Tuesday, April 2, 2013

WWE Wrestlemania 19 Review

WWE Wrestlemania 19 Review

Welcome to Part 2 of my Wrestlemania 19 Review.
Part 1 is here - http://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2013/04/wrestlemania-19-review.html
Part 3 is here - http://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2013/04/wwe-wrestlemania-19-review_3.html

Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho
I remember being really excited for this one and hoping for Jericho to get the big win that he could have used.
Shawn tried to shoot confetti guns and atleast two of them didn't work .Why do confetti guns have so many problems always?

The pin
Shawn Michaels got the win with a reverse on a backdrop. Excellent old-school match. There were lots of submissions with Jericho launching a nice gameplan of working on HBK's back and HBK trying to fight through it. Jericho got cocky and mocked HBK's mannerisms and just couldn't put him away en route to losing. Good heat here and a very good performance and smart match from both guys. Rating:****1/2

I do think the wrong person won here though. HBK had little to gain and a loss to Jericho would have done him little harm. Jericho losing showed WWE's lack of faith in him and the fact that while they did try to push him before, he was always a secondary guy.
Jericho hugged HBK after the match then kicked him in the nuts.

Sylvan Grenier was in referee attire and looking for Vince.

They did a commercial for Goldberg, saying he would come to Backlash.

Limp Bizkit performeced and they did a catfight thing with Stacy Keibler, Torrie Wilson, The Coach and The Catfight Girls. The less said the better.

World Heavyweight Championship - Triple H vs Booker T
Ah, the infamous long crawl match. This was during Triple H's never ending title reign of terror. I was hoping Booker T would win this going into it, but I would have cheered Nathan Jones if he had a title match at that point.
There was some really awful commentary during the early portions with both JR and King agreeing that WCW was a joke.
King said, "Booker T was born on a pool table". He also said, "Booker T, whose family portrait is a courtroom sketch".
Triple H beat Booker T with a pedigree. The pin to get there wasn't as long as its made out to be but it was kind of silly. The match just wasn't that great. They didn't click and Triple H wasn't that interesting. The commentary was really bad though. King made Booker seem like such a loser that he telegraphed the finish. He really buried him.

Street Fight - If Hulk Hogan loses, he retires - Mr. McMahon vs Hulk Hogan

Hulk Hogan got the win with the legdrop. This was a long brawl but it wasn't too bad. Both men bled a lot and you have to give them credit for going all out at their old ages. Roddy Piper came down to get some shots on Hogan and McMahon and Sylvan Grenier came down to help Vince out too. IT wasn't enough though. Vince made some great evil faces and with his blood, it made for good shots. His legdrop off the ladder was also pretty cool. Good match, surprisingly. Rating:***1/2

Shane McMahon came down to check on his dad after.

This concludes Part 2 of my Wrestlemania 19 review. Stay tuned for Part 3!

1 comment:

  1. I agree about shawn beating jericho here being the wrong choice. but the match was a classic either ways :)

    hhh was, is and may still be for ever the worst ...

    I also didn't like hogan beating mcmahon ... and it took too long.
