Wednesday, September 25, 2013

WWE Main Event 9/25/2013 Results and Review

WWE Main Event 9/25/2013 Results and Review

Last week's show is here:

The Uso's vs Fandango and Big E Langston

The Uso's won with a Samoan Splash on Big E. Not sure what that was all about. They had this one with Fandango and Big E not being able to work together and Fandango working or having an injury to his ankle on the outside. Big E looked really good here but this was just an odd match.

HHH talked about Miz, saying he isn't the superstar he thinks he is and he mostly just runs his mouth without backing it up.

The Big Show vs Damien Sandow

Show won with the KO punch in a quick and boring squash.

Justin Gabriel vs Curtis Axel

Axel won with the Axelizer. This one had good and not that interesting parts. They didn't pace it right though for the finish as Axel was fooling around outside and then came in and got the win. Heyman was good here though.

Overall thoughts: The show wasn't that great and was pretty average all around.

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