Saturday, December 7, 2013

WCW Saturday Night 2/26/2000 - The Barbarian vs Villano V

WCW Saturday Night 2/26/2000 - The Barbarian vs Villano V

"Don't do that. You'll just hurt yourself." - Larry Z | "The Barb's got a head like a buffalo, man." - Larry Z

"You just gotta wear this guy down. The question is, do you have enough bodies to wear down his one body?" - Larry

"He just suplexed him by his head." - Larry
"Ooo! Kick of Fear." - Scott Hudson

The Barbarian won this with a Kick of Fear. Really fun squash here. Barb looked tough and awesome and I did like the obligatory "samoan's have hard heads" spot. Villano was fun here and stuff like this is why I miss WCW. You'd never see such random stuff anywhere else minus WAR.

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