Thursday, December 19, 2013

AJPW - RWTL 1986 - Giant Baba and Tiger Mask 2 vs Jumbo Tsuruta and Genichiro Tenryu

AJPW - RWTL 1986 - Giant Baba and Tiger Mask 2 vs Jumbo Tsuruta and Genichiro Tenryu

Tsurutaryu got the win here in a disappointing match. Nothing was wrong with it but it never got going and never really went anywhere. They were atleast 5-10 minutes away from a real finish. There weren't many highlights here aside from Baba breaking up some pins and Tenryu chopping the crap out of Baba. Tiger Mask Misawa really wasm't very good here and looked awkward doing TM's moves at all times.

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