Wednesday, September 11, 2013

WWE Main Event 9/11/2013 Results and Review

WWE Main Event 9/11/2013 Results and Review

Last week's show is here:

Antonio Cesaro vs. Kofi Kingston
These two always match up well so this should be quite good.

Kofi Kingston won with the Trouble in Paradise kick. Great match here as usual. Cesaro's lariat was awesome as was his Swiss Death Uppercut on Kofi. Kofi wasn't that great here but Cesaro was in beast mode and continues to show why he is the best in the world. This is a must see match and it featured a 37 second, 25 rotation Giant Swing. Rating:***3/4

Tof went to the booth.

The Prime Time Players vs. 3MB
This one might be good. 3MB needs to bump around a lot and the faces need to toss them to make this work.

DY hit an awesome Misawa style roaring elbow early and clocked Slater good.

Titus won with the Clash of the Titus. This started out good but went too long which hurt it. The PTP's didn't get enough in either but everything DY did looked pretty good. ToF were on commentary and were pretty decent for the most part. They mostly talked strategy for Sunday with saving "Tons of Funk weren't made for marathons" and they said they needed to grab people and beat them.  Miz insulted their diets and weight and Brodus said, "I thought you're supposed to be the nice guy now".

R-Truth vs. Big E Langston

Big E won with The Big Ending. This was mostly a squash with the crowding dying here. Truth's dive to the outside looked bad.

Overall thoughts: Cesaro/Kofi was great and the big highlight here. Don't miss that match. The tag was fine too so overall it was a good episode of main event.

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