Thursday, November 28, 2013

WCW Worldwide 5/11/1996 - Men at Work vs Manny Fernandez and Bart Sawyer

WCW Worldwide 5/11/1996 - Men at Work vs Manny Fernandez and Bart Sawyer

From -

"Do these men work on a construction crew or is it destruction?" - Bobby Heenan
"They're checking the blueprints now." - Bobby Heenan
"These Men at Work have been punching the clock for a long time together now." - Tony Schiavone | "What's with this hardware jargon you used? Punching the clock. Can't you say they've been together a while." - Bobby Heenan | "They've been nailed together quite a while." - Tony Schiavone | "Nailed together?" - Bobby Heenan | "Fine, riveted together." - Tony S.

"And down he goes to the roadside area." - Tony S.

"It's the Human Cement Mixer." - Tony | "Slam off the ropes." - Bobby
Men at Work got the win with the Cement Mixer. Funny match here. Tony was going nuts with hardware references and driving Heenan crazy. The crowds didn't care but the producers didn't care as they edited in cheers and boos anyway. Both teams were kind of akward here and this wasn't very good.

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