about it but I would have liked to have seen Orton do more bumping and selling. After the match, the heels double teamed the faces until Spivey got the cane and cleared them out.

"That guy doesn't need a manager, he needs a keeper." - Heenan on JJ Funk | "You'd be a good manager for him." - Heenan to Gorilla
Pedro Morales vs Jimmy Jack Funk

"I know kung fu, karate and two other Japanese words and I know I can lick Alice Cooper any day." - Hart

Pedro Morales got the win with a backbreaker. This was short and not that good. Pedro just kept punching away here and not showing much of anything and JJ in turn didn't get to do much himself.

Heenan confirmed that Hogan was tough and it wouldn't be an easy fight, but Andre would win.

Jake did an interview:

"He took his best shot and didn't get the job done. What's a wounded animal like? You tell me." - Jake on the Honky guitar shot
Jake showed that he was pretty upset and couldn't wait to get his hands on Honky.
"I got enough trouble getting Ms. Betty to work yet alone managing a couple of girl wrestlers and getting them dressed and into the ring." - Heenan
WWF Women's Tag Team Championship - Judy Martin and Lelani Kai vs Velvet McIntyre and Angie Minelli

Judy Martin got the win with a nasty powerbomb on Angie Minelli. This was actually a good match. The girls were all very rough with each other which helped it. Martin bumped all over the place and Velvet really brought the fire as did Minelli. They even got a near fall or two in and the crowd got into this one. Very fun match here from the hidden gem women of the WWF. Rating:***

Gorilla Monsoon at Camp Andre
Heenan led Monsoon in circles and Monsoon said forget it and left.

Overall thoughts: This show wasn't that good. The women's match was really the only good thing here and the big Andre training reveal ended up being a fraud. Why did they shill it so much then? It was a waste of time and I don't recommend anything except the women.

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